Newport & District Pool League
Learn the rules

The Game
The object of the game
Commencement of the game
Penalty following any foul
Loss of Game

1. The Game
The game will be known as 8 ball pool. It's intended to be played in the true spirit of the game. The referee is the sole judge of what is fair and unfair play and is responsible for preventing a foul.

The game is played on a rectangle, 6 pocket table with 15 balls (two groups & black ball) plus the cue ball.

2. Object of the game
The player pocketing their group of object balls first, then legally pocketing the 8 ball wins. The black ball has to be nominated and the referee is to ask for a nomination
( SEE rule 7f ).

3. Commencement of the game
a) The balls are racked as illustrated with the 8 ball on the 8 ball spot.
b) Order of play is determined by the flip of a coin. The winner has the option of breaking or requesting the opponent to do so.
c) The opening player plays at the rack of balls using the cue ball from the D. They must pocket a ball or cause at least two object balls to hit a cushion. Failure to do so is a foul. The balls will be re-racked and the opposing player re-starts the game with one break shot followed by one visit.
d) On the break if the player breaking legally pockets an object ball they must nominate a group. Then continue on that group. The Referee us to ask for a nomination.
e) If no ball is pocketed the oncoming player must clearly nominate a group before continuing. The Referee is to ask for a nomination.
f) If a foul is committed on the break other than 3(g) any balls pocketed are ignored in determining groups. Opponent is to nominate on second shot. The Referee is to ask for a nomination.
g) If the 8 ball is pocketed during the break, no penalty will be incurred. Same player re-starts the game.
h) If a ball or balls are legally pocketed, this entitles the player to one additional shot and this continues until the player either fails to pocket their group or fouls.
i) "Combination Shot" A player may legally pocket one or more of their opponents object balls providing the cue ball strikes one of their own group first and providing one of their groups are pocketed on the same shot.

4. Fouls
a) In off (cue ball pocketed).
b) Hitting opponents balls before their own group, except when during a free shot.
c) Failing to hit any ball with the cue ball.
d) Jump shots-defined as when the cue ball jumps any part of any ball before making contact with any object ball.
e) If a player hits the 8 ball with the cue ball on the first impact before all of their own group of balls have been pocketed except during a free shot.
f) Pocketing any opponents balls except during a free shot or combination shot.
g) Ball "off the table" If it comes to rest other than on the bed of the table (Any object ball or the 8 ball shall be returned to the 8 ball spot or as near as possible to that spot without touching any other ball. In a direct line between that spot and the centre of the D. The cue ball is played from any position on or within the D).
h) If a players clothing or body should touch any ball.
i) Player not having at least one foot on the floor.
j) Playing or touching with the cue any ball other than the cue ball.
k) Playing out of turn, before balls have come to rest or before any balls have been re-spotted.
l) Striking the cue ball with any part of the cue other than the tip or striking the cue ball more than once.
m) Failing to clearly nominate when 3d+3e+3f applies. However, it is not a foul if the Referee does not ask for a nomination.
n) Foul break
(see 3c) or a push shot (see 7a).
o) Moving a ball when playing away from a touching ball.>
p) If a player deliberately touches a moving ball or retrieves a ball dropping into a pocket.

5. Penalty Following any foul.
a) The opponent may play the cue ball from where it lies or from the D.
b) The oncoming player is entitled to one free shot which without nomination may play directly onto any ball. However may not pocket the 8 ball unless the player has pocketed all his/her own group.

6. Loss of Game
a) If a player pockets the 8 ball before his or her own group, except during the break.
b) A player going in off the 8 ball when the 8 ball is pocketed.
c) A player who clearly fails to make any attempt to play their own group.
d) If a player pockets the 8 ball without nominating, after the Referee has clearly asked for a nomination.
e) If a player pockets the 8 ball in any pocket other than the pocket that was nominated

7. General
a) Push Shot: Defined as when the tip of the cue remains in contact with the cue ball once it has commenced in motion.
b) Ball in Hand: When a player has ball in hand they can play from any position within the D. (Any direction).
c) Player in Control: A player is in control of the table from the time that their body, cue or clothing touches the table prior to their visit and up until their opponent does likewise prior to their visit. Any balls which fall into the pocket during this period (including the 8 ball) the player "in control" is said to have pocketed and they are liable to any penalties or benefits normally awarded.
d) Touching Ball: You must play away from a touching ball, which must not move. If it's your own group you've deemed to have hit that ball. If it's an opponents ball you must play away and make contact with your own group.
e) Coaching: This is deemed as unsportsmanlike behaviour.
f) 8 Ball: The Referee us ti ask for a nomination, then the player must clearly nominate and wait for the referee to acknowledge the nomination, before pocketing the 8 ball. If the referee does not ask for a nomination and the 8 ball is pocketed it is not Game Away. If the player does not nominate but does not pocket the 8 ball, it is a foul.

8. Stalemate
Should any situation arise whereby a legal shot cannot be played, then the same player shall re-start the game. Whether this situation has arrived by accident or design. If in the opinion of the referee neither player is allowing the game to progress, or a stalemate situation has arisen, then the game will be re-started by the same player.

Newport & District Pool League 2000. Rules revised 19/11/01.
Endorsed by N.D.P.L. Committee.


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