The Conservative Rightist



Taxpayer funds used to undermine society

Ever wondered where your hard-earned tax dollars go? On important things like national defence, no doubt? Er...well...umm...not exactly. Figures published by the Inland Revenue Department reveal that last year, the government spent 2% of its total budget on national defence. That's right....2%. As a percentage of national expenditure, that's one of the lowest figures in the world. This is hardly surprising, given the socialist orientation of the Labour and National parties that have governed this country for decades.

But here's something you may not know. Government expenditure on defence may only constitute 2% of the total, but twice that amount - 4% - is spent on the Domestic Purposes Benefit!! That's right - providing a financial incentive to bring up illegitimate children in a solo parent situation is TWICE as important to the government as defending this nation's borders from armed attack. Go figure.

Once again, the neo-Marxist agenda of Labour and National comes to the fore. Undermining family relationships, promoting disconnection between parents and children, and removing the discipline that fathers are better at providing are all essential elements in the imposition of Marxist control, which both parties are ideologically committed to.

In a civilized New Zealand, there would be no Domestic Purposes Benefit. There would certainly be state assisistance to those widowed, or abandoned by their spouse, or otherwise missing an income, but the practice of paying unmarried mothers to have babies to multiple different fathers, or to deliberately bring children into the world with no intention of providing that child with a father, would cease.

This writer does not share the view of those of the libertarian / monetarist persuasion, who believe that all state welfare is bad. Clearly it isn't. Providing assisitance to those who due to old age, or infirmity, or sheer unfortunate circumstances can't provide for themselves is a hallmark of a civilized society. But corrupting this natural desire to help people by using state assistance to undermine the very values of our society is an abomination, and a subversive agenda that we must be wise to.

When evaluating the potential benefit of any state "benefit" we must first and foremost ask ourselves, "is this practice in line with our traditional societal values, and will it help or hinder the creation of a civilized and upstanding society?". Clearly the DPB doesn't do this. While seemingly designed to ensure that all children have a "fair go", regardless of the marital or employment status of their parents, the simple fact is that it doesn't solve the problem - it just makes it worse. Why bother finding a man to support you when the state will pay you to bring your child up alone? Why try to make your marriage or relationship work when the state will pay you to leave him? The DPB, when brought in, was ostensibly designed to fix what was then a relatively small problem. The fact that the problem is now exponentially worse should be food for thought. The reality is that the DPB was never really intended to fix the problem. A neo-Marxist agenda may be seen as far-fetched by some, but sadly, we can arrive at no other conclusion.


Population of Dunedin murdered since Millennium

Statistics on the mass slaughter euphemistically known as "abortion", realeased by the Statistics Department, show that the number of such killings last year was down very slightly on the year before. While this is good news, it is appropriate and timely to put this in perspective. Using figures available from the Department, the number of killings performed since the start of 2000 is approximately 116,000 (this is arrived at by totalling the figures for 2000 - 2005, and adding 9 months worth for this year).

In simple terms, more New Zealanders have been killed since the turn of the millennium than the entire population of Dunedin or Hamilton. This is indeed a sobering statistic.

We can not emphasize strongly enough how angry New Zealanders should be getting about this holocaust in our midst. Unfortunately, when we become used to something bad, we frequently lose our passion and our fire to do something about it. But turning away and trying not to think about it will not save the children who will be butchered this year.

Sadly, it is unlikely that there will be any political will to put an end to this evil, for the foreseeable future. But this must not stop us from speaking out loudly about this issue and others that affect the value of the society we live in.


Iraq War - how much longer?

And so the war in Iraq drags on. Fought no longer by the forces of the Iraqi government against American and other foreign troops, but by Iraqi insurgents against the occupiers, and, increasingly frequently, between the Iraqis themselves.

Again the point must be made that this is not our fight. The West stands to benefit not one jot from the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime, and indeed the cost to the West is enormous, both directly in terms of the billions upon billions of dollars being borne by American, British, and other taxpayers, but also indirectly, in terms of the on-going instability, and the increased risk of terrorists targeting the West in retaliation.

It must be emphasized again that the agenda behind this war had nothing to do with protecting Western society, nor with promoting Western or Christian cultural values.

Certainly radical Islam poses a threat to the West. But removing a moderate, secular leader and creating a civil war in one of the most volatile areas of the Middle East is hardly the brightest way of containing this threat. Again, the hidden agenda must be seen, for developments there to make any sense.



Leftist hypocrisy - a Rightist speaks out

Hypocrisy and double standards are the stock-in-trade of the Left, but Loony Leftist spokesman Chris Trotter excelled himself recently when commenting in Wellington's Dominion Post about Rightist bloggers. Below is a response from Dr. Kerry Bolton, of the group "New Right":

It was a change to see Chris Trotter's usually cliché-ridden banality enlivened by huge dollops of hypocrisy (29 Sept.). He bemoans the viciousness of right-wing bloggers with their resort to smear-mongering that goes beyond the bounds of "fair minded citizens".
Unless one is to believe that Mr Trotter is just being downright dishonest, he must be oblivious to the smear-mongering filth being peddled on blog sites by his comrades of the Left. The worst are gutlessly ensconced inAustralia and eagerly publish the sickest innuendoes against those they target in NZ. Because they operate as self-styled "campaigners against fascism and racism", i.e. anyone who isn't Left-wing, their agenda is in accord with the mass media and they are given credibility by journalists too lazy to undertake proper research. No Right-wing blogger is accorded such influence.
At least I have tried in the past to urge right-wing bloggers to stop using methods and language that only further demeans the Right. I wonder whether Mr Trotter has or will make any such efforts in regard to the Left.
How ironic that Mr Trotter ends his column with a quote from W. B. Yeats, a "right-wing xtremist", presumably because Mr Trotter couldn't think of anyone with sufficient erudition on the Left.

Useful links

The Conservative Rightist, PO Box 13-939 Christchurch, email: [email protected]

New Right, PO Box 39-046 Wellington.

National Front, PO Box 15-1200 Auckland



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