** Shining Star **
** Chapters 10-14 **
** 10 **

The Next Morning
Danielle woke up with a smile on her face, she got up out of her bed slowly and sat up and thought for a second until she was interrupted by her cell phone ringing.
�Hello?�, Danielle answered.
�Hey Girlie, how ya doing?�, Nick�s voice said.
�Nick, hey. I�m doing a lot better�, Danielle answered. She had thought how much happier she was, just talking to him last night helped her so much, she hadn�t met such a nice guy like Nick in a long time.
�Well then I know a way to make you have a even better day�, Nick told her.
�What? How?�, Danielle asked curiously.
�Well you do know the Billboard Awards are on tonight and that�s why we have a day off and we�re staying in New York till tomorrow afternoon and I was hoping maybe you would like to go with me?�, Nick told her.
�Wow�, Danielle smiled and then it faded as she thought she didn�t have a nice dress to wear to it, �I dunno�
�What? What�s wrong?�, Nick asked.
�Well it�s kinda embarrassing�, Danielle answered.
�Come on you can tell me anything�, Nick responded.
�Ok I don�t really own a really nice dress to wear to the Awards�, Danielle said quickly.
�Danielle don�t worry about it, we�re going shopping. I�m gonna be getting you a dress�, Nick told her.
�Really? No, no I don�t want you spending money on me like that�, Danielle said.
�No buts about it, I�m coming by in about a half hour to pick you up so we can both go pick out something to wear for tonight, ok?�, Nick asked.
�Ok�, Danielle answered, �I�ll see you then�. She then hung up her phone. She quickly got already.
�What am I doing, am I really getting involved with him. I don�t like the idea of long distant relationships. I mean how much would I actually see him�, she out loud to herself as she heard someone clear their voice behind her. She quickly turned around to see Nick standing there.
�Ashley let me in�, he said.
�Umm how long have you been standing there�, Danielle asked.
�Long enough to hear what you just said�, Nick told her as he took her hand and lead her over to her bed and sat her down he kneeled down next to her eye level.
�Danielle, I�ve been searching for you ever since I�ve seen you in my dreams. You make my world so much brighter. I know that your scared of long distant relationships, Ashley just told me about it. Baby, yes I know I�m in a very busy business but you mean so much to me. I�m willing to do anything for you�, Nick smiled as he pulled out a box and opened it up. Danielle�s eyes widened as she looked at it, it was a golden ring and there was a diamond in the shape of a star. He took it out and handed it to her, �Read the inside�, he told her. She looked on the inside and it said �Danielle, You�re my shining star forever and always, Love Nick�. Danielle smiled as Nick took it and place in on her left ring finger, �Will you do me this honor and be my girlfriend?�
�Yes�, Danielle said as tears fell down her face. Nick stood up and hugged her and then kissed her on the lips.
�I�ve never had a guy give me a ring so expensive let alone just give me one to be his girlfriend�, Danielle said looking at it and then into his eyes.
�Well baby get ready cause your gonna be treated like a man should treat you by me. Come on let�s get going and get ready for tonight�, Nick told her as he took her hand and they left the house to go to the mall.

At The Mall
�We�re gonna get so mobbed in here�, Danielle said as they looked through the store they were in for something to wear.
�I don�t care, I want everybody to see the girl I�m with, and how much I care about you�, Nick smiled as he continued to hold her hand.
�Look at this dress, wow it�s so beautiful�, Danielle smiled as she looked at the price tag, �And costs a fortune�
�Try it on�, Nick told her.
�Really?�, Danielle asked.
�Yes, really�, Nick smiled as she took the dress.
�Now we gotta find something for you to wear mister�, Danielle smiled as they walked and finally came up to the perfect tux. It was an all black tux with rhinestones on them and a satin midnight blue shirt underneath.
�Ok let�s go try these on and see how we look�, Nick said as they both walked to the fitting rooms and went into their rooms. Danielle stood in her room looking at the dress on her. It was a long length midnight blue dress with two slits up the side and spaghetti straps with a silver glitter over the dress in stars. She smiled to herself as she walked out to see Nick standing there in his tux, he looked so good. 
�Wow�, Nick said as his eyes widened and he stumbled over his words, �You..look beautiful�
�Thanks�, Danielle said blushing, �I like that on you, it looks really good�
�Ok let�s get these then and then we gotta go to my stylist so we can get our hair down and then get ready for tonight�, Nick told her. Danielle nodded as they both changed back into their normal clothes and went to the register. After Nick paid for it, they walked out of the store into the main part of the mall hand in hand. It was then they heard screaming.
�Oh no we�re gonna get mobbed�, Danielle said as they looked behind them as a crowd came up to them.
�Nah, don�t worry I won�t let any of them hurt you. I�ll just do a couple autographs and pictures really quick�, Nick told her.
�That�s nice of you�, Danielle smiled as the crowd came up. Nick began to sign autographs for them and take pictures when the girls asked who the girl was. He told them that she was his girlfriend and most of them took it pretty well as they took lots of pictures of them together and asked for her autograph as well. After about a hour Nick and Danielle left the mall.

Back In The Mall
�Did you see that diamond ring on his girlfriend Danielle�s left ring finger?�, one of the girl fans said to the crowd.
�Yeah I know that�s the girl that he drew too, do you think they are engaged?�, another said.
�I dunno, let�s go get these pictures developed and get a close up done on her left ring finger and get it on the web�, the older girl said as they all nodded.

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