The number of New Zealand manufacturers moving their production to China is still increasing.

The list of products from the supermarket shelves that are made in China is growing.

Apart from electronic goods, hardware, shoes and clothing, more and more grocery items are being manufactured in China. EG:- tinned fruit, soap, toothpaste and peanut butter to name a few.

Increasingly the jobs of the New Zealand worker are being eroded and more New Zealand workers are being made redundant as a result.

The slave labour attitude of the Chinese Government means that the wages of one NZ worker covers seven Chinese workers. A manufacturer in China can employ children, have no ACC payments, no overtime, no sick pay, need no resource consents and can pour whatever waste they like down the drain and get Government support.

A free trade agreement with China is only going to make matters worse and a lot of New Zealand manufacturers will end up losing millions of dollars. There will only be a few big businesses that will gain while NZ workers and manufacturers will be sacrificed on the altar of corporate shareholder profits.

Lets all protect our workers and manufacturers by protesting with our feet and money by boycotting all goods..especially food products that are "made in China".

We should read all country of origin labels-not "distributed by". EG:-a jar of peanut butter may have "distributed by" or "manufactured for" (a well known brand) but the "country of origin" or "made in" could be China.

Read our policy statement No 9 Economic self-sufficiency.

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