Chapter Two: Perfectly Pink, and Terrified
" Every little thing i do, never seems enough for you, you don't wanna lose it again, but i'm not like them. Baby when you fin-ally, get to love somebeody, guess what... it's gonna be me," Nsync sang over the radio.

" AAAHHHHHH!!! I hate that song!!!" Leighanne screamed as she punched the radion poewr button.

" Hey! Watch the sound system," Brian said.

They were riding down the highway, Kevin and Kristen in the back, to the mansion in Brian's Jeep Cherokee. Howie, Nick and AJ were following in AJ's fairly new explorer. Howie was driving and Nick and AJ were goofing off, AJ in front, NIck in back. AJ would smooth his hair down, and Nick would push it back up in the other direction. Then Nick found an empty drink bottle and kept bopping AJ and Howie with it until Aj took it and threw it out the window. Every once and a while, Brian would lose the black SUV, but they'd end up side by side, Howie making faces, AJ pouting about his hair, and Nick smuhing his face against the window.

All of Kevin, Brian. Kristen and Leighanne's stuff wouldn;t fit in Brian's jeep, so some of it was in the explorer. Of that, were Kristen's and Leighanne's make-up kits. Howie came up next to Brian and motioned for them to pull over, so he did. Brian turned around and saw Nick on the ground laughing his head off. AJ was bellowing," I'M NOT GETTING OUT!!" as Howie dragged him out. AJ had bright pink lipstick all over his face. Howie had a small streak as he tried to wipe it away he expalined, " UUmmm AJ fell asleep, and like NIck found a makeup bag. Take him PLEASE!" Howie whined.

" No way! I don't want to be pink!" Brian said.

" Yeah," Kevin added, casting a glance at Leighanne. " The worst we've had is psycho wonman over there trying to kill Nsync!"

" I've got an idea," Aj muttered, face still pink. " Let's tie him to the top of the car,"

" Cool! Sound's like fun!" Nick said.

" Well actually there's the house over there," Brian pointed. They saw that they had pulled into the yard.

" Weird," Leighanne whisprered. IT was a huge three story house, build Victoiran style.

" I hope it's got running water," AJ said.

" Yeah they do. Somebody put it in a few years ago butit has no heathing system except for fireplaces," Brian expalined.

" Might as well start now, picking up wood i mean," Kristen said. " Us girls will get the luggsge. Where's the key?"

" The owner lost it a year ago, but he says it's unlocked. Careful, it's a key lock, both sides." Brian said.

" I'll prop it open 'til we're done," Leighanne said, grabbing a suitcase.

" C'mon. let's go! The sooner we get a fire going ther better," Nick said, tugging at Brian's sleeve.

                                                           *** Three Hours Later***

" Whew! That ought to last a year!" Nick exclaimed looking at the huge wood pile. He couldn't believe, as cold as it was, that all five of them were covered in sweat.

" Ya know," Brian panted, " I
really think that lat tree wasn't necessary ,"

The process had been fairly simple, all the trees were rotten to the center almost. Kevin pushed it down, Brian and Howie cut it up with axes they found in an old shed, and NIck and AJ carteed it back to the house.

" You can close the door now!" AJ said, shivering. It slammed shut. Suddenly it became unbearably quiet.

" C'mon," Nick finally said, " Let's take a tour," They walked through every room except for the attic and some closets, which were locked. They established who would get what room, and switched some furniture too. But they weren't too tired to notice one big detail.

" Hey man, doesn't it seem like someome jsut stepped out of these rooms?" Kevin asked quietly to Brian.

" Yeah it does, doesn't it?" Brian replied.

Nick had returned to his jumpy ood, and Howie loved it. Once he got ahead of the group and hid in a hall closet. He saw them coming through a crack in the door. " BOO! MUHAHAHAHA!!!" Howie jumped out and yelled.

" AAAAHHHH!!!!!" Everyone yelled and jumped back, but only Nick jumped so high he almost hit his head on the ceiling, and ran. Ran through the halls, down the staris and to the door. They listened at the top of the staircase. Metal rattling. The door shaking in its frame. THey thought he had left and slammd the door, so they went down to go after him. But Nick was just standing in front of the door, staring at it almost in disbelief.

" What's wrong?" Howie asked.

Nick swallowed hard and replied, " It's locked,"

To Be Continued....

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