Chapter 9
I woke up wonderin if last night on da roof had been a dream but I wes so thankful when I realized it wesn't. Jack Kelly had asked me out on a date! I squirmed in bed from excitement. Jumpin down rom my bunk I grabbed one of my many Newsie outfits from 2001. I also got out a towel and razor. I hadn't shaved my legs all week, not dat it really mattered cuz I dropped wearin shorts da first day. I got out of da shower dryin my hair jes like Skitts. Da odda guys were in da wash room by now.

"Mornin, Heidi. Sell wid me today?" Blink asked.

"Sure." I walked to me bunk and saw Spot still in bed. I messed wid his hair, "Come on sleepy head, wake up." Thinkin I wes one of da guys, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, gaspin when he saw my grinnin face. "Geez, don't get too mad at me." He didn't let go but loosened his grip, starin into my eyes. His did dat oh so dreamy color change thin.

"Sorry Heidi, I thought you were one of da guys." Finally he let got and got out headin for da washroom. I got through makin my bed when Blink walked out.

"You ready?"

"Yep, let's go." We got ta da DO and met up with Kelly.

"Mornin Jack."

"Mornin Heidi." He gave me a hug and I felt like meltin in his arms.

"Sleep betta?"

"Sua did, thanks fa asking." The gates opened and Oscar and Morris scowled at me and Blink. I couldn't help but smirk when I saw Morris's swollen eye. Blink and I went to our usual spot by Central Park. A group of rich guys came up towards me. They were da same guys who i met on me first day in New York. Oh gosh. Well, least my legs were covered. The guy who had given me da sick grin came up ta buy a pape. For da foist time I got a good look at him. He didn't look hot but wasn't too bad. He had gelled back blonde hair and green eyes.

"I'se seen a lot of you dis week, miss." He said givin me a nickel.

"Scuse me?" I asked while rummagin through my pockets for change.

"Don botha wid da change. Yeah, foist Monday on da streets, that's when you walked away from me. Wasn't very nice of ya. Then you sang at Medda's Thoisday. You'se got a wondaful voice."

"Um thanks..."

"Mat, Matthew Devinsky."

"Thanks Mat."

"How would ya like to go ta Medda's dance wid me tanight?"

"Well I'se awready been asked."

"By who?" I didn't like his tone of voice but replied, "Jack Kelly." His eye narrowed, so he knows Jack.

"Oh, well save me dance then?"


"Well I'd betta be goin. Guys please buy a pape from dis beautiful goil." His buddies all came forward and each gave me a nickel for a pape.

"See ya tanight, Heidi." he put his arm round my waist and gave me a little squeeze. I would of resisted but it all happened too fast.

"Ok, bye Mat." I made a note ta myself only to dance wid dis guy once. Shortly afta I finished sellin and headed back to da big oak where Blink was awready waitin for me.

"Hey, you'se done. Great!"

"Yeah, I got a bunch of good tips," I took out my nickels and gave half ta Blink.

"Thanks but.."

"Come on, ya know I don't need it."

"Thanks." He leaned ta kiss me but I didn't see and sat up.

"Let's go ta Tibby's it's late."

"Uh yeah ok." He was disappointed cuz I hadn't seen him make his second move. We entered da doors round one-thoity but Spot and Jack were still waiting fer us.

"You'se late anythin go wrong?" spot asked concoined.

"Oh, no jes that some of me customers felt like talkin."

"Ok." We ordered our food.

"So uh, Spot who you'se takin ta Medda's tanite?"

"I wes gonna ask you but Jacky boy beat me to ya." Blink looked a little disappointed, obviously he hadn't hoid yet.

"Yep early boid gets da woim." I felt stupid referrin ta meself as a woim and started laughin.

"Well you's godda me da prettiest woim I'll eva see!" Jack joked.

"Ah, shuddup ya know wad I meant Jackpecker." Ok dat was really korny but dey all laughed. Afta eatin we went to da tracks where Race and Davey where. Race seemed ta be havin a good day. He had sold all his papes and it looked like his horse was gonna win.

"Hey guys...whoa look at her fly!" Race said not turin ta look at us.

"Hi fellas, Heidi!" Davey had actually turned round. We pretty much got absorbed wid da race afta dat.

"Come on, come on. One more bend, jes one moa...! whoo-hoo! I won, I won!" Race was jumpin up and down and den he grabbed me waist and swung me round. We went wid him to get his winnings. I glanced at my watch and saw it was already five.

"Hey guys, I gotta go ta Sarah's now."

"I'll go wid ya," Davey said. "I'se got some stuff ta do."

"Alright, bye guys!" I said.

"See ya Heidi, bye Davey!" Spot and Blink yelled. Jack pulled me aside and whispad, "6:30 ok?"

"Yeah, dats fine. See ya den." Dave and I started headin ta his apartment.

"Ya takin anyone to da dance?" I asked.

"Judy she lives three doors down."

"No wonda ya wanted ta go home early."

"Yeah, she's eatin dinner with us. You stayin till then?"

"No, Jack's takin me out somewhere."

"Oh." We walked up da stairs and he opened da door for me.

"You're here great!" Sarah said. I greeted Mrs. Jacobs and wes introduced to her husband. "Well, we have to get ready now." Sarah led me to da room. There on da dresser was a beautiful silk black dress. It matched my taste cuz of its simple design. She tossed a slip to me and I started changin.

"Oh, Sarah it's beautiful. Thank you fer letting me borrow dis!" I slowly slipped it on over my head.

"Actually, it's yours. It doesn't fit me anymore. I must admit it looks nicer on you then it did on me." I admired myself in da mirror. The front scooped down but wasn't too low. The bodice was jes right, not to tight yet fitting and the skirt flowed down. The sleeves jes covered my shoulders.

"Here are da shoes which came with it. Now let's see what should we do wid yer hair?"

"We could curl it and pin it up with dese." I took out some red flower clips I had put in my pocket.

"That would look great!" she went to the kitchen to get the hot curlers and began placin them in my hair.

"The shoes fit jes right!" I said liftin da skirt to show dem off.

"Great! Ok let's take dese out of yer hair." The first strand came out poifectly and so did da rest. I kept havin dis fear dat I'd end up lookin like Sarah did at da rally but I didn't. Da whole outfit was wondaful. I borrowed some of Sarah's makeup while she got herself ready. She put on a beautiful evergreen dress which really brought out her pale complexion. I turned from da mirror and looked at Sarah. "You look so perfect!"

"What am I gonna do wid my hair?"

"I know jes da thing." I grabbed some rubber bands from me pants' pocket an put it up in a hair net.

"Oh, that's so pretty! Thank you."

"Yer welcome." Jes den Dave knocked and opened da door. He was speechless for a sec and finally said, "You two look nice. Um, Heidi, Jack's here."

"Thanks so much Sarah! I'll see you tonight." I scooped up my clodes and headed for da door.

"Where is he Dave?"

"He awready headed downstairs."

"Ok see ya tanight."

Chapter 10
I began descendin da stairs pretendin I wes Cinderella. Sure enough at da bottom of da stair was my prince charmin. He wored da same suit he had at da Rally. He turned his head and saw me walkin down da stairs. He took me hand and led me da rest of da way down.

"You look so...beautiful." He smiled.

"Thanks, Jack you look terrific too." We dropped my stuff off at da Lodgin House and den he pointed in da direction of da pretty well off district. He stopped in front of a nice French restaurant. Oh, please don't be expensive!

"Here we are at Bon Appetit."

"Wow, dis is an awfully pretty place."

"Poifect fer an awfully pretty goil." I almost tripped but didn't. The waiter came and seated us.

"Oh good," I sighed lookin at da menu, "they aren't in French." The prices were reasonable too. We ordered our food and I told him how I got tipped nicely today.

"Yer such a charmer." Jack said laughin. We didn't say much fer awhile but Jack den said, "What ya gonna do if you'se stuck here Heidi?" Our waiter came and brought us our food.

"I've sorta thought bout it, Jack. I constantly keep tellin myself to try not ta get used to leavin hea in case I do get home. But den I have to cuz it's likely I may neva get back. If I stay I may jes be a Newsie a few moa years and den maybe start a show at Medda's.'

"Well, how do ya like it here with me....and da guys?"

"I love livin wid you and da oddas Jack! It's everythin I could eva want. I do miss me family and friends but not to da point I'm dying. I'm so happy hea I admit dat I don't have much time ta even think bout it." He smiled knowin he made me happy. I returned to my chicken gordon bleu which was very yummy.

On finishin the meal we headed ta Medda's . We got there just in time and saw several groups and couples walkin in . We went inside lookin for familiar faces. We saw Blink and Spot standin with Mush and Race and we started walkin towards em. As soon as dey saw me deir jaws dropped. We walked up to 'em and Jack closed Spot's mouth for him.

"Hi guys! Nice night ain't it?" I asked.

"Wow ya look awfully grand," Blink said.

"Beautiful," Spot got out.

"Yep, Sarah fixed you up real good," Race said. Mush had now been joined by a goil.

"Heya Heidi, dis hea is me goil Rachael." She had dirty blonde hair just down to her shoulders and grey eyes.

"Pleased ta meet ya. Mush is really nice, yer a lucky goil."

"Thanks yer awfully sweet."

"So where's da rest of you'se dates?"

"We don't got any," Race said sheepishly.

"Oh come on wad is dis? You tellin me dat no goil no goil is interested in Racetrack Higgins, Kid Blink, or even da famous Spot Conlon?"

"I wes gonn ask you'se," Spot said,"but Jacky boy beat me."

"Hey don't feel bad I'll dance with you'se."

"Really?" Blink poiked up suddenly lookin bedda.

"Coise ya didn't think jus cuz I came wid Cowboy dat I'd dance wid him da whole night did ya?"

"I do get da last dance dough right?"


"Velcome, vone and v'all!" Medda had now walked on stage. "Vis everyone ready for a night of fun?" She was answad by a bunch of shouts and whistles. "Vell, let's start this party! " The music kicked up and Medda started singin. Jack took my hand and started swirling me. My legs moved to da rhythm.<{P> "Hey Jack I can dance!"

"Course you'se great too!"

"No, I mean I'se neva dance like dis befoa, we do things differently back home."

"Is it betta?"

"No way, I'd much radda be here!"

"Good!" Da next song started up right afta da foist and Spot came up and asked me ta dance.

"Just in time," I said cuz a bunch of guys had started ta walk ova ta me.

"Hey I'se Spot Conlon, if any guy comes befoa me that's only Jack Kelly."

"Oh so ya do let oddas go befoa ya!"

"Not funny." he pinched my arm and I playfully retaliated by steppin on his foot.

"Okay, geez..." he smiled.

Da next tune was a slow song and Blink had da honor of dancin with me. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. He looked oh so good and I was tinglin all ova! I gently ruffled da back of his hair wid my hand. He didn't say nothin but jest looked at me, his eye full of happiness. Da song unfortunatey ended and we went ta get some punch. Blink got me a glass and I sniffed it, "Don't worry it ain't spiked, I checked," he told me reassuringly.

"Thanks." Jes den Snoddy walked ova escortin Sarah.

"Heya Heidi," he said, "this is me goil."

"Sarah, we'se awready met if ya don't rememba. She's da one who fixed me up tonight."

"And she did an excellent job!" Jack said comin ova.

"Hey Jack." I smiled. Da music started again and I was tapped on da shoulda. I turned around and saw Race.

"Hey ya Heidi how's bout dancin one wid me?"

"Love ta Race!" I took his hand and we danced toda lively foxtrot. Da night went on. I danced one moa time wid Jack and twice wid Blink. Davey broke away from his sweetheart for one song and asked me. Mush and Snoddy also came up and asked me ta dance.

I was dancin a slow one wid Spot and his eyes sparkled da whole time. Ooooo! I love dat tingly feeling! Da song ended and he slowly let me go. Medda walked ova and asked me ta sing somethin. I walked up to da stage and broke out wid Bei Mir Bist Du Schon. Jack, Spot, and Blink didn't dance while I sang and jes watched me. In da crowd I saw Mat. He noticed me too and winked. He broke from da goil he was dancin wid and met me at da end of da stage when I finished. As soon as I got off da band broke out inta anodda slow one.

Mat took my hand and drew me real close. "I knew I'd find ya! You look so..." he didn't finish da sentence. Maybe cuz he had me so close he couldn't look at me dat well.

"I was lookin fer ya," I lied inta his ear. I had really hoped he wouldn't see me, dere was somethin bout him I did not like. He started pullin me away from da crowd. When da song ended, Mat still held me close and he rubbed his nose along my neck. Finally, he drew me back.

"Heidi, can I talk ta ya some place else?"

"Um ok." As long as you aren't touchin me I'm fine. We walked outside to da cool air and started walkin down da side of da buildin. "Sure is stuffy in dere." I leaned back against da wall.

"Yeah it is," he got closer and took my face in his hands. Den he began makin out wid me all sloppy. I pushed him back.

"Hey, I thought ya wanted ta talk!?"

"We jes did." Then he started kissin my neck.

"Well, if we're done let me go. I'm goin back inside."

He stopped and looked at me wid a smirk. "Matthew Devinsky don't take odas from nobody!" Great, anodda Spot.

"Yeah well I jes gave ya some. I'se don't like guys who move to fast."

"Hm well I happen ta like goil who don't like guys like me."


"It's fun playin wid da ones dat are hard ta get."

"I ain't playin."

"Well I am so live wid it." He placed his lips on mine again. Oh, dis guy is gonna regret dis. With all my might I shoved him against da next buildin. He slightly slumped and reached ta grab me but I went behind him. I tapped his shoulda and he spun around only ta meet my fist. His head hit da wall and dat left him out cold.

I walked back ta Irving Hall and on enterin da door was met by Jack, Spot, and Blink.

"Where'd ya go?" Blink asked.


"Where's dat moidurer Mat dat was wid ya?" Spot questioned.

"Wait, Mat's a killer?" I did not know dis!


"Hm, well we walked outside and he said he wanted ta talk ta me. He said no less den five woids and well you know him."

"We do, so whea is he?" Jack asked.

"I took care of him," I was grinnin, "shoved him gainst da wall, punched him in da face, he hit da wall and now he's out cold." I expected dem ta laugh but dey didn't.

"Ya knocked him out?" Jack asked.

"Uhhuh, I didn't want ta make out wid him and he wouldn't stop. So I knocked him out. He's probably still in da alley."

"Not good," Blink murmured.

"Dis is terrific, we'se godda get ya out of hea." Spot said.


"Cuz Mat Devinsky always get ya back." Jack said.


"He don't let anyone get away wid soakin him," he continued, "we'se godda get ya out of hea now."

"Hey, she can go ta Brooklyn wid me tomorra. Mat won't make his move tanight."

"Good idea Spot." Jack commented.

"Yeah but fer now we bedda go ta da Lodgin House." Blink said.

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah, we'se ain't gonna let ya go by yerself," he said.

"Besides da party won't be much fun widout ya!" Spot stated.

"Hehe, ok let's go." Da four of us left Irving Hall still hearin Medda's voice several streets down. When we got ta da Lodgin House, I began packing some clothes. Da guys went out ta da fire escape ta talk. I couldn't hear wad dey were sayin so I started hummin Bei Mir Bist du Schon ta meself. I pulled out my journal and began updatin on my life in New York.

Da guys all came in and Spot asked, "You'se ready ta leave tomorra?"

"Yeah, all ready."

"Ok well since tomorra's Sunday we sleep in so we'se ill leave round nine."

"Sua," oh Sunday good thin I know whea St. Patrick's is. I was bout ta ask if dey'd let me go ta choich but knew dey weren't gonna let me go by meself. Not wantin ta drag any of dem up since I had know wad religious background dey had I decided ta ask Race when he got back.

"Hey Heidi tell us bout dem dances back home." Jack said.

"Well um," I pulled my head phones out and turned da tape ova ta Janet Jackson's �All for You'. We dance ta stuff like dis." I let each of dem listen for a few minutes. They looked a little surprised at foist but den deir heads started bobbin wid da beat.

"Now dat you'se got da tune in ya head I'll show ya how most people dance." Then I moved in closer and began dancin. They soon caught on and followed my example. Dey were not dat bad. " See nothin to it. Really stupid if ya ask me."

"Interesting," Spot commented.

"How'd ya slow dance?" Blink asked hopin I'd show him.

"Da same way."

"Uh huh." He was disappointed dat I didn't show him. Jes den da odda guys stormed in from da party. It was jes now chimin two on da clock downstairs. Race was gettin outa da wash room and headed ta his bunk.

"Hey Race?" I walked ova ta him.

"Oh hey Heidi where'd ya go?"

"I uh had a run in wid Mat Devinksy and soaked him. I'se leavin tommora fer Brooklyn but was wonder if you'd take me ta choich if you were plannin on goin."

"Yer Catholic?" I nodded. "Wow didn't think of dat befoa. Sure, mass starts at seven thoity."

"Thanks, wake me if I ain't up."

"Sure." I jumped up to me bunk and was sleeping good til roudn 4:30. I had an awful dream dat Mat was stabbin me wid a knife. I joiked up wid a cry dat woke Blink. I was takin real deep breathes. Blink got down and quietly jumped up next ta me. Afta wipin da sweat from my brow he held me and began carressing my hair.

"Is ok Heidi, Spot'll take care of ya." He turned his head and kissed me forehead. I rested my head on his chest.

"Thanks Blink."

"Fer what?"

"Fer carin so much." I closed my eyes and nodded off in his arms. I opened my eyes a few hours later and saw Race gettin ready. Blink had gone back ta his bed and was still sleepin along wid da oddas.

"Come on goil it's 6:50, you'se got 15 minutes ta get ready."

"Thanks Race," I grabbed some clodes and got changed quickly. I walked to my bunk and braided my hair.

"Awwright I'm ready."

"Ok den let's go." I took his arm and we quietly crept down da stairs. We got ta da choich right on time cuz as soon as we found a seat, Mass started in Latin. Oh goody. So while Race and everyone responded I jes stood dere.

"Was da matta?" Race asked.

"Um we say mass in English."

"Really? Wow! That sure is nice." Afta mass we headed strraight back ta da Lodgin House.

"Dere ya are!" Spot said.

"Where'd ya go?" Jack asked concerned.

"Uh ta mass wid Race. I'm not late am I?"

"No but it's almost nine."

"Ok," I reluctantly replied, "let me say good-bye ta everybody." I walked round patting heads and shoulders.

"Bye Heidi." "We'll miss ya." Hmm I guess woid had spread of last nights incident.

"Hey come back soon k?" Mush said.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. See ya Mush!" I walked out findin Blink lean gainst da wall. I was gonna punch him but decided not ta. Instead, I gave him a hug. "See ya Blink. I'll be back soon so don't look so glum and dumb."

"Ok, I'll miss ya."

"Me too Blink." I turned round lookin fer Jack and saw da open window. I climbed out onto da roof. Sure enough dere he was lookin down da side of da buildin. He turned ta me and smiled.

"Hey Jack, Spot's ready ta go so I came ta say good-bye."

"Things ill be different wid out ya. I'se gotta get used ta havin Kloppman wake me up again."

"Aw, Jack come on I'll be back as soon as dis thin blows ova."

"Yeah I know."

"Well, I betta not keep Spot waitin."

"Ok" I walked ova and hugged him real tight. As I drew away he brushed my cheek wid his strong hand and lightly kissed my lips befoa lettin go. Oooh! Jack Kelly jes kissed me!!!!!! I'm gonna die! Breathe...relax oh gosh! I don't know how I managed gettin off da roof without fallin but I did. I went ova ta get my bug but it was gone.

"Hey where's my.."

One of my boys was hea from last night and I asked him ta take it." Spot said.

"Thanks." I got my purse and he held out his arm. I gladly took it. Before we went down da stairs I turned to get one last look. I didn't know how long I'd be gone. I saw Blink sittin on his bunk starin blankly at da ceilin. Jack was now comin in lookin all depressed. I hope i come back soon. I looked back at Spot and smiled. "Ok Spot I'se ready ta see Brooklyn." We walked down da stairs and out da door.

Chapter 11
We talked all da way. "You'se gonna like Brooklyn"

"I'm sua I will"

"Some of da guys may seem tough but deys soft at heart." By dat time we was on da bridge. I stopped suddenly. "What?" Spot asked lookin confused.

"I godda do somethin real quick." I walked to da railin, leaned ova, and screamed. I lifted my head and turned around, "Always wanted ta do dat."

Spot started laughin. "Whad ya laughin at Conlon? Ya makin fun of me?"

"Oh, no us it's jes...ha!" He boist out laughin again and I jes walked away leavin him dere. "Hey wait up!" He came joggin afta me.

Shortly we reached da Brooklyn House which was (duh!) at da docks. It was round 10:30 so da place wes desoited. "Brooklyn newsies actually sell papes, ain't dat something," I mumbled.


"Oh, nothin." We walked in da Lodgin House. It wasn't like Manhattan cuz when ya entered da lobby and went left past da wallm all da bunks where dere. I started to go in and find my stuff but Spot said, "You'se ain't stayin hea. Come on upstairs." I followed him up da stairs. There was a small hallway wid two doors. He opened da foist and escorted me in. There was a single set of bunks on da back wall.

"So Spot Conlon does have his own room." Den, I noticed my bags by da bunks.

"Yeah I do, where'd ya hear dat?"

"In some of da fan fic bout ya."

"Oh, yeah. Wad else dey say bout me?"

"Dat yer a player and ya sleep wid some new goil almost every odda week." Once again, he boist out laughin.

"Whad so funny, is it true?"

"True!? Oh God! No! Everybody knows I'se a voigin. If ya told anyone dat stuff bout me they'd be laughin too. I haven't even had a goil fer a whole month."

"You, a virgin! A whole month! Come on Spot every goil wants ya."

"Dat don't mean I'se want dem. Yeah, dey throw themselves at me but I ain't dat kinda guy."

"This is news. So I can jes assume I'll be stayin hea wid you'se."

"Yep, most of da guys I'se can trust. But I don't wanna take any chances."

"I undastand. Hey Spot, dere a kitchen hea? I'se hungry."

"Yeah, downstairs." We headed down and went ta da kitchen. I looked through da cabinets an found sem eggs, flour, and whaddeva else I needed ta make pancakes. Spot sat on da counter and watched me fix da batter.

"Ya makin pancakes fer lunch?"



"Will da guys come hea ta eat?"

"No not taday."

"Good cus dere ain't enough badda ta make enough food for more dan two people."


"Yea, you and me. Don't think I'm makin dis fer meself."


"Mmm, dat was good!" Spot said wipin some syrup off his lips.

"Glad ya liked it." He helped me wash da dishes. Imagine dat, Spot Conlon helpin wid da choas! "So wad we gonna do now?"

"Normally, when dere's a new Newsie in Brooklyn we teach em how ta fight. But you'se already now how ta." We started walkin outside to da docks. "So, let's see how good ya are wid a slingshot." He took his out and handed me a real good shoota. Takin da slingshot and shoota, I aimed at a bottle dat was three docks down. And let her fly. I grinned only havin done dis a few million times. Da bottle instantly shattad.

"Woa!" Spot took of his hat and rung his fingas through his hair.

"I think I awready know how ta use dis. Sides, I got me own upstairs." Jes den some Newsies started comin up. One of dem yelled, "You break dat bottle Spot?"

"Nope, I did."

"Yeah right, yer a goil!" anodda yelled as he stopped walkin and leaned gainst a crate dat had anodda battle right next to his head. I looked at Spot, he grinned and handed me anodda shoota. I lifted, aimed, and da broke. Da guy jumped a mile high.

"Ok, ok we believe ya," da foist one said throwin his hands up.

"Next time she tells ya somethin Brass, take er woid." Spot said. Da group started walkin ova to us. Brass, hm, good name. Dis guys hands were so big I bet dey felt like brass when dey went round ya neck. He wasn't to bad lookin. His hair was long, curly and brown and he appeared to have chestnut eyes. Da guy who'd foist talked was very cute and tan too! It appeared his brown hair was growin out of a crew cut and he had milky brown eyes. He was da tallest of da four guys and looked very muscular. My theory was correct when he took his shoit off and I saw da muscles fer meself.

"It's hot taday ain't it Spot?">{? "Yeah, it is Brick. Oh guys, dis is Heidi. She's in some trouble wid Devinksy so she's stayin hea fer awhile. Heidi, dis is Brass, Brick, Shiner, and Fish." Dey all came forward and kissed my hand while Spot rolled his eyes.

"Nice ta meet ya!" I smiled. Shiner was short had black hair and blue eyes while Fish was a total opposite. He had long legs, blonde hair, and brown eyes.

"Anythin new happen?" Spot asked.

"Nope, Max didn't give us no trouble if dats whad yer askin. I did get a new goil..." Brass drifted off sighin.

"Oh, dat all." I assumed he was a real ladies' man.

"She ain't like da last ones dough."

"I'se hoid dat befoa."

"So how'd ya get in trouba wid Devinsky?" Brick asked.

"I, uh soaked him."

"Why'd ya do dat?!" he lisked like I wes stupid or something.

"Cuz he wouldn't stop kissin me."

"Well," Brick started, "most goils don't try ta stop Devinsky."

"I ain't most goils."

"Dats good ta know."

"So Spot, we gonna show her round Brooklyn?" Fish asked.

"Naw. I'll do dat tomorra afta sellin." Hm, he said I as in himself.

"Can ya at least let her come wid us ta get dinna?"

"I guess so." he said reluctantly.

All dat aftanoon we stayed on da docks talkin/ More Newsies would sometimes come by. I ended up tellin them I was from da future. Strangely enough dey believed me. We got ta watch the beautiful sunset. Spot looked sooo hot with da rays catchin his face. I hoped he didn't notice me starin at him. When da last rays sunk unda da earth da guys took me wid em ta get some grub. Spot stayed behind and I got two ordas of fish and chips. We got back and I gave Spot his food. He wes bout ta hand me some money but I told him it was on me.

Da rest of da night went like it did in Manhattan. Dere were boys sitting round talkin and some were playing poker. I joined in on a few games and won some money which I divided among some the younger boysRound 10:30 I said food night. Trudgin up da stairs I went ta da bathroom and changed.

I walked back inta Spot's room ta find him gettin undressed. He was bout ta hop up on his bunk when I hugged him. "Thanks for takin me hea Spot." He looked surprised dat I'd hugged him.

"Hey no problem. Afta all, I'se don't want nothin ta happen ta ya."

"Hmm..night Spot."

"Night Heidi."


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