Authors A


Newsies Are My Friends, Bothers, Boyfriends, and Fathers [ ]


The Test [ ]
Apple has been searching for her brother, Specs, since the day he ran away. The search takes her to the Manhattan Lodging House where she meets Mush. She and Mush find themselves becoming closer and closer to one another. But will they manage to keep that closeness when an old boyfriend comes into Apple�s life and changes her feelings towards the opposite sex?


And Yet Another Life [ ]
ok, this girl Angela Johnston, preferrably AJ is forced to move in with the Brooklyn newsies. She is forced to get the Almighty Leader's approval, and is unconiscously striving for something else from him. Will she find out before she does something that will hurt others as well as herself?


The Footsteps of the Wanderer [ ]

This page � of Allyson. All stories belong to their respective authors and all characters to their owners, except for all original Newsies characters which belong to Disney

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