Chapter Five
�Look bitch, you had your chance and now it�s too late, now you have to pay!�  Jacob slammed Haylie down on the couch; she quickly jumped up and tried to get away.  But before she could get very far Jacob grabbed her by the hair and flung her into the wall.  Haylie fell to the floor, she was bleeding and on the verge of passing out, but she wasn�t going to give up.  She quickly gathered herself and stood up, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of surrendering to him.

Jacob grabbed Haylie by the collar of her shirt and threw her on the couch once again.  �In all the time we�ve been together, you�ve been a tease.  You�d wear those sultry outfits and fool around with me, but when I wanted to go further you�d say no, I thought you knew that no one says no to me!� Jacob screamed as he began ripping off Haylie�s clothes off.  �Now you�re going to make up for all of those times!�  As Jacob continued ripping off Haylie�s clothes, the phone began to ring.  �Oh, if you think that�s going to stop me, you�re wrong, dead wrong!�

Haylie sat straight up in bed, her heart was racing and her body was drenched in a cold sweat.  It took her a moment to realize what had woke her up, but when the phone rang again, she knew.  Haylie pulled herself together as best she could, but her minds was still reeling from the all too vivid dream as she answered the phone, �Hello?�

�Haylie, this is Jackie, it�s good to hear your voice sweetheart,� Brian�s mother greeted her.  �How have you been doing?�

�A lot better, Brian�s been taking good care of me.�  As Haylie finished her sentence Brian came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

�Well, I�d hope he�s taking good care of you,� Jackie laughed.  �Speaking of my son, is he around?�

�Yes, Mrs. Littrell he�s right here, just a moment,� Haylie replied handing Brian the phone.

Brian could tell by the look on Haylie�s face that she�d had another nightmare, her face was pale and eyes were wide.  �Good morning Sunshine,� Brian whispered to Haylie, kissing her cheek as he took the phone from her hand.  When Brian didn�t get a response of any kind from Haylie except for her walking into the bathroom, he knew that he would have to cut this phone call short.  �Mom, is there any way I can call you back?�

�Of course sweetheart, is something wrong?� Jackie asked, her voice full of concern.

�No, nothing�s wrong, there�s just something I need to take care of.  I�ll talk to you later.  I love you.� Without waiting for a response from his mother Brian hung up the phone and headed into the bathroom. 

When Brian entered the bathroom, Haylie was standing next to the shower, staring off into space.  �How bad was it this time?� Brian asked.

�Huh?  How bad was what?�

�Haylie, as soon as I saw you this morning I knew that you had another nightmare,� Brian replied. 

�It wasn�t that bad,� Haylie lied as she stepped into the shower.

�It wasn�t that bad?  You were as white as a sheet when I came into the bedroom, but it wasn�t that bad!  If you don�t want to talk to me about what�s going on that�s fine, but Hay, you�re going to have to talk to someone,� Brian said walking out and slamming the bathroom door.  Brian got dressed and collapsed onto the window seat and stared out at the ocean, and silently prayed� �Dear Lord, I don�t know what to do anymore, I�m at the end of my rope.  I love Haylie more than life itself and it�s killing me that I can�t help her.  I cannot bear watching her suffer emotionally the way she has been, it�s breaking us both down.  Please give me the strength to continue supporting her, because I can�t do this alone.�

Chapter Six

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