** Chapters 1-4 **
** Shining Star **
** 1**

Nick was sat down in the beach sand. It was a clear sky that night and all the stars were out.  He looked up at all the stars with a deep sigh.

�Nick what�s up with you lately?�, Brian asked walking into the dining room area on the tour bus.
�What do you mean?�, Nick questioned.
�I thought you would tell you best friend about the new girl you met�, Brian answered as he sat down and put a couple pieces of paper on the table, �These fell out of your bunk when I walked by it� On one of the pieces of paper was a drawing of a blonde women with blue green eyes, and on the other paper was a half done song with the title of Shining Star. Nick�s face blushed a little as he picked up the papers and got up, �I didn�t meet anyone�. He then walked back to his bunk and put the papers in his portfolio. Brian got up and walked back to him, �Nick? Then who is that girl?�
�You�ll laugh if I tell you�, Nick said rolling his eyes.
�No I won�t just tell me�, Brian answered.
�I�ve been having dreams about her a lot, I don�t know who she is but she just keeps on showing up in my dreams. I guess I�ve really fell hard for her, she�s great�, Nick explained as Brian burst out laughing.
�Nick�, Brian said as he continued to laugh, �Your in love with a girl that you don�t even know if she evens exists, most likely she doesn�t�
�God Bri I thought you said you wouldn�t laugh. You know dreams do tell ya things. This might be the girl that I could be with forever.�, Nick said giving Brian a dirty look.
�Ok if you say so�, Brian nodded and left to the back room.

�Could these dreams be telling me something or what. The guys think I�m crazy and obsessed now over a dream girl. God I wish I could find out soon what these all met.�, Nick thought to himself as he continued to look up at the stars. He then pulled a paper out of his back pocket and a pencil, he quickly wrote down some words. He  then looked at the paper with a smile, �There the songs finally done�
He got up and walked up to his back porch and opened the door and walked in locking it behind him. He then went upstairs to his room and got ready to go to bed. He soon fell on his bed exhausted and into a deep sleep.

�Nick�, the girl smiled turning around as she walked up to him and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek, �I�ve missed you�
�Hi�, Nick smiled back as he looked around the room. They were in a bar on the beach.
�Come on let�s go outside, I hear it�s a great night for the stars�, she smiled as she took his hand and led him outside to the beach sand. Nick and the girl walked outside and as they did they stopped as Nick wrapped his arms around her waist.
�Man aren�t the stars beautiful. I could sit out here all night looking at them�, she sighed.
�Your everything I�ve ever dreamed of�, Nick whispered into her ear. She quickly turned around, �I know that�s why I�m here, your everything I�ve ever dreamed of too�
Nick stood there confused a little, �What�s your name? Your never have told me your name, and I�ve met up with you so many times�
�Oh Nick time will tell, yes in time you will know�, she smiled as Nick heard a ringing noise.
�Huh?�, Nick said yawning waking up slowly, he then realized that it was his telephone ringing downstairs. He got up quickly and ran down the stairs to answer the phone.
�Nick, man where the hell are you. The guys and I are already ready to leave. You were suppose to meet us about an hour ago to get ready to leave on the tour bus for our tour�, AJ answered.
�Oops sorry. I guess I over slept a little. I�ll be down in about 20 minutes�, Nick responded.
�You gotta stop having those silly dreams about that girl. It�s just a dream, right now you have a life you have to do stuff not day dream all the time�, AJ told him and then hung up. Nick hung up the phone and rolled his eyes, �You guys just don�t get it�. He then quickly went upstairs and packed everything that he needed and then took a quick shower and got ready and then packed all his stuff in his car and drove off to where the tour buses were secretly hid.
** 2 **

�Danielle�, Ashley called as she walked into her room.
�Huh?�, Danielle said yawning and sitting up in her bed. Ashley and Danielle were best friends, they lived together in a house in New York and went to college on the side.
�Phone, it�s your mom�, Ashley told her.
�Figures it has to be her to interrupt me in my perfect dream�, Danielle grinned.
�Dani gee let me guess your dreaming about Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys. Why does he keep coming up in your dreams?�, Ashley asked.
�I have no clue, but I don�t care they are nice dreams. I keep telling him that we�re gonna meet or something�, Danielle said shaking her head as she got up.
�Ya know even though he is the famous Backstreet Boy, they say dreams do tell you the future sometimes�, Ashley explained to her.
�Yeah I know, but I wouldn�t want to get involved into one of those kind of relationships�, Danielle answered as they both walked down the stairs. Danielle went into the kitchen and got on the phone.
�Ok mom, yes I know, I love ya too, later�, Danielle said as she hung up the phone.
�What�s up with the tone?�, Ashley laughed, �Sounds like your mom was telling you something that you didn�t want to hear?�
�Oh yea she wants me to come over the house ASAP cause she says that I have to finish my wash cause she said she wasn�t gonna do it and everybody else has wash to do and they are waiting on mine to get done�, Danielle sighed, �Wanna come?�
Ashley laughed, �If I come I�m not doing your wash for you�
�Yeah yeah I know, I�ll do it this time�, Danielle smiled as she went back up to her room to get ready to go. A few minutes later she came back down ready as Ashley sat down on the couch watching the tv.
�You know what Dani?�, Ash asked.
�What?�, Danielle responded.
�We shouldn�t have spent all that money we had for the BSB concert tickets on that trip we went on, they say that this tour is gonna be one of the best tours out of all their concerts�, Ashley told her.
�Yeah I know, this sucks�, Danielle agreed, �Well�.ready to go?�
�Yeah�, Ashley nodded as they left the house and got in Danielle�s car and drove to Danielle�s parent�s house.

At Danielle�s Parent�s House
�Mom you home??�, Danielle called as her and Ashley walked through the front door. The house was silent. �Ok, where is everybody?�, Ashley asked.
�You got me, I have no clue. She said she would��, Danielle said as she was interrupted.
�I am home�, her mom answered as she came up from the basement and sat down the basket of Danielle�s clothes all done.
�Um I don�t think I�m gonna ask why you finished my clothes�, Danielle said raising her eyebrows as she quickly pick up the basket and took it outside to put in her trunk.
�Ok Ashley since Danielle is not in here now. This is why I had you guys come here�, Danielle�s mom whispered as she picked up an envelope and handed it to Ashley, �Don�t open it now, hide it in your purse and I want you to open it at your guys house together�
�Ok thanks�, Ashley smiled but confused and curious of what was in it.
�Please tell me if Danielle and you like it�, her mom said in a sad voice.
�I will�, Ashley responded as she sensed something was up.
�Thank You�, she told her as she began to tear up in the eyes a little as she gave her a hug.
�Ok that�s done with�, Danielle came in smiling as her smile began serious, �Mom you look like your gonna cry, you alright?�
�Honey I�m fine�, she told her with a fake smile, �You guys don�t have to stay around here much longer cause I have to go make a trip somewhere�
�Ok mom, thanks a lot. Love ya�, Danielle nodded as she hugged her mom.
�Goodbye honey. I love you too�, her mom began to say a little choked up.
�Mom, you sure your alright?�, Danielle asked worried.
�Yes I�m fine honey�, she smiled again. Danielle and Ashley then said goodbye again and left in Danielle�s car.

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