He Said, She Said....
     Favorite Quotes
"On Da Grounds of Brooklyn Yer honor"
" Alright, I Ain't Deaf!"
"Without Newsies, nobody knows nothin"
"No, We're just a bunch of angry kids with no money"
"Never fear Brooklyn is here"
"David...as in David and Golith?"
" Extre Extre Joe, read all bout it"
"You shut up and listen to me for once!"
"When you gotta million voices singing, who can hear a lousy wistle blow?"
"A permanent box at sheepshead races"
"Remember that hot tip I told u bout? nobody told da horse"
" Baby born with two heads, must be from Brooklyn"
" 5,000 fists in the sky. 5,000 reasons to try"
Well, if it ain't Jack be nimble, Jack be quick"
"Inless ur referin to da family resemblence in ur bodda hear"
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