Back At The Hotel

Danielle walked into her hotel room shutting the door behind her. She quickly grabbed her suitcase and grabbed all the things she had laying around and shoved them in as she then shut the suitcase. �Oh my god I can�t believe what just happened, Nick looked so hurt. Why didn�t I just say yes to make him happy�, she sighed as tears fell down her face. She sat down on the edge of the bed in silence, she then looked at her watch. Her flight to LA was about to leave in a half hour. She grabbed her coat and her suitcase and left the hotel leaving in a cab to the airport.

At The Airport

Danielle ran to her flight as she was late and there were quite a few fans of the Backstreet Boys following her, she didn�t stop in fear that one of them would ask her why she said no to Nick. She finally got into her plane and sat down in her seat. She sighed to herself as they announced that the plane was now getting ready for departure.
Nick ran through the airport to gate 112. As he reached it he came up to the desk.
�Excuse me has flight 112 to LA taken off yet?�, Nick asked really fast and out of breath.
�Sorry flight 112 to LA is taking off in the air right now�, the lady told him as she pointed to the outside. Nick walked over to the window and put his hand on the window as he watched the plane disappear.
�Dani, why?�, he sighed to himself as he turned back around and left the airport. Fans tried to stop him his autograph but he just continued walking zoning them right out.

The Next Day In LA

Danielle walked out of her bathroom in the hotel room in a towel as she went and opened her suitcase and picked out something nice to wear. She walked back into the bathroom and came out a hour later already in black leather pants and a yellow halter top. She had her hair curled and some makeup on. She liked her new look she thought to herself as she took one last look in the mirror as the moment of nick asking her to marry him kept on playing over and over in the back of her head. She shook her head as she grabbed the tickets and backstage passes for Rob�s daughter that she promised for him and then put them in her purse and left headed for the studio.

At The Studio

Danielle walked into the front doors of the building, she was breathless as she saw stages of different scenes built everywhere and a ton of people busy at work.
�Miss Patterson, nice to see you again�, Mr. Smith smiled as he walked towards her.
�Hi, likewise, this place is�wow�, Danielle told him, �Oh before I forget here are those tickets and backstage passes for your daughter�
�Oh thank you, she�s gonna love this�, he replied, �Come lets go introduce you to your co-star�
�But, I thought I had to do an audition?�, Danielle questioned.
�No I told the director about the perfect girl I found and he trusted me that you were the next big Julia Roberts�, Rob answered.
�Julia Roberts�, Danielle whispered to herself as she followed behind Rob and looked around at the same time.
�Barry! Come on over I want you to meet your co-star�, Rob yelled over the banging of hammers. Barry turned around and walked over.
�Hey Rob�, Barry answered.
�I would like to introduce you to Danielle, she is gonna be your co-star in the movie. Danielle this is Barry�
Barry had this gorgeous smile as he shook Danielle�s hand, �It�s nice to meet you�
�It�s nice to meet you too�, Danielle smiled back as she looked into his deep brown eyes.
�You know what since we�re not gonna be doing anything today how about I take you out to lunch so we can get to know each other better�, Barry suggested.
�Yeah that would be nice�, Danielle nodded as Barry smiled again, �Come on we can take my car�

In Missouri

Nick sat on the couch with all the other fellas as they watched MTV. MTV News came up a couple minutes later.

** To Be Continued **

** Chapter 15 **
** Shining Star **
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