Roosevelt didn't come. She waited about two months, for him to reply. Finally, when all hope seemed to be gone, she went to talk to Snyder to ask him if she could quit.

"Whose's in Snyder's office?" Brakes asked Timothy. as he stood in front of the door looking very nervous.

"Um...M-Mr. Roosevelt."

At hearing Timothy say this, Brakes almost jumped a foot in the air, she was so excitied.

Later, th door to Snyder's office opened, and there stood Theodore Roosevelt. He was just as Jack explained him, tall, round, and very kind.

"Are you Carlie Carlton, miss?" He asked Carlie.

"Um...yes sir, I'se be her." Brakes responed not knowing quite what to say.

"Well miss, you are coing with me." Mr. Roosevelt told her.

They walked outside and into Roosevelt's carriage.

"Bye Snyder!" Carlie and Mr. Roosevelt both yelled at the refuge. Timothy gave Carlie an evil look at saying this, but she now knew she was safe., and didn't care.

"Where to Carlie?" He asked again.

"Please sir, da names Brakes." Brakes told him, as she hoped he wouldn't get mad.

"Oh, you must be a Newsie."

"Yes sir, I am now."

Brakes soon explained the whole story, how she met Jack, and became a maid. She turned into a Newsie, was caught by Snyder, and forced back to work at the refuge.

"So I guess to the Newsies Lodging house, right?" He porposed.

"Yes, if dat's ok sir." Brakes said glad he knew about it.

When they arrived at the Lodging house, she got out, thanked him, and carried on her way. When she walked inside she could still smell fresh towels, and old wood. She knew she was home. Race was the first to see her.

"Brakes!" He said. He nearly dropped all his winnings when he saw her.

He took Brakes up to the roof to talk about what happened. Soon Race knew the whole story of Teddy Roosevelt, and Snyder, and even Timothy. They were there so long, they started to hear the joy, laughter, and in Jack's case, pain of the Newsies.

"Stay here." Race told Brakes, as she shook her head.

"Um...heya Jack, can ya come up here?" Race yelled

"Yeah." Jack said very depressed.

"Where are ya?" Jack asked

"On da roof." Race responded holding in his laughter.

Jack went on the roof, and yes, he was surprised.

"What ya mopin round for? We gotta Poker game ta play." Brakes told him with a smile on her face.

"Brakes!" he said. Jack ran up to Brakes and kissed her.

Brakes didn't know what to do, and kissed him back. Race cheered, and soon, Brakes the Newsie was permanent.

The End
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