
Moderator: Koh Thong Wei

Thong Wei is 26 years old. He is an ex-Rafflesian (RI, RJC). His first degree is a BSc in Computer Science and Information System from NUS. Thong Wei did a MSc/DIC in FAIT, Imperial College, London, and he is currently pursuing a DPhil in theoretical computer science at Brasenose College, Oxford University. His research is in the area of logic and proof theory.

Secretary: Lau Peet Meng

Peet Meng (or Bim) is 19 years old (turning 20 later this year). His educational background includes ACS and TJC, and is now here at Yale University to do a BA in Political Science and International Studies. His interest with the Web started when he met Chong Kee on the net through the Singapore Electronic Forum this February. Peet Meng is currently maintaining the Web pages for Cafe Vanda, an Asian Poets' Page, and an alumni page for ACS.


The Participants



Philip Yeo

A 48 years plus "old man". Schooling in St Joseph's Inst. Went to Canada under Colombo Plan scholarship in 1966. Graduated from Univ of Toronto in Industrial Engg (OR/Comp Sc) in 1970.

Joined Mindef as Head, Systems and Research, Logistics Division. In 1973, became Director of Finance Division - responsible for Defence Budget. In 1974, received M Sc in Systems Engg from Spore Univ (then).

Went to Harvard Business School on Fulbright Scholarship in 1974 and graduated with MBA in 1976.

Returned to Mindef in 1976 to assume appointment of Director of Logistics Division. Became Deputy Secretary of defence in 1978. In 1979, appointed Permanent Secretary of Defence (logisitcs, research and technology) and Chairman, Chartered Industries of Spore. Created the Systems and Computer Organization and Singapore Computer Systems. In 1981, created the Institute of Systems Science and established the National Computer Board and became Chairman (retiring in 1987).

Joined Economic Development Board as board memberin 1982. In 1984, established Spore Technologies group of companies (15,000 ees today) and listed 7 companies (1990-94). Retired in 1994. In 1986, took on the job of Chairman, EDB because of 1985 recession. He then became Chairman of Sembawang group of companies in 1994.

Still on loan to EDB.

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