
Advisor: Philip Yeo

A 48 years plus "old man". Schooling in St Joseph's Inst. Went to Canada under Colombo Plan scholarship in 1966. Graduated from Univ of Toronto in Industrial Engg (OR/Comp Sc) in 1970.

Joined Mindef as Head, Systems and Research, Logistics Division. In 1973, became Director of Finance Division - responsible for Defence Budget. In 1974, received M Sc in Systems Engg from Spore Univ (then).

Went to Harvard Business School on Fulbright Scholarship in 1974 and graduated with MBA in 1976.

Returned to Mindef in 1976 to assume appointment of Director of Logistics Division. Became Deputy Secretary of defence in 1978. In 1979, appointed Permanent Secretary of Defence (logisitcs, research and technology) and Chairman, Chartered Industries of Spore. Created the Systems and Computer Organization and Singapore Computer Systems. In 1981, created the Institute of Systems Science and established the National Computer Board and became Chairman (retiring in 1987).

Joined Economic Development Board as board memberin 1982. In 1984, established Spore Technologies group of companies (15,000 ees today) and listed 7 companies (1990-94). Retired in 1994. In 1986, took on the job of Chairman, EDB because of 1985 recession. He then became Chairman of Sembawang group of companies in 1994.

Still on loan to EDB.

Chair: Tan Chong Kee

Chong Kee's primary research interest is the interaction of the political, economic and cultural systems with creative writing in contemporary China. He is also interested in the contemporary development of Asian societies, esp those of Mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore. Chong Kee has written a book on the interplay of politics and traditional culture in the 'Xungen' (root searching) movement in China, published some short stories in Chinese and Esperanto, and is now enjoying the California spring.

Secretary:Chang Li Lin

Chang Li Lin is a PhD student at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, looking at economic and foriegn policies of Singapore. She holds a MA in International Relations (Kent) and a BA in Sociology and International Relations (Reading). In between her career as a professional student, she worked at the Institute of Policy Studies as a Research Officer.

Panelists: (Listed in the order their bio reached us)

Russell Heng Hiang Khng

Russell Heng went to RI and then did a Psychology degree at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, followed by more than a decade in the civil service working off a scholarship bond. A career in journalism followed where he was Features Editor of Sunday Times when he left. Other editorial duties included filling in for Tan Sai Siong, the Republic's foremost columnist, whenever she was on leave or too busy. Finding it hard to live up to the demands of Singapore's journalism, he left to be a fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies where he coordinates the Indochina research programme. Currently, he is on study leave at the Australia National University to write his PhD thesis on the role of the mass media in the political process of Vietnam (NOT Singapore).

Tan Chade Meng:

Chade Meng is a Software Engineer in the Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore. He holds an Honours degree in Computer Engineering from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He specializes in Neural Networks and Computer Vision.

Chade Meng may look like just another boring engineer. Do not be fooled by his appearance though. If you look closely, you'll see that he uses not one pocket protector but two. He spends most of his free time doing boring things like reading, net-surfing, and contemplating on the future of his country, while he should really be doing more meaningful things like playing "Doom".

In his younger days, Chade Meng received some training in counselling and he spend some time voluntering as a counsellor in Ren Ci Counselling Centre. He is a practicing Buddhist, and has read and written rather extensively on Buddhism. He is now in the middle of building his own Buddhism website. Chade Meng also has keen interests in philosophy, psychology and history.

Chade Meng likes to think of himself as a funny guy with nothing better to do than to live his simple life. At the end of the day, he is a simple man who finds happiness in simple joys of life, like a glass of rootbeer-float, an email from a good friend, or a moment spent in quiet meditation.

Yeo Lay Hwee

Yeo Lay Hwee studied in NUS from 1982-86, majoring in Political Science and Chinese Studies and did her Honours Programme in Political Science. Upon graduation, she worked in MINDEF as a Research Officer for about 3 years. Thereafter, she left MINDEF to pursue her MA degree in the University of Canterbury, NZ. Her Thesis was on the "Modernisation of China and Its Impact on ASEAN." Lay Hwee Returned to Singapore in 1990 and rejoined the Civil Service, this time as Information Officer in MITA. She left after one-and-a-half years for a position as Lecturer in the University of Macau and has recently joined IPS on 15th of June this year as a Research Associate.

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