We desire that New Zealand become again a rural nation, where farming is a central focus . Rural debt is one of the largest single items of expenditure.

# Interest rates on all rural debts to the private banking sector must be reduced.

# Agriculture can be greatly diversified by growing crops for the production of organic fuels, thereby contributing to our self-sufficiency.

# encourage organic farming through tax incentives and state loans.

# We oppose the aduteration of food with additives and the despoliation of the land with chemical fertilisers.

# We oppose the global monopolies that are taking control of various facets of agriculture.

# We oppose genetic modification and the development of sterile seeds, bringing agriculture under the control, and therefore nations at the mercy, of global corporations.

# The rural character of communities should be maintained, and urban sprawl halted.

# All urban children should experience rural life as part of their primary and secondary education, with day excursions to farms and home-stay when older. Horticulture should also be a part of school curricula.

# We believe in the return of the ideal of every family owning its own home on a section that is not crammed to maximum capacity like some Asian shanty. We view the trend towards high rise apartments, inner city living and "in-filling" with homes having minimal living space as a deplorable reflection of the artificial state in which we live.

# We believe that our flora and fauna should be preserved ahead of financial gain.

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