Note(yet again): This is cool! It would probably work with any newsie you want. But I like Anyways it's another late night thingy, actually, they all are. But they're fun!
My Newsie Has A First Name
To the tune of "My Bologna Has a First Name"
My Newsie has a first name,
It's C-o-c-k-y.
My Newsie has a second name,
It's H-i-g-g-i-n-s.
Oh, I love to say it everyday,
And if you ask me why I'll say...
Cuz I, Cocktail,
Have a way with R-a-c-e-t-r-a-c-k.
Further note: A moose bit my sister once...Oh, sorry. Wrong movie. I know I'm not Cocky Higgins, but it sounds Thankies for reading if you got this far!
Drop me a line...
Twisted Newsies
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