Thank you Ms. Lippy!
I have a soft spot for Adam Sandler flicks. He is so funny! He just has this way of showing it...
Da Wizard of Oz was so fake. Did anyone see, da rumor about da guy hanging himself in the backround of da sceen where da wtich lights da scarecrow on fire? It only works if u got the original movie. Isn't it nice to put that in a children's movie?
Now lay back. No lay back. Ru ok? U sure? Cuz u just went through a wall." From Gone in 60 Seconds. I'm not sure who said it.
"How's elevator life been treating you?" "Oh, it has it's ups and downs."-Mr. Deeds.
"Guys, Chad fell down."- That thing you do.
"All questions must be submitted in writing"-Willy Wonka. I don't know why I like this, I just thought it was funny.
"You wanna 'Smore?" "'Smore of what? I didn't eat anything." "Your killin me Smalls!" - The Sandlot.
"He's like a god!"- Sgt. Bilko
"Your gonna laugh, Your gonna cry, Your gonna love this Scrapy Italian."-Sgt. Bilko
I love Sgt. Bilko. It is a great movie! It is the only movie you can see Max Casella wear drag!!!(or out of the movies I've seen) Max is so cool!
"Hi Soldier Boy."- Sgt. Bilko
Why is it that the coolest movies are either:a)based on a true story or b) Musicals?
Musicals Rock!
Was Pocahontos(I don't know how to spell that!) a musical? If so, couldn't CB(Christian Bale) say he did 2 musicals? He usually says he only did one.
"U wanna fresh one?"- Anylize This hehe
"There are some who call me.....Tim."- Monty Pithon
Max Casella rules!
Oliver Wood Rocks! He is so cool!
"It's LiveOsa, not LiveosA."- Harry Potter
Has anyone ever seen Killer Klowns from Outer Space? I don't know anyone who has except for me and my brother.
"When Camren was in Egypt land. Let my Camren go."- Ferris Bueller's Day Off
"Ok, One, we're trying for one..."- Sgt. Bilko
" I thought you was a toad!" -Oh Brother Where Art Tho?
I thought the movie Mr. Deeds wasn't worth your money. It was good, but not like the other Adam Sandler movies that rock.
Meow, Do you know how fast you were going?" Guy laughes. "Meow, what's so funny?" "Oh, I just thought you were meowing." "Meow, what makes you think that?" Guy laughes. "Do I look like a cat to you boy?" - Super Troopers.
"The Snozeberries tast like snozeberries!"- Super Troopers.
"I'm from Rhode Island, where people don't stay engaged for 14 years, they get married!" "Than why's it such a small state?" Or something along those lines.- Guys and Dolls
"Who killed Dominic?!" "I dunno!" "Don't you be lyin to me. Ya know what I'm gonna do if your lyin to me?" "Your gonna crack me over the head with that pipe?" Later on.... " Let him go. He doesn't know nothin."  "Well, that was realitivly painless." Gets slapped in the face. "Now that hurt." Ya gotta love Max. -Anylaze This
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