Weird Stuff
I like Pocahontas.......
In th song 'Iris' by the GooGoo Dolls, the word Iris is never said.
A catfish doesn't look like a cat. Why isn't there a dogfish for people who don't like cats, but like dogs?
Holy Cow is a bad expression. From now on, I'm saying Holy Chicken, or Holy Monkey.
My friend has a baseball, on one side it says 'USA all the way'. On the other side it says 'made in China.'
What is the wonder in Wonderbread?
Why are commercials sometimes funnier than the show your watching.
Spongebob Squarepants rocks!
Is the Hokey Pokey REALLY what it's all about?
" If I had a nickle for evertime somebody said that." "You'd have a dime."
Uh...Linkin Park Rocks!
If I had a nose full of nickles, I'd blow it all on you.
"Yellow River" By I.P. Daily
My submarine isn't yellow, it's lime green!
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