The product of thirty years of intensive research, THE 12TH PLANET is the first book in Zecharia Sitchin's prophetic Earth Chronicles series � a revolutionary body of work that offers indisputable documentary proof of humanity's extraterrestrial forefathers. Travelers from the stars, they arrived eons ago, and planted the genetic seed that would ultimately blossom into a remarkable species...called Man.

The information linked to in this site is owned property of it's fully respected author's and owners. I in no way claim credit for it. This website is owned and maintained by vze20f9l


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COMING THIS WEEK MAY 1ST 2008 NEW LINK SECTION The new link section will include links to Icke, Sagan, Von Daniken, more

Exposing the Fact's About the Origins of Man Kind
In truth there are no labels, no divisions. There is only one, and we are all a part of this oneness.
This site was created for the soul purpouse of being yet another tool in enlightment of the human race. We need not be affraid of the truth. When appearances tell convincing lies, when misconceptions are thrust upon us, when others try to pin tags on truth, there's no need to argue. We simply must live the awareness of our truth. We cannot make another aware by force, but by joining another in love and respect, we may all enter our awareness together. For those of us who already accept and know this truth I believe it is imperitive to spread our voices world wide

This site contains both FACT and OPINION

This site was created to Share and be a LINK DATABSE
1. An intelligent life form from another place in the physical universe is now known.
2. Recurring signals have been detected that do not occur in nature.
3. The signals detected are manufactured.
4. Non natural objects have been detected within the boundaries of our solar system.
5. Earth based sensors have detected non natural objects within our space.
6. Earth based sensors have detected non natural objects in close proximity and observed them maneuvering under intelligent control.
7. Earth based sensors have detected non natural objects in close proximity and observe them maneuvering under intelligent control in response to human actions.
8. Earth based sensors have detected non natural objects in close proximity and have observed them maneuvering under intelligent control with an ability to evade sensors.
9. Several credible people and groups have observed and reported seeing non-Earth-based spacecraft for long duration's and various sensors confirm sightings.
10. Official organizations have reported observing spacecraft near Earth.
11. Official organizations have acknowledged occupants of spacecraft on Earth.
12. Groups of credible people have reported interacting with occupants of spacecraft.
13. Official organizations have acknowledged interacting with occupants of spacecraft.
14. The occupants of the spacecraft have demonstrated a clear technical and intellectual superiority.

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