

…That’s the headline for an article by Sir Dryden Spring, chairman of the Asia NZ Foundation (Dom.Post Sept. 29).

The Asia NZ Foundation is a business lobby pushing for NZ’s economic integration into Asia for the benefit of our financial aristocracy, i.e. businessmen with "knighthoods" for services rendered to global capitalism.

As we’ve always maintained, economic integration with Asia will also mean changing NZ’s population and culture. Our opposition to large scale Asian immigration is because immigration is part of the globalisation process. We’ve been condemned as "racists" for this by the media and Big Businesses’ idiot lackey’s on the Left.

Now our contention that an Asian economic bloc will mean changing NZ culturally has been confirmed by one of the financial elite, Sir Dryden. He states that NZ should cheerfully embrace the chance to become part of an Asia bloc headed by China and India.


Sir Dryden states that in Sept. his Foundation brought together 70 business, media, cultural and education leaders. "A key initiative" of the summit was to approach schools to have a focus on teaching children about their role in Asia. He states that this corporate elite wants children to become "Asia literate".

They also want NZ culture to become "engaged with Asia". They want an "Asian youth festival". Note how New Zealand youth are already being designated as "Asian".


Don Brash has been condemned as "evil" by Winston Peters because he suggested that due to assimilation there are no true blooded Maori left and that therefore there is no Maori race. They should therefore not be classed as indigenous unless they can prove predominant Maori blood.

With a recent lecture tour completed by Dr Barry Brailsford, and new books coming out on the Waitaha, it might be the right time to reconsider whether the Waitaha are the only living ethnic group that can be called "indigenous" to NZ.

Since there is no trace left of any of the ancient white tribes who were first here, such as the Ngati Hotu, exterminated around 1450AD and recognised as historically real by the Waitangi Tribunal, the Waitaha are all that remain of indigenous people.

Waitaha claim to have settled NZ perhaps 1000 years before the Maori. Waitaha claim to be ethnically distinct from the Maori, yet their identity is not recognised by Maori or by the Waitangi Tribunal. They make no claims against anyone, and they believe that the Waitangi demands are a shameful scam. Their legends refer to the Waitaha Nation being composed of three races that joined together and built a peaceful civilisation prior to the Maori. One of these Waitaha tribes was "white", and another obviously partly white. Therefore Waitaha recognise the place whites have in NZ without trying to impose a guilt complex on anyone.

Waitaha were almost exterminated by the Polynesian invasions. In recent years, with the help of Dr Brailsford, they have begun to have their traditions published. Recognition of Waitaha as the indigenous people would transcend the conflict, distrust and divisiveness that has resulted from the Treaty grievances industry and provide a new basis for ethnic relations that stresses common links.


The Dom.Post’s Left-wing columnist Chris Trotter, in his piece for 29 Sept., bemoans the viciousness of right-wing bloggers with their smear-mongering that goes beyond the bounds of ‘fair minded citizens’.

Frankly, political ‘bloggism’ tends to be puerile whether it’s from the Left or the Right, and New Right does not condone such garbage.

Unless one is to believe that Mr Trotter is just being downright dishonest, he must be ignorant as to the smear-mongering filth being peddled on blog sites by his Left-wing comrades. The worst are gutlessly ensconced in Australia and eagerly publish the sickest innuendoes against those they target in NZ. Because they operate as self-styled ‘campaigners against fascism and racism’, i.e. anyone who isn’t Left-wing, their agenda is in agreement with the mass media and they are given credibility by journalists too lazy to undertake proper research. No Right-wing blogger is accorded such influence. If Mr Trotter wants to see bloggism that is truly sick, he needs look no further than over his left shoulder.


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