Spring 2007 Newsletter
Spring time Canaans!
"Shani" owned by Jill Hillman of Indiana
"Sugar" owned by Heidi Hiller and her daughter Corey of Chicago
"Cybelle" owned by Michelle Harrington and Larry Myers of Ontario
"Macey" owned by Cheryl Kent and Bob Ardinger of Maryland
"Tally" finds an easter egg! Owned by Mary and Andy Reck of Michigan
"Lexi" owned by Wendy and Victor Sanchez of Minnesota
Seraphim "Phim" owned by Brandon Bartlett and his father, Jim of Oklahoma
"Mackenzie" owned by Wendy and Victor Sanchez of Minnestota
"Macc" and "Cybelle" among the trillums, owned by Michelle Harrington and Larry Myers of Ontario
"Dwight" digging for treasure, owned by Lane and Jay of Alberta
"Sam" on beach patrol in Australia, owned by
Chris Miller
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