Holly walked down the street kicking up rocks, and looking around. Finally she got up the strength to talk.
"Ok, Foist off, I got people after me in Brooklyn." She started.

"Like who?"

"Um...Spot and da Newsies. I quite Brooklyn, to be in Harlem." She explained the best she could. "and um...about this Spot.."

"Well if it ain't Holly Creek. I thought I told you ta beat it?" Spot cut her off.

"Great! Just the person I need to see. Spot can I talk to you alone for a second?" Holly asked trying to avoid eye contact. If there's one thing she didn't want to do, it was look into his eyes.

"Yeah." Spot said waith Holly over to a safer place.

"Spot, youse wanna get mad at me when I brought ya broddah back?" Holly asked trying to to smile.

"What?" Spot asked as Holly dragged him over to where Dime was standing.

"Dime Conlon, Spot Conlon." Holly said introducing them.

"Luke?" Dime asked looking up.

"Matthew." Spot asked back.

For the first time, Holly saw Spot hug somebody. Holly let Dime and Spot catch up. At last, it was about three hours later when Spot came over and asked to talk to her.

"Um...Holly, I just wanna say, Thanks. I haven't seen Matt for 7 years, or uh..I mean Dime. And uh..I'm sorry about da whole Brooklyn thing. You can come to Brooklyn whenever ya want." Spot mumbled the last half of the apology, sighing.

"Thanks Spot, and I'm glad to see you two together." Holly smiled feeling all the tension between them go away.

"Heya Holly?" Dime said as he walked over, and spot got the sudden hint to leave.

"Holly,  I'm sorry for yellin at ya earlier, I just wanted to say thanks." Dime said as he kissed her on the cheek. Holly grabbed him when he pulled away, and kissed him hard on the mouth.

"I've been wanting to do that." Holly said as Dime laughed, blushing a little,  and turned to where Spot was waiting for him.

"Oh heya Dime?" Holly yelled.

"Yeah?" Dime asked turning around to face her once more.

"Your welcome." Holly responded as Dime smiled at her.

The End
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