Chapter 5

Three days till the championships brought Elizabeth once again early to the stables. She did her usual groomin and workout with Fury. Sheepshead was now bustling with activity as the other horses filled da track to practice their runs. Elizabeth loved all the excitement. As she was putting Fury back in his stall, she noticed a note lyin on da brush shelf. She picked it up and read it over.

Elizabeth,When ya get back and have Fury all settled in, come meet me behind stable number 3 near the storage shed. Tom

"Hm," she thought aloud, "he probably need me to help get stuff fer da odda stable boys dat have come in to town. Well Fury, enjoy yer rest. I'll see ya later boy." She kissed his velvet muzzle befoa walkin out to da shed.

When she got dere it wasn't Tom she met but Scott who was accompanied by several jocks. None of them looked happy to see her and Scott had his arms folded over his chests.

"Hi guys. I'm looking fer Tom, but he obviously isn't here so I guess I'll be leaving now." She said about to turn.

"Don't leave just yet. Yestaday, we got da news dat Steve's bedridden with scarlet fever. He's not going to ride at the end of the week. We also heard your going to ride at the Championships. Now ya know i can't have ya do dat."

"And why not Scott?"

"Cuz neida I or dese guys will be shown up by a goil."

"So ya think I'se got a good chance of winning? I must have ya pretty scared Scott."

"I didn't say you were gonna win."

"Den if dats whad ya think why don't ya want me ta race?"

"Well, we don't want ya bein dere at all, bad enough I lost to ya last week awready."

"Why don't we just see how good I really am."

"Cuz, we ain't gonna give ya da chance." Wid dat, he grabbed herwrists and anooda jock came up, switchblade in hand. She drew her breath at da site of da cold steel and looked at Scott bewildered.

"You'se got to be kiddin, Scott!"

"No, we're not kidding. We're serious Elizabeth, dead serious."

Dis was scaring da heeby-geebies out of her but she wasn't on the point of panicing. She remembad some self- defense moves Tom had taught her and wuickly swung her leg round to kick him in da groin. Due to his shock, he released his hold on her and she immediately took off for da back gate which lead out into da streets of New York. Scott and da jocks pursued her as she ran as fast as she could. Jes when she thought she was bought to collapse, someone pulled her into an alley.

She was terrified til she found herself lookin into Race's eyes. "Oh Race, thank goodness it's you..."

"Sh!" He put his finger overher lips, "come on we got ta get ya to da Lodgin House. You'll be safe dere."

They carefully raced up the streets til they approached a two story building. Dey entered an empty lobby and Race led Elizabeth upstairs. Not until after he place her on his bunk did she relax and begin grasping for air.

"You alwright?" He asked putting his arms round her.

"Thanks to you, I am now."

"Why was dat bastard chasing ya?"

"He found out I'm racing at da Finals."


"So, he told abunch of odda jocks who sided with him and dey all were bought to kill me."

"Jes cuz yer a goil! Whad some guys will do fer deir reputations!"

"I knew he had a big ego but I woulda neva though he'd try to kill someone."

"Well yersafe hea. I'se gonna make sua of dat."

"Wad will dat Kloppman guy say bout dat?"

"Don't worry I'll talk to him."

"And my uncle? Who's gonna..." jes den Jack appeared in da room.

"Elizabeth, whad are ya doing hea?"

"Dats it! Jack will go!" Race said.

"Whad? Where am I going? Would eidda one of ya like to explain?"

"Scot found out Elizabeth's racing at the New York state finals. He and a bunch of odda jocks didn't like dat idea and today they went afta here. Luckily, I got to her befoa dey did."

"So wad do ya need me ta do?"

"Aren't you going to meet Tom today?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh yeah, at Tibby's, so ya want me to tell him, to tell yer uncle where ya are."

"Yer smart Jack." she said.

"Coise I am, dats why I'se da leader." He got a punch in da shoulda from Race who said, "Drop da smart ass remarks and start heading ta Tibby's.

"Sua thin Race. You take care of Elizabeth now. I'll send someone ova wid food." Wod dat he headed down da stairs.

"Guess I'll take a shower some odda time." he said to himself.

Race and Elizabeth amused themselves playing cards. During a game of war, she unfolded her past to him.

"I'se an orphan too, if ya haven't guessed. My parents were out on a 2nd honeymoon in Texas when deir coach was hijacked by a bunch of bandits. Da bastards who'd robbed da coach left no survivors. Word reached me a week after it occurred; I was only ten. My uncle became my legal guardian and he inherited my father's racing horses adding them to some of his own. So I'se been round horses and da stables all me life."

"Does it hurt ta talk bout yer parents?"

"Not any more. Not like cryin will bring em back."


"So why do ya like da track so much?"

"Well guess cuz I like ta bet, plus, I enjoy seeing em run, it's so....."


"Yeah, exactly."

"It's even moa so when yer in da saddle."

"I know, I felt it da odda day, it wes like flying."

Round two, Snoddy came by and dropped off sem bratwurst fer dem. Dey oh so gladly accepted da food and Race paid fer both deir meals. They mouthed their thanks to him in between bites. Dey also talked him into stayn awhile to play a few rounds of poker. Shortly afterwards, more newsies came in. Dey whea all happy to see Elizabeth. Jack had told everyone wad had happened. While she was talkin to Blink, an elderly man came upstairs and was talking to Boots. He pointed to Elizabeth. Race noticed and got up to talk wid him. As he came back to da group Jack asked, "So wads da verdict?"

"Well, Liz," he said tryin ta look disappointed," he said.... he said ya could stay."

"Dats terrific!" She jumped into his arms while Race was radda taken a back.

"But he ain't gonna let ya stay fer free."

"I don't have any money wid me, dough."

"I know, so he said he gonna have us cleans up da place."


"Course, ya don't think I'd let ya stay hea all by yerself."

"Don't ya gotta sell?"

"I can use a little vacation."

"I wouldn't call cleaning a vacation."

"It is if it's with you." He said as she covered her smile with her hand.

"How bout a few rounds of black jack?" Jack asked tryin to keep Elizabeth from feeling too awkward.

Dey played fer awhile and finally dey called it quits. "Some of us gotta sell papes tomorra so excuse us." Race collected da cards whiled da fellas said goodnight.

"Wher'm I gonna sleep Race?" Elizabeth asked.

"Right hea," he patter to an upper bunk.

"Dis is right next ta yers, how convenient."

" I know," he grinned as she climbed up.

"So who's below me, I didn't get a peak."

"Dats Snipeshooter, he's a good kid. A lil annoying dough but a good kid. Sleep well, Liz."

"You, too. Thanks fer helpin me out, Race." she leaned down and kissed his forehead before laying her head on her pillow.

Chapter 6

Elizabeth awoke to da shouts of Kloppman. Round her she heard guys moaning as dey arose. To he rside she saw Race jump out of his bunk hurredly trying to put on his pants. Den he looked up at Elizabeth and remembad da previous day's occurrence.

"Forget bout ya Liz. Sorry Kloppman woke ya up."

"Dats ok, I usually am awake by now anyway."

"Oh yeah, ya wanna go back to sleep?" Extra sleep was one of da things a Newsie valued most.

"Sua," she said as Race put his pants back on a desk and hopped back into bed,

Four hours later, Elizabeth opened her eyes. Da bunk room was now empty. She sat up and stretched her arms. Race wes still sleepin so she left him undisturbed. She merely climbed out of bed and sat in a chair dat was right by his bunk.

"He looks so cute, even in his sleep!" Elizabeth had fallen fer him alright. "If only he liked me." As many lovestruck girls, she failed to see he already did. Afta a few minutes he opened his eyes and on seiing her lovely facem smiled.

"Morning again Liz." He sat up.

"You too Race." She said handing him his pants.

"Sleep good?" he asked getting out to put them on.

"Very good, I'm sure you enjoyed da few extra hours yerself."

"You have no idea."

"So wad we doin today?"

"Cleanin up da wash room."

"Well hopefully da boys didn't mess it all up."

Dey walked in and while Race washed his face, she caught a glimpse of her hair in da mirror. "Oh my, I look so..."

"Wondaful!" Race said eyes all sud free.

"How can ya say that. It's a mess!"

"I think ya look perfect."

"Uh-huh, sure." she brushed through it with her fingers after removing a clip and put it in a quick braid.

Da entire morning, they worked diligently. They talked to one another bout anything and everything above their scrubbing. When they were done wid da sinks and showers dey swept, mopped, and even waxed da floor.

Round noon, dey were dieing, from both cleaning fumes and hunger. Dey took a brief moment to admire their work befoa walkin out. On doin so dey met Jack, who'd come by wid lunch. He handed it to dem befoa headin to da washroom.

"Hey ya can't go in dere!" Elizabeth said going up to block his way to da door.

"Oh yes I can," he said bout to tickle her so he could get in.

"No, you can't," Race said pullin him back, radder jealous.

"Awright, Race geez wads da matta?" He knew his friend liked Elizabeth but he had no idea how much Race liked her.

"Liz and I jes got done moppin and waxing it so da floor's still kinda wet."

"Dang it, will I neva be able to take a shower. My hair's all greasy and I'se got a date tonight."

"Calm down Cowboy. You can wait a few minutes fer it ta dry. If ya considered waking up a lil earlier ya could take one in da morning like a normal person instead of always waiting fer da afternoons." Race commented.

Jack did wait and whiled dey ate deir food, he told them that Tom related to him that her uncle was glad she wes alright and dat it would be best fer her to stay in the Lodging House till afta da

Finals were over. Once Jack went in to finally take a shower, da two walked downstairs to find Kloppman.

Instead of finding da old man, dey found a not which he left on da desk. He'd gone out to run errands and da only thin left ferdem was to sweep up da lobby and dust furniture. On finishing, Elizabeth and Race were so dusty themselves dat they went upstairs to clean demselves off.

By now, Jack was awready gettin out. He slipped on da clean floor but was saved a fall by a sink. Da two dust bunnies laughed at him.

"Floor's a little slick ain't it Cowboy?" Race asked.

"Yea, jes a lil."

"Hey, I can do dat too, Jack!" Elizabeth said sliding acroos da flood.

"Looks liek fun," Race said giving it a go. Jack copied dem and soon dey where sliding all ova da place, mimicing ice skaters and chasing each other around. Race grabbed a hold of Elizabeth and dey were spinning round in each oddas arms. Jack wes coming towards dem and accidentally miscalculated his stried and slid towards them.

"Wham!" he crashed into da swirling couple and dey all hit da flood and broke out in laughter.


By da time Jack left fer his "engagement", Blink, Snoddy, and a few oddas had come back to help keep Race and Elizabeth from catchin cabin fever. Dey played cards and told jokes and stories late into da night. When da guys all went ta bed, dey waited on a couch downstairs ta let Jack in. Usually Kloppman wouldn't lock da doors but lately there'd been some pretty bad stuff goin on in da nieghbahood. So when Kloppman asked em ta wait fer Jack while he went ta sleep, dey greatly accepted.

"So, ya any good at betting?" She asked.

"Yeah, actually, I usually win all da time."

"Well, Race, sounds like you'se got lots of luck with horses. I'se sua yer jes as lucky wid da ladies too."

"Uh, not really..." he said.

"Why not?"

"Well, I ain't really found da right person ta go out wid. Dere's been lots of goils I'se tried it wid but we neva clicked."

"Any particular reason?"

"Dey neva could undastand my obsession wid goin to da races."

"Oh, I see." Deep down, she felt like saying she understood his obsession.

Dey waited til bout midnight when Jack finally walked in da lobby wid a big grin on his face.

"Looks like ya had a lot of fun Cowboy." Elizabeth said.

"Da best."

"Yeah, dats great ta hear. I'm goin ta bed now." Race said abrubtly.

"Yer tired? I'se da one dats gotta wake up early. If anyone should be tired it's me." Jack said.

"Den why don't we all go up and get ta bed."he shot back.

"You two are hilarious!" Elizabeth said stiflin a yawn as dey climbe da stairs.

"Thank you." Jack whispad as he walked to his bed.

"Night Race!" she said befoa climbin up ta bed.

"G'night Liz."

By da time Race and Elizabeth woke up, da bunk room wes empty. Dey walked down to get an assignment from Kloppman.

"I need ya two to go hang those two baskets of wet laundry on da roof. Also, dere's stuff dere dat needs foldin."

Da two trudged back upstairs wid da wet laundry. Dey helped fold da dry clothes and sheets. Den, dey hung out da wet stuff ta dry. On finishin, Elizabeth enjoyed da view from da rooftop.

"Ya can see Sheepshead from hea," Race commented as he watched her gaze out into da city.

"Really, whea?" He pointed towards da tracks. She sighed on spotting it.

"Wads da matta?"

"Well, da Championship's tomora."

"Oh..."Race had hoped she wouldn't rememba. She sat starin at it sliently for several minutes.

"I'm riding tomorrow race." She said suddenly.

"WAD!? Are ya crazy?"

"No, I'm serious I should be there."

"Scot and all his friends are gonna try an hurt ya again."

"Not if I show up minutes befoa. Dey wouldn't pull nothin in public. Sides, I can't hide from dis problem. I should swallow me fear and jes go. I'se hoid it said befoa ya should neva let go of yer dreams. Well, dis is my dream and I can't let anyone stop me from seein dat it comes true. Nothin ya can say will change me mind. Tomorra mornin I'se leavin for Sheepshead."

Race knew she was tellin da truth so he kept his mouth shut. "Aren't ya gonna protest?" she asked.

"I can't protest with somethin I ain't against," Elizabeth's eye brows raised, " I agree wid ya completely, ya should face yer problems and follow yer dreams. Which is why tomorra mornin I'se goin wid ya ta da track. Ya got me support Liz and me protection. I ain't gonna let Scot stop ya from ridin. He'll have ta take me out foist."

"Oh Race!" she ran forward and hugged him. "Thank you fer understanding!"

"No problem," he toined his head, takin in da fragrance of her hair.


"Wad ya mean yer goin ta race!" Elizabeth got a similar reaction from Jack lata dat night. "Ya can't Elizabeth, I won't let ya."

"Oh yes ya will." Race said.

"Have ya gone mad too Race?"

"No, dis is Liz's dream and she shouldn't have ta give it up. So, I'se goin ta go wid her tommora ta back her up."

"Fine, den I'se goin along." Jack said.

"Ya can count me in too!" Blink put in.

"We'se all goin!" Snoddy shouted.

"Oh guys!"

"We'll escort ya to da stable and stay in da stands. Race can stay wid you'se. If dat guy even touches ya, he'se dead-meat." Jack said.

"Dead meat!" Da Newsies repeated.

"All right den, I'se glad ya guys'll back me up. I wanna thank ya fer bein so kind to me."

Lata dat night, Elizabeth lay in her bunk starin at da ceilin. "Ya noivous?" Race said gettin up. He stood on a chair and put his elbows on her mattress.

"I was born to ride, Race. Dere's noway I'se noivous. Scott wouldn't dare pull nothin on me and if he did, he wouldn't stand a chance againts ya!"

"Dats right! I won't let him hoit ya." He took her hand and squeezed it. "Sleep well Liz!"

"Night Race!"

Almost Done

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