(2722) Othrek: "Okay so are we going to try those elementals again, or jump?"
(2723) Zus: I say lets send the bats out there as decoys
(2742) Nym: What kind of Jump ability would Zus be able to give us?
(2687) Bill: do you know how to calculate that Zus?
(2723) Zus: Or rather "We should send the bats as decoys into the mists and we can attack the air elementals with the lightning storm."
(2687) Bill: your jump ranks +Str modifier of leopard + racial jump conus of leopard
(2722) Othrek: "I'm fine with that, but be prepared to call them back if it does not go well."
(2742) Nym: I can give +20 on Jump checks for 2 people and I can cast one more protection from lightning spell today
(2722) Othrek: "Wow, a talking mountain lion!"
(2722) Othrek: "Let's try the decoys"
(2723) Zus: He somehow communicated that with his growls.
(2723) Zus: grrrrr
(2723) Zus: grr
(2722) Othrek: "Away with ye, decoys!"
(2723) Zus: wave wave flap like bat
(2742) Nym: If we dedice to jump, I may want to delay long enough for me to airwalk to the surface and get one of the flame arrow oils from Alustan before going further
(2687) Bill: How will you communicate with them, Zus?
(2722) Othrek: "Okay."
(2742) Nym: but I am fine with attacking too, I just won't be of much help
(2687) Bill: Zus, do you have any ability to talk to dire bats to command them to do that?
(2723) Zus: grr movement that looks like lightning
(2722) Othrek: could Swish tell them?
(2723) Zus: no
(2723) Zus: do I have empathic
(2723) Zus: link
(2723) Zus: ?
(2722) Othrek: No that is just for an animal comp
(2723) Zus: But I could tell Swish and he could tell bats
(2687) Bill: can you speak to swish?
(2723) Zus: I thought there was some link
(2723) Zus: hang on
(2687) Bill: you can command swish to go out there
(2723) Zus: but nto to tell the other bats to do so?
(2687) Bill: i can't think of how
(2722) Othrek: COmmand Swish-- he will draw the elementals and the others will attack once the enemies appear.
(2742) Nym: I am afraid they will kill us dudes
(2723) Zus: Somehow through the gesticuatltions and commands Zus agrees in this mountain lion form.
(2722) Othrek: "they will only attack the bats for now Our lion friend here doesn't want his lightning spell to go to waste."
(2723) Zus: AMountain lion zus makes more gesticulations like a lightning storm.
(2742) Nym: that is cool. I'll back out of the way
(2723) Zus: The mountain lion buts his paws on his hips.
(2723) Zus: and then throws them forward.
(2742) Nym: Nym says "Ohh La La!" and then gets sad thinking of his friend.
(2722) Othrek: ha
(2687) Bill: Swish needs to make a reflex and fortitude save
(2723) Zus: frrrrrr
(2722) Othrek: Bill, I had a drunken conversation at New Year's about the difference between "plotting" and "doing"
(2687) Bill: ha
(2722) Othrek: good that you have both covered.
(2687) Bill: [10d6] => [2,3,4,1,6,2,3,3,1,1] = (26)
(2723) Zus: [1d20] => [16] = (16)
(2723) Zus: [1d20+11] => [19,11] = (30)
(2723) Zus: [1d20+15] => [6,15] = (21)
(2723) Zus: fort first
(2723) Zus: then reflex
(2723) Zus: balgh
(2687) Bill: Swish spins in the air dodging the lightning bolt completely and flies straight through the strong wind
(2723) Zus: what is fast way to tdo that?
(2687) Bill: create a chracter sheet is the fastest way
(2722) Othrek: just type it in after the parentheticals
(2722) Othrek: Initiative: [1d20+3] -> [19,3] = (22)
(2722) Othrek: Initiative: [1d20+3] -> [11,3] = (14)
(2722) Othrek: Saving Throws: Relex [1d20+13] -> [19,13] = (32)
(2722) Othrek: hmm... but how do I edit it?
(2742) Nym: Do I need to make reflex and fortitude saves?
(2723) Zus: Intiative: [1d20+5] => [6,5] = (11)
(2723) Zus: that was for zus
(2687) Bill: the elementals fly up and punch swish from 15 feet away
(2687) Bill: [1d20+23] => [10,23] = (33)
(2687) Bill: [2d8+5] => [7,3,5] = (15)
(2687) Bill: [1d20+23] => [8,23] = (31)
(2687) Bill: [2d8+5] => [1,7,5] = (13)
(2687) Bill: swish takes 28 damage total
(2723) Zus: 31/59
(2687) Bill: the summoned bats fly in
(2687) Bill: [1d20+10] => [5,10] = (15)
(2687) Bill: [10d6] => [3,2,5,1,3,3,2,1,1,3] = (24)
(2687) Bill: they lightning hits them and scalds them badly
(2687) Bill: [1d20+7] => [1,7] = (8)
(2687) Bill: the wind blows them back
(2687) Bill: [2d6] => [5,3] = (8)
(2687) Bill: they fly across the room and are knocked unconscious
(2687) Bill: Zus's turn
(2742) Nym: Welcome to the back of the room fellas.
(2722) Othrek: Othrek says "whoa mamma" as the bats whirl past his head.
(2742) Nym: What time is it for us?
(2687) Bill: morning
(2723) Zus: zus callls the first bolt of lighting on air elemental 1but makes sure it wont hit Swish. He slso if possible empaths swish goto return.
(2687) Bill: [1d20+22] => [5,22] = (27) Reflex
(2723) Zus: Dc= 19
(2687) Bill: it dodges partly
(2722) Othrek: Othrek rolls his eyes.
(2723) Zus: dmg = [5d6] => [3,2,2,2,3] = (12)
(2722) Othrek: "Time to call your bat back, friend."
(2687) Bill: it takes 6 points of damage
(2723) Zus: Zus does so.
(2687) Bill: Othrek's turn
(2722) Othrek: Othrek readies to attack if the elementas approach him.
(2687) Bill: Nym's turn
(2742) Nym: Nym readies his bow, knowing it will do almost no good against the air elementals.
(2687) Bill: Swish flies out of the room
(2687) Bill: The elementals return to the fog below
(2687) Bill: the summoned bats die
(2742) Nym: What time is it here?
(2722) Othrek: "Okay, so I have my jump potion, and Nym has two spells."
(2687) Bill: morning
(2722) Othrek: "Zus is a mountain lion, so he should be fine."
(2723) Zus: Zus mtn lion jumps
(2742) Nym: Would Alustan have the oil ready by the time I got to him?
(2723) Zus: in agreement
(2687) Bill: yeah
(2722) Othrek: "We only have like one fly spell left, Nym."
(2742) Nym: can we wait for me to get this and return. I'd need a potion of fly to get back or for Swish to meet me at the top
(2687) Bill: as a mountain lion, Zus's jump is +11
(2742) Nym: I already have the airwalk spell to get to the top
(2722) Othrek: ah
(2722) Othrek: Well, go on then
(2742) Nym: Can Swish meet me at the top when I return?
(2723) Zus: Swish has run awway in fear.
(2722) Othrek: you can't go downwards with air walk?
(2742) Nym: Would it last long enough?
(2687) Bill: yes
(2742) Nym: Nym goes with haste
(2722) Othrek: cool
(2742) Nym: Nym returns asap
(2723) Zus: Does swish come back ?
(2687) Bill: While leaving Allustan's with the potion, he is hailed by a figure in black robes
(2742) Nym: Sir,
(2742) Nym: I mean strange fellow, how can I help you?
(2687) Bill: I am looking for a group of adventurers led by a Raegar. Do you know them?
(2742) Nym: Yes, I am Nym Talisker, Raegar's companion seeking supplies for my party
(2742) Nym: Who are you?
(2687) Bill: Ah excellent. My name is nargatuon
(2687) Bill: He pulls back the hood on his robe. he has jet black long hair and dark eyes
(2742) Nym: Well, Nargatuon, why do you seek us?
(2687) Bill: "It is a long story. Perhaps I could tell you over an ale?"
(2742) Nym: Hmm, I am in a bit of a hurry, since I am walking on an airwalk spell with limited durration. Nym walks about 1 foot off the air for a few paces.
(2742) Nym: But I do like beer.
(2687) Bill: "Ah I see." his tongue slithers on the s. "I could accompany you where you are going?"
(2742) Nym: We are seeking to claim the Septer of Calim that we think is inside of a tomb that we have accessed not far from here.
(2687) Bill: "Sounds intriguing. I will join you then."
(2742) Nym: Nym looks into his eyes and says, you can follow me to my friend's home while we talk.
(2687) Bill: You already went to Allustan's
(2742) Nym: Nym goes to allustan's to get the oils
(2742) Nym: So I did. Did I get one or two?
(2687) Bill: Two
(2742) Nym: Then I invite this friend to follow me to the party.
(2742) Nym: Trusting sort? Am I not?
(2687) Bill: When you return to the waterfall, he casts a spell and climbs down the wall like a spider
(2687) Bill: and follows you into the room
(2687) Bill: "Greetings. I am Nargatuon."
(2742) Nym: Hello friends, I have brought another adventurer
(2723) Zus: Grrr
(2687) Bill: "Yes. I am an adventurer."
(2742) Nym: He likes you
(2687) Bill: "Or will be soon."
(2723) Zus: and then a wave of a paw
(2742) Nym: Tell us why you wish to find Raegar and his party
** (2687) Nargatuon looks with distaste at the animal **
(2742) Nym: that you have found
(2687) Nargatuon: "Ah yes. I was in town collecting my brother's-in-law possessions. He was beheaded recently. I learned of your deeds, and would like to avoid my wife's mourning for a few months. I thought I could travel with you. And now I hear of a scepter. I want that."
(2723) Zus: Zus growls loudly.
(2687) Nargatuon: "Is the cat dangerous?"
(2742) Nym: We are all in seek of this, but we must not covet it before we find it and learn more
(2687) Nargatuon: "Fine. It makes sense." All the s's hiss
(2723) Zus: grrrrr
(2742) Nym: our main job is to traverse these pillars without flying, for two air elementals are blocking our way if we do not traverse the way on foot
** (2687) Valkus casts detect evil **
(2687) Nargatuon: "I can improve your jump quite easily."
(2742) Nym: How much can you do so?
(2687) Nargatuon: "On up to 7 of you."
(2723) Zus: zus casts cure moderate wounds on Swish.
(2722) Othrek: "Ahem what was your brother's name?"
(2687) Valkus: "This man is not evil. I shall attend to Pancake."
(2723) Zus: cure mod [2d8+10] => [5,7,10] = (22)
(2687) Nargatuon: "My brother-in-law was named Filge. A distasteful fool of a man. I am glad to find him headless."
(2742) Nym: How did he lose his head?
(2687) Nargatuon: "I don't know. He went traveling some time ago and never wrote. I was asked to find him and searching through his papers I learned he had been summoned to Diamond Lake. I came here and found him headless in a tower."
(2687) Nargatuon: "I gathered his few remaining possesions but I have no intention of going home until my wife ceases her mourning."
(2723) Zus: zus the mountain lion moutions like someone slitting another's throat and then holds up heis paws questioningly
(2742) Nym: What do you know about the undead or worms in these parts?
(2742) Nym: Or does the name Moretto mean anything to you?
(2687) Nargatuon: "I know how to control undead. I know nothing of undead in these parts, although Filge fancied himself the undead master so I am sure there is some connection."
(2687) Nargatuon: "I do no tknow that name."
(2723) Zus: grrrr
(2687) Nargatuon: "Can that cat stay away from me, please?"
(2742) Nym: Nym says to Nargatuon, I must discuss with the rest of our party on whether to accept your help. I have brought you here and feel responsible. I'll keep the cat at bay for the moment
(2687) Nargatuon: "very well."
(2742) Nym: Nym calls the party, minus Nargatuon to the other room.
(2687) Nargatuon: Nargatuon slides across the room and down the stairs
(2742) Nym: I am sorry for bringing this man here. I was under compulsion to return asap and he would have followed me anyway. he may be of some help
(2742) Nym: though
(2742) Nym: period
(2723) Zus: Aus shrugs.
(2742) Nym: what does othrek think?
(2722) Othrek: "Of course, he can help us."
(2742) Nym: Lets bring him in then.
(2742) Nym: Nargatuon, please come in and join us. We accept your help with the jump spell
(2687) Nargatuon: "Then I will give it."
(2723) Zus: As Nargatuamn cast the spell Zus licks his hand.
(2723) Zus: in appreciation.
(2687) Nargatuon: "I can not cast thsi spell with this thing licking me." he straightens his robes
(2722) Othrek: "That thing is our druid, Zus. He will return to his true form soon enough."
(2687) Nargatuon: Narguaton can give a +20 Jump to up to 7 people
(2723) Zus: Zus semapthically tells Swish to sty put.
(2742) Nym: do jump spells stack?
(2687) Nargatuon: No
(2723) Zus: +31for moutnain lion Zus.
(2723) Zus: (with jump spell)
(2742) Nym: Well, you can skip Raegar and Pancake as both are staying here
(2687) Nargatuon: Valkus is also not going
(2742) Nym: Nym gets to +27 with the spell
(2723) Zus: (which he may or may not get)
(2722) Othrek: Okay, what eabout protection from energy speels?
(2742) Nym: I have one more, since I cast one on myself before airwalking into the room
(2742) Nym: Does Zus or Valkus have a spell they can cast?
(2742) Nym: Also if Valkus has a healing spell, I could use it
(2687) Nargatuon: Valkus can cast 3 prot from energy spells
(2687) Nargatuon: [2d8+7] => [7,6,7] = (20) cure for Nym
(2687) Nargatuon: [2d8+7] => [3,2,7] = (12) another cure for Nym
(2687) Nargatuon: from valkuys
(2742) Nym: thanks
(2722) Othrek: I will take one of v's protections
(2742) Nym: I assume my previous protection from energy spell has worn off
(2687) DM: he gives you 12*7 points of electr. resistance
(2687) DM: Yes, Nym. Although i thought you didn't cast it
(2742) Nym: Maybe I didn't
(2742) Nym: I guess not
(2723) Zus: Zus starts jumping up and down and licks Valkus hand
(2687) DM: Valkus pets Zus
(2742) Nym: I then have two protection from ene
(2742) Nym: energy spells
(2723) Zus: zus runs over to nym and starts jumoning and licking etc...
(2742) Nym: I cast protection from energy on myself and on darius
(2722) Othrek: Alright, letz do this thang!
(2722) Othrek: what are the DC's for the jumps?
(2723) Zus: Zus has no energy protect!
(2742) Nym: Valkus can cast it on Zus and Sw
(2742) Nym: swish
(2722) Othrek: yep
(2723) Zus: zus shakes his head
(2742) Nym: What of Na
(2742) Nym: nargatuon?
(2687) DM: Valkus gives 84 points to Zus and Swish
(2723) Zus: and casts it on himself.
(2742) Nym: Valkus is not going.
(2742) Nym: Can Nargatuon cast this?
(2687) DM: No
(2722) Othrek: valkus is w/ cp-cake
(2722) Othrek: "I get the feeling that Narg is one of those "sorcerers"
(2687) DM: Narg slightly nods, but almost unnoticeabley
(2722) Othrek: Does Narg have protection?
(2723) Zus: zus looks as quzzical as a mountain lion cn
(2742) Nym: I have a healing bead to help nargatuon from any electricity he may encounter later
(2722) Othrek: Okay cool
(2687) DM: first jump dc is 5
(2722) Othrek: let's go
(2742) Nym: I can heal him with a cure serious wounds
(2723) Zus: zus leads way
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+32] -> [6,32] = (38) jump to 1st column
(2687) DM: reflex and fort save from anyone who jumps in
(2723) Zus: jump 1 [1d20+31] => [11,31] = (42)
(2742) Nym: [1d20+27] -> [14,27] = (41)
(2742) Nym: jump
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+7] -> [5,7] = (12) ref
(2687) DM: [10d6] => [3,6,4,2,2,2,6,3,6,2] = (36)
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+14] -> [12,14] = (26) fort
(2723) Zus: reflex [1d20+10] => [16,10] = (26)
(2722) Othrek: ow
(2687) DM: 36 points of electricity off the spell
(2742) Nym: [1d20+14] -> [16,14] = (30)
(2742) Nym: fort
(2687) DM: [1d20+21] => [20,21] = (41) Jump
(2723) Zus: fort [1d20+9] => [16,9] = (25)
(2687) DM: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14)
(2687) DM: Narg is down to 9 hp
(2723) Zus: where is he?
(2687) DM: [1d20+4] => [17,4] = (21)
(2687) DM: the next jump dc is 30
(2742) Nym: [1d12+16] -> [10,16] = (26)
(2742) Nym: reflex
(2687) DM: if you get less than 20 on your fort save, you are blown back
(2722) Othrek: before jumping to the next column, Othrek casts cure light on Narg [1d8+2] -> [4,2] = (6)
(2742) Nym: [3d8+27] -> [5,8,7,27] = (47)
(2687) DM: [1d4] => [3] = (3)
(2687) DM: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
(2742) Nym: nym heals nargatuon if he can reach him subtract 26 from that for a total of 21 healing
(2742) Nym: [3d20+27] -> [20,15,13,27] = (75)
(2687) DM: Ok, Zus is fuirst right?
(2742) Nym: ignore that
(2723) Zus: yes zus is first.
(2687) DM: Zus, you got blown back into the room and take 1 point of nonlethal damage
(2687) DM: who goes next?
(2722) Othrek: othrek
(2687) DM: the lightingn takes off 36 hp from spell. You are on the first column
(2687) DM: Now what?
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+32] -> [17,32] = (49) jump to next column
(2687) DM: Now what?
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+32] -> [3,32] = (35) and again
(2687) DM: Is someone else going to jump, or will you wait for Othrek?
(2687) DM: Othrek is on third column now
(2723) Zus: zus appears eager to try again.
(2722) Othrek: I will wait if anyone says to, but maybe it's best if we go one at a time?
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+32] -> [7,32] = (39) jump to 4th column
(2687) DM: This column is spinning.
(2687) DM: You need to make a balance check
(2722) Othrek: oh god
(2722) Othrek: [1d20] -> [18] = (18) balance
(2687) DM: You maintain your balance
(2722) Othrek: okay, now the one on the right is the tar-covered one, rigth?
(2687) DM: yes
(2722) Othrek: what is the DC for jumping to the big one?
(2687) DM: 20
(2742) Nym: I gave othrek back the disc before he went.
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+32] -> [17,32] = (49) jump to big column
(2687) DM: you land on it
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+32] -> [15,32] = (47) jump to other side where doors are
(2687) DM: You land on it and are struck by lightning and a blast of wind
(2687) DM: reflex and fort
(2722) Othrek: erf
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+7] -> [19,7] = (26) reflex
(2687) DM: with trap sense
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+14] -> [5,14] = (19) fort
(2687) DM: [10d6] => [5,1,2,4,4,6,6,5,5,4] = (42)
(2687) DM: 21 off spell
(2722) Othrek: okay
(2742) Nym: wow!
(2687) DM: trap sense helps you to hold strong against the wind
(2722) Othrek: whew - I was worried bout that
(2742) Nym: Nym asks Valkus if he can heal nargatuon more
(2722) Othrek: Othrek yells back; "Do you want me to wait for you guys before I open the doors?"
(2723) Zus: sgrr
(2687) DM: (Nargatuon won't get hurt until he jumps)
(2742) Nym: I healed him 21 already
(2742) Nym: ok
(2723) Zus: zus jumps again if no one else tdoes
(2687) DM: another reflex and fort save from zus
(2742) Nym: We might as well wait if Zus is jumping
(2723) Zus: fort [1d20+9] => [7,9] = (16)
(2687) DM: [1d4] => [2] = (2)
(2687) DM: you are blown back again
(2687) DM: 2 points of nonlethal damage
(2723) Zus: zus laughs
(2687) DM: and a reflex save
(2742) Nym: Nym jumps
(2722) Othrek: Othrek chuckles on the other side of the room. "Trouble with those gusts, Mr. Air Genasi?"
(2687) DM: Nym, remind me what you rolled for ref and fort
(2742) Nym: [1d20+16] -> [15,16] = (31)
(2723) Zus: reflex [1d20+10] => [17,10] = (27)
(2742) Nym: I was going to roll again, but my 0riginal was 26 reflex and 30 fortitude
(2687) DM: ok. You ojnly lose 18 from the spell
(2687) DM: next jump dc is 30
(2742) Nym: how much does the spell save?
(2687) DM: you don't take any damage
(2742) Nym: [1d20+27] -> [6,27] = (33)
(2742) Nym: jump
(2687) DM: but the spell stops working after a certauin amount of elec dmg
(2742) Nym: how much?
(2687) DM: WHo cast it? You or Valkus?
(2742) Nym: Can I cast the spell on Nargatuon instead of swish since swish might not jump so much
(2742) Nym: I did
(2687) DM: valkus gives 84 and Nym gives 60
(2742) Nym: And Valkus cast the spell on swish
(2687) DM: yes, you can change the spell to Narg
(2742) Nym: if Zus agrees
(2687) DM: The next column rises all the way to the ceiling. You can make a will save to try to disbelieve the illusion
(2687) DM: otherwise, -5 on your jump check
(2742) Nym: [1d20+8] -> [16,8] = (24)
(2742) Nym: will
(2687) DM: You realize that the column is shorter than it appears
(2687) DM: no pejnalty on jump
(2722) Othrek: it is a leap of faith
(2742) Nym: [1d20+27] -> [2,27] = (29)
(2722) Othrek: a la Indiana JOnes 3
(2687) DM: You make it
(2687) DM: next column is spinning
(2742) Nym: [1d20+27] -> [13,27] = (40)
(2742) Nym: jump
(2687) DM: you make it. Make a balance check
(2742) Nym: [1d20+8] -> [2,8] = (10)
(2742) Nym: oh shit
(2687) DM: You lose control but don't fall. try again
(2742) Nym: [1d20+8] -> [16,8] = (24)
(2687) DM: you maintain control. Jump to the tar column or the big column?
(2742) Nym: better
(2722) Othrek: big and you get struck by lightning and wind. tar and you have to make a DC reflex save or fall all the way down
(2742) Nym: what do I need to roll to land on each?
(2687) DM: 20 to get to big
(2687) DM: 22 to tar
(2742) Nym: I go to the big
(2742) Nym: [1d20+27] -> [17,27] = (44)
(2687) DM: you make it
(2742) Nym: [1d20+14] -> [2,14] = (16)
(2742) Nym: forti
(2742) Nym: fortitude\
(2687) DM: not yet
(2742) Nym: [1d20+16] -> [12,16] = (28)
(2742) Nym: refl
(2742) Nym: ok
(2687) DM: you have to get to the next one, befroe the lightning strikes
(2742) Nym: [1d20+28] -> [3,28] = (31)
(2742) Nym: jump
(2742) Nym: ouch
(2687) DM: youmake it to the end and get struck by lightning
(2687) DM: the wind blows you off
(2687) DM: [1d4] => [1] = (1)
(2722) Othrek: can I catch him?
(2742) Nym: Am I dead?
(2687) DM: you begin to fall but Nargatuon casts a spell right away and you float gently down into the fog
(2742) Nym: I must be dead
(2742) Nym: no I am dreaming
(2722) Othrek: "Excellent work, Nargaflon!"
(2742) Nym: no I am a clumbsy elf
(2687) DM: You land on the bottom, pleasantly
(2722) Othrek: how far down does he go?
(2687) DM: 500 feet down
(2742) Nym: Can I climb out the end that othrek is on?
(2722) Othrek: wow.
(2687) DM: yeah
(2723) Zus: Zus will try again if he's allowed. (he has a ring of feather fall so fear not).
(2687) DM: go ahead
(2687) DM: CLimb DC 25
(2723) Zus: let narg go first
(2722) Othrek: how many of us can fit on the column where I am?
(2742) Nym: [1d20+8] -> [8,8] = (16)
(2687) DM: 3
(2687) DM: ACtually everyone can fit on the last column
(2722) Othrek: Okay, I say Nargaflon jumps across and then I'll open the doors.
(2722) Othrek: nevermind
(2723) Zus: grrr
(2687) DM: same with the big column
(2722) Othrek: go Zus
(2687) DM: Nym eventually climbs up
(2722) Othrek: "Good thing you found that scary dude in town, eh Nym?"
(2742) Nym: I would say so.
(2742) Nym: hell of a climb, hunh Othrek
(2722) Othrek: "indeed, indeed."
(2722) Othrek: So who is going now, Zus or Nargathalon?
(2723) Zus: nag zus ia figurin
(2722) Othrek: ?
(2687) DM: wildshape is a whole nother level of complexity
(2723) Zus: facebook is being sued by scrabble
(2722) Othrek: hmmm
(2723) Zus: anyway. zus fort [1d20+13] => [15,13] = (28)
(2687) DM: this time he resisst the wind, remembering that he is both an air genasi and a mountian lion
(2722) Othrek: nice
(2723) Zus: zus reflex [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
(2687) DM: [10d6] => [5,4,2,5,2,4,4,5,2,1] = (34)
(2687) DM: the lightning takes off 34 from his spell
(2723) Zus: jump [1d20+31] => [1,31] = (32)
(2687) DM: he makes it to the first column
(2723) Zus: even with the 1?
(2687) DM: yes
(2723) Zus: 2nd jump [1d20+31] => [13,31] = (44)
(2687) DM: next column is DC 30 jump
(2687) DM: he makes it
(2687) DM: the next column is a pillar that goes all the way up to the ceiling. Make a Will save
(2687) DM: Nargatuon jumps to the first column and gets hit by lightning. Did Nym cast prot from energyu on him?
(2723) Zus: will as air genasi or mtn lion or noboth?
(2742) Nym: Valkus did
(2687) DM: wildshape doesn't affect will save
(2687) DM: ok
(2723) Zus: so just genasi
(2687) DM: yeah
(2742) Nym: Valkus did not do so for swish though
(2687) DM: but not a wind effect
(2687) DM: ok, thanks
(2742) Nym: Nym cast it on Darius
(2723) Zus: will [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26)
(2687) DM: If narg casts Jump on Darius, he won't be able to cast feather fall again
(2723) Zus: jump [1d20+31] => [2,31] = (33)
(2687) DM: ok, you disbelievbe the illusion and jump to the column
(2742) Nym: I could have cast it on darius
(2687) DM: next column is spinning so -5 on jump check
(2742) Nym: Same +20
(2687) DM: ok, Nym
(2723) Zus: jump [1d20+26] => [9,26] = (35)
(2687) DM: [1d20+21] => [4,21] = (25) jump
(2687) DM: narguatuon misses the column, but grabs its edge and pulls himself up
(2687) DM: Zus makes it to the spinning column. He must make a balance check or fall
(2723) Zus: balance [1d20+12] => [10,12] = (22)
(2687) DM: Saving Throws: Fort [1d20+4] => [7,4] = (11)
(2687) DM: Saving Throws: Reflex [1d20+9] => [1,9] = (10)
(2687) DM: Darius is blown off the column
(2723) Zus: did zus fall?
(2687) DM: Zus is balanced. he can jump to the big column (DC 20) or the tar coated column (DC 22)
(2687) DM: Saving Throws: Fort [1d20+4] => [14,4] = (18)
(2687) DM: Saving Throws: Reflex [1d20+9] => [8,9] = (17)
(2687) DM: Darius is blown off the column again
(2687) DM: Saving Throws: Fort [1d20+4] => [9,4] = (13)
(2687) DM: Saving Throws: Reflex [1d20+9] => [12,9] = (21)
(2687) DM: Darius is blown off the column again. He concedes
(2723) Zus: big. jump [1d20+31] => [1,31] = (32) fort [1d20+13] => [7,13] = (20) reflex [1d20+9] => [9,9] = (18)
(2723) Zus: he must have slipped.
(2687) DM: Those saves aren't necessary until the end
(2722) Othrek: saves are for after
(2687) DM: [10d6] => [1,2,6,5,1,5,4,4,3,2] = (33)
(2723) Zus: oh.
(2687) DM: Zus makes it to the end and loses 19 points from his spell
(2742) Nym: come on guys you can make it!
(2723) Zus: so now what?
(2687) DM: Nargatuon is unusually balanced. More so than everyone else
(2742) Nym: spooky
(2687) DM: Should he jump to the end?
(2742) Nym: sure
(2687) DM: [1d20+4] => [1,4] = (5)
(2687) DM: the wind blows him off
(2687) DM: he casts feather fall and floats to the bottom
(2742) Nym: We call down to him
(2687) DM: he spider climbs up the wall
(2742) Nym: Should we cheer on our cheerer on, Darius?
(2722) Othrek: Othrek is so impressed by Nargabathon's spells that he is left speechless.
(2687) DM: Darius says its hopeless
(2742) Nym: ok
(2687) DM: Plus Narg can't cast feather fall anymore
(2723) Zus: gr
(2722) Othrek: "Okay, dear Darius! Watch over the others!"
(2742) Nym: keep their spirits high!
(2722) Othrek: "Your bat will have to wait. Let's open these doors now."
(2723) Zus: grrrr
(2687) DM: oh wait Narg can do one more feather fall
(2722) Othrek: "Everyone ready?"
(2722) Othrek: Oh.
(2723) Zus: grr
(2687) DM: the doors do not open
(2742) Nym: Not with the disk?
(2722) Othrek: Othrek speaks many Mimsy-esque words.
(2722) Othrek: Is there anything written on the doors?
(2687) DM: no
(2723) Zus: ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(2722) Othrek: shite.
(2742) Nym: Ohh Darius!
(2722) Othrek: Can I try to close the other doors?
(2687) DM: Darius closes them
(2722) Othrek: Okay, so now do the others open?
(2687) DM: no
(2742) Nym: What did he mean by that?
(2742) Nym: We're entombed!
(2722) Othrek: Can anyone cast a spell to detemine what the enchantment is on these doors?
(2742) Nym: not I said Nym
(2687) DM: nargatuon casts detect magic. "They are not magical." He sneers a bit.
(2742) Nym: Nym inspects the doors for a lock
(2723) Zus: Zus pusehes on the doors
(2687) DM: He does not see one
(2687) DM: The do not budge
(2742) Nym: Is there any crack below or between the doors to listen through or look through
(2722) Othrek: Othrek tries to break them down. [1d20+8] -> [3,8] = (11) strength check
(2687) DM: They do not budge
(2687) DM: no crack
(2723) Zus: Zus transforms out of his mountain lion shape.
(2723) Zus: Hello Nargatuamn my name is Zus.
(2687) DM: Nargatuon is slightly startled. he straightens his robes
(2687) DM: "yes. Hello."
(2742) Nym: What did I and Nargatuon see at the bottom of the pit?
(2723) Zus: I thinkk a rhinoceros is called for don't you?
(2722) Othrek: "I have a bad feeling maybe we have to defeat the elementals to get these doors open."
(2687) DM: Fog
(2722) Othrek: "I don't think there's room for a rhino here. You certainly couldn't get a running start."
(2722) Othrek: It's weird though if they were part of the trap it would be a magical seal.
(2723) Zus: Perhaps your're right. Dire Lion then?
(2742) Nym: I wouldn't think the elementals have much to do twith the door.
(2722) Othrek: Me neither.
(2722) Othrek: What material are the doors made of?
(2687) DM: adamantine
(2742) Nym: it would have to be a magical link between the door and the elementals unless they had a key, but there is no lock
(2723) Zus: well that sucks.
(2722) Othrek: So darn near unbreakable.
(2722) Othrek: The only possible solutions are:
(2742) Nym: well coat my bones and call me Sue
(2723) Zus: Perhaps I could speak to these elementals and reason with them.
(2722) Othrek: 1. we have to kill the elementals to open them.
(2722) Othrek: 2. we have to use a spell, like 'knock' (I doubt it would work)
(2723) Zus: I do pepeak Auran
(2722) Othrek: 3. there is something in the runes that we missed in terms of opening these doors.
(2742) Nym: 3. the entrance is at the bottom of the 500 ft. pit and these are ornamental doors
(2723) Zus: I thnk we could climb down and find out. I could cast wind wall and hold off the fog and the elementals.
(2722) Othrek: Don't worr about the wind wall. Nargapaloon has spider climb.
(2723) Zus: I think you may be right Nym.
(2687) DM: He nods
(2723) Zus: I do too. so there.
(2722) Othrek: Well, why don't both of you go down there and investigate together?
(2687) DM: Narg climbs down
(2723) Zus: Sounds good. Shall we?
(2723) Zus: arg.
(2723) Zus: Zus casts spider climb and climbs down.
(2742) Nym: good
(2687) DM: At the bottom you can barely see your own nose. The blue fog is too thick
(2723) Zus: Zus casts wind wall back towards the door we cam in.
(2723) Zus: to try and blow away the fog
(2723) Zus: we cast wind wall
(2723) Zus: we think it best
(2723) Zus: we need to say we more.
(2687) DM: the wall will only affect what's inside it
(2742) Nym: silence is never good
(2723) Zus: huh?
(2687) DM: i don't think it will blow wind around the room
(2723) Zus: Not even to create a sqare wall so we can see?
(2723) Zus: How far down does fog astart.
(2687) DM: Where do you want the wall to be?
(2722) Othrek: hmm
(2723) Zus: I want to stand on one side and lblow it back towards the air elementals. Say from the big pillar back.
(2687) DM: it starts right underneath the edge of the lowest pillar
(2723) Zus: Which pillar is lowest?
(2687) DM: the first one
(2723) Zus: ah.
(2723) Zus: I don't thikn this spell will do anything.
(2722) Othrek: nor I
(2723) Zus: We don;t think this spell will do anything.
(2722) Othrek: I say we prepare for battle
(2722) Othrek: We have Nagarthadon and Nym's arrows.
(2723) Zus: Zus turns into a dire lion and starts to climb on the wall back towards the group.
(2742) Nym: assuming flame arrows can damage air elementals
(2722) Othrek: Why did you change into a lion?!?!
(2723) Zus: a dire lion.
(2723) Zus: with spider climb.
(2742) Nym: if we do fight I say we rest a night before attacking to prepare spells and heal.
(2722) Othrek: okay.
(2723) Zus: roar!
(2722) Othrek: let's get everyone positioned too.
(2742) Nym: sure.
(2722) Othrek: I say that I stand here.
(2742) Nym: We Should we attack from here?
(2722) Othrek: Zus ca probably fly and attack/ cast spells
(2722) Othrek: I moved Othrek to where he will be.
(2687) DM: Narg has 9 scrolls of fly
(2722) Othrek: the rest of you should saty put.
(2722) Othrek: Oh, well we should all fly.
(2723) Zus: Zus transoforms back and says yes. well that owas one I hadn't tried.
(2722) Othrek: So I say Swish enters the room on the other side, then we attack. That way the elementals will be split up.
(2742) Nym: We don't want to fall down there again.
(2723) Zus: I could make that work.
(2742) Nym: We should defiitely fly
(2722) Othrek: Yeah.
(2722) Othrek: Definitely.
(2723) Zus: fly or air walk.
(2742) Nym: can darius and valkus help?
(2723) Zus: I can fly with these shoes.
(2722) Othrek: Darius probably.
(2687) DM: Darius can but Valkus is heading back up with pancake
(2742) Nym: ok
(2722) Othrek: Okay, so we'll rest the night now.
(2742) Nym: Can Darius sing us a song to prepare us for battle?
(2723) Zus: And I could see if there are some more useful spells I could have tomorrow.
(2742) Nym: same here
(2687) DM: "I can sing many songs to prepare you for battle. But of course!"
(2723) Zus: I need I bathroom break.
(2742) Nym: Nym takes half the night to watch
(2687) DM: Everyone heals during the night
(2723) Zus: bathroom
(2687) Test: name change
(2687) DM: its morning
(2722) Othrek: Okay let's all get in position.
(2722) Othrek: Can we open the other doors from here?
(2687) DM: Yes
(2722) Othrek: Okay I open them.
(2687) DM: They open
(2722) Othrek: I will drink a potion of bear's endurance before the battle. We have four others - why don't you guys each drink one?
(2722) Othrek: I guess we can't get one to Darius
(2722) Othrek: Don't fly out unless you need to -- you will be struck by lightning.
(2742) Nym: I will take a bear's endurance potion and cast Bark Skin on myself and on Othrek
(2722) Othrek: Cool.
(2722) Othrek: how much does that give me?
(2742) Nym: I have two resist energy spells electricity to give
(2742) Nym: it adds 2 to your natural armor
(2687) DM: but does not stack with amulet of natural armor
(2722) Othrek: does it stack w/ my draconic awesomeness?
(2742) Nym: if he can't use it I will give it to whoever can
(2723) Zus: im back
(2687) DM: it does
(2723) Zus: we've prepared 2 flame strikes and control winds
(2742) Nym: How does the bear's endurance apply?
(2687) Test: +4 to Con, which gives extra hp (2 x your level) and +2 to Fort saves
(2742) Nym: cool
** (2687) Darius talks like this **
(2687) Darius: testing
(2687) Nargatuon: testing
(2742) Nym: so since othrek can't use the bark skin who can?
(2687) DM: Othrek can
(2742) Nym: then he takes it
(2687) DM: it does stack with his dragon natrual armor
(2722) Othrek: cool
(2687) Darius: "Would anyone like to be hasted?"
(2723) Zus: Zus casts barkskin on himself. We think Othrek should have bull strength
(2742) Nym: I have a +1 amulet of natural armor, does this replace it since it is +2 instead of stack? That is what I did.
(2687) DM: that's right
(2722) Othrek: Okay I will take the bulls stenth
(2723) Zus: okay done.
(2742) Nym: I would like haste
** (2687) Darius elegantly sings to haste Nym **
(2742) Nym: who wants resist energy for their flight into lightning?
(2723) Zus: Zus casts resists energey electricity on himself. he has one more.
(2722) Othrek: I will take one.
(2723) Zus: I'll use mine you save yours hnym
(2722) Othrek: So I have: bear's endurance, bull's strength, barkskin and resist energy electricity
(2742) Nym: Nym casts resist energy on othrek
(2722) Othrek: I am ready to rock.
(2723) Zus: nym I cast that on Othrek you can save.
(2742) Nym: I have bear's endurance, bark skin, haste and I also use a flame arrow oil before battle
(2742) Nym: ok
(2723) Zus: yuse on you.
(2742) Nym: Nym casts it on himself
(2687) Air Elemental: Who wants fly cast on them?
(2687) DM: oops
(2722) Othrek: ha
(2742) Nym: me
(2722) Othrek: these suckers are going down.
(2722) Othrek: Okay, is everybody ready?
** (2687) Nargatuon casts fly on Nym from a scroll **
(2722) Othrek: I can't be up super late here
(2722) Othrek: I will take a fly.
(2687) Nargatuon: and on Othrek
(2723) Zus: we communicate empathically with Swish to fly to me. We can already fly.
(2687) DM: Swish flies into the room. Make a Reflex and Fort save Swish
(2723) Zus: reflex [1d20+15] => [3,15] = (18)
(2687) DM: [10d6] => [5,6,2,6,5,5,2,5,5,4] = (45)
(2687) DM: swish takes 45 points of damage from the lightning bolt
(2723) Zus: fort [1d20+11] => [4,11] = (15)
(2687) DM: and is blown out of the room
(2687) DM: the air elementals arrive
(2687) DM: roll initiative
(2722) Othrek: Othrek flies towards an elemental the instant it appears.
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+3] -> [8,3] = (11) init.
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+14] => [7,14] = (21)
(2687) Darius: Initiative: [1d20+2] => [18,2] = (20)
(2723) Zus: init [1d20+5] => [2,5] = (7)
(2742) Nym: [1d20+4] -> [17,4] = (21)
(2687) Nargatuon: [1d20+3] => [10,3] = (13)
(2722) Othrek: init for swish?
(2687) Nargatuon: Nym's turn
(2742) Nym: nym fires 3 flaming arrows at the closest elemental
(2742) Nym: [1d20+20] -> [16,20] = (36)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d8+5] -> [8,5] = (13)
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(2723) Zus: init for swish [1d20+7] => [6,7] = (13)
(2687) DM: 3 reg damage and 2 fire damage
(2742) Nym: [1d20+15] -> [19,15] = (34)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d8+5] -> [5,5] = (10)
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(2687) DM: no dmg
(2687) DM: 2 fire dmg
(2742) Nym: [1d20+10] -> [2,10] = (12)
(2687) DM: miss
(2742) Nym: i get an extra attack due to haste
(2742) Nym: is it at my highest attack bonus?
(2687) DM: yes
(2742) Nym: [1d20+20] -> [16,20] = (36)
(2742) Nym: [1d8+5] -> [7,5] = (12)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(2742) Nym: done
(2687) DM: 3 dmg total
(2687) DM: Darius begins a song of inspiration
(2687) DM: gives everyone +1 on attack and dmg
(2687) DM: +2 rather
(2687) Nargatuon: Removing a small piece of iron narg. casts a spell
(2687) Air Elemental: will [1d20+9] => [15,9] = (24)
(2687) Nargatuon: the spell has no effect
(2687) Nargatuon: othrek's turn
(2722) Othrek: Othrek flies into a rage and flies towards the nearest elemental [1d20+24] -> [7,24] = (31) greataxe one. [1d10+20] -> [6,20] = (26) damage.
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+7] -> [1,7] = (8) reflex
(2687) DM: the elemental is ready for him and hits him when he comes within 15 feet
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+18] -> [16,18] = (34) fortitude
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [6,23] = (29) attack
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [1,4,5] = (10) damage
(2687) Air Elemental: the other does the same
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [9,23] = (32) attack
(2722) Othrek: ow
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [1,6,5] = (12) dmg
(2687) Air Elemental: it then takes an AoO against Othrek
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [11,23] = (34)
(2722) Othrek: ugh
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [4,7,5] = (16) dmg
(2687) DM: Othrek's blow is a hit
(2687) DM: but while flying you subtract 1 from all attack and dmg agains tthese guys
(2687) DM: you do 15 dmg
(2722) Othrek: ah
(2687) DM: Swish and Zus
(2723) Zus: did he add the bardic bonus
(2722) Othrek: yes I did
(2723) Zus: Swish satays put. Zus casts Flame strike on the trailing elemental #2.
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+22] => [4,22] = (26) reflex
(2723) Zus: dmg [10d6] => [5,4,4,6,5,2,6,3,4,1] = (40)
(2687) Air Elemental: it takes 20 damage
(2687) Air Elemental: Nym's turn
(2742) Nym: nym fires 4 more arrows at the closest elemental
(2742) Nym: [1d20+22] -> [14,22] = (36)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d8+22] -> [3,22] = (25)
(2742) Nym: oops
(2742) Nym: [1d8+7] -> [7,7] = (14)
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(2687) DM: 10 dmg
(2742) Nym: [1d20+17] -> [7,17] = (24)
(2687) DM: miss
(2742) Nym: [1d20+12] -> [8,12] = (20)
(2687) DM: miss
(2742) Nym: [1d20+22] -> [18,22] = (40)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d8+7] -> [2,7] = (9)
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(2687) DM: 2 dmg
** (2687) Nargatuon launches a fireball from a wand **
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+22] => [17,22] = (39) reflex
(2687) Nargatuon: [8d6] => [1,3,1,5,4,6,1,4] = (25)
(2687) Nargatuon: 12 dmg
(2687) Nargatuon: to both
(2687) Air Elemental: Slam1 on Othrek [1d20+23] => [2,23] = (25)
(2687) Air Elemental: Slam2 [1d20+23] => [15,23] = (38)
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [1,5,5] = (11)
(2687) Air Elemental: other elemental slam1 [1d20+23] => [17,23] = (40)
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [8,8,5] = (21)
(2687) Air Elemental: slam2 [1d20+23] => [1,23] = (24)
(2687) DM: Othrek's turn
(2722) Othrek: what was the total damage there?
(2722) Othrek: 32?
(2687) DM: 32
(2742) Nym: ouch
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+20] -> [11,20] = (31) 3-pt pwr atk
(2722) Othrek: [1d10+22] -> [5,22] = (27) damage
(2687) DM: 17 dmg
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+15] -> [10,15] = (25) 2nd
(2687) DM: miss
(2722) Othrek: back up 5 ft.
(2722) Othrek: done
(2687) DM: Zus's turn
(2723) Zus: casts another flame strike this time hitting both.
(2723) Zus: but not othrek
(2742) Nym: let's focus on the one on the left if we can, I think it has more damage
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+22] => [18,22] = (40) reflex
(2723) Zus: I can hit both.
(2722) Othrek: if he can hit both he should def. try. the damage will not be split up or anything
(2723) Zus: should've done it first time.
(2742) Nym: I agree
(2722) Othrek: that reflex save is insane. just insane.
(2742) Nym: i guess air is kinda quick
(2723) Zus: dmg [10d6] => [6,5,3,4,1,1,3,3,4,5] = (35)
(2687) DM: 17 damage to both
(2687) DM: Nym's turn
(2722) Othrek: cool beans. Nice work Zus.
(2723) Zus: swish stay put
(2723) Zus: done.
(2742) Nym: I attack the one on the left with 4 more arrows
(2742) Nym: [1d20+22] -> [2,22] = (24)
(2687) DM: miss
(2742) Nym: [1d20+17] -> [13,17] = (30)
(2742) Nym: [1d8+8] -> [7,8] = (15)
(2687) DM: 5
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(2687) DM: 4
(2742) Nym: [1d20+12] -> [19,12] = (31)
(2742) Nym: [1d8+8] -> [2,8] = (10)
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(2687) DM: 2
(2742) Nym: [1d20+22] -> [10,22] = (32)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d8+8] -> [6,8] = (14)
(2687) DM: 4
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [3] = (3)
(2687) DM: 3
(2742) Nym: 18 total damage
(2742) Nym: done
(2742) Nym: I was attacking the one othrek was attacking
(2687) DM: Darius attempts to charm the elemental with a story
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+9] => [4,9] = (13) will
(2723) Zus: he does
(2687) Darius: "Don't hurt my friends."
(2687) Air Elemental: The second elemental relaxes
(2687) Air Elemental: Narg launches a fireball at elemental 1
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+22] => [18,22] = (40)
(2687) Nargatuon: [8d6] => [2,5,4,1,2,1,2,4] = (21) damage
(2687) Nargatuon: 10 damage to elemental 1
(2722) Othrek: taht was aweosme
(2723) Zus: the sory thing?
(2687) Air Elemental: One elemental hits Othrek
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [16,23] = (39) slam1
(2742) Nym: all the twos and ones nargatuon rolled or the dodge?
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [5,1,5] = (11) dmg
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [16,23] = (39) slam2
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8=5 dmg
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [2,5,5] = (12) dmg
(2687) Air Elemental: Othrek's turn. 23 dmg total -2 DR=21
(2722) Othrek: Othrek steps up. [1d20+25] -> [19,25] = (44) atk. 1 [1d10+19] ->; [8,19] = (27) dmg. [1d20+20] -> [12,20] = (32) atk. 2 [1d20+19] -> [8,19] = (27) dmg.
(2687) DM: 34 dmg total
(2687) DM: Zus's turn
(2723) Zus: zus flies over to othrek and casts cure serious wounds.
(2687) DM: cast on the defensive or porvoke an AoO
(2723) Zus: reflex [1d20+8] => [11,8] = (19)
(2687) DM: there is no reflex save needed
(2723) Zus: cast on defensive
(2723) Zus: Not for lightnning?
(2723) Zus: or wind?
(2687) DM: no lightning strike when either of you flew off
(2687) DM: no wind either
(2723) Zus: huh.
(2687) DM: make a conc check for casting on defensive
(2723) Zus: cast on defensive = cl
(2687) DM: Conncentration
(2687) DM: DC =15 +spell level
(2723) Zus: cod [1d20+10] => [19,10] = (29)
(2687) DM: you can cast
(2723) Zus: should've been 13 instead of 10
(2687) DM: i see
(2687) DM: no problem
(2723) Zus: 5d8?
(2687) DM: 3d8
(2687) DM: +10
(2687) DM: Nym's turn
(2723) Zus: sure [3d8+10] => [2,3,4,10] = (19)
(2742) Nym: Nym fires 4 more arrows at the same elemental
(2742) Nym: [1d20+22] -> [5,22] = (27)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d8+8] -> [8,8] = (16)
(2687) DM: 6
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(2687) DM: 2
(2742) Nym: [1d20+17] -> [17,17] = (34)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d8+8] -> [3,8] = (11)
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(2687) DM: 2 total
(2742) Nym: [1d20+12] -> [3,12] = (15)
(2687) DM: miss
(2742) Nym: [1d20+22] -> [4,22] = (26)
(2687) DM: hit
(2742) Nym: [1d8+8] -> [6,8] = (14)
(2742) Nym: [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(2687) DM: 4
(2687) DM: and 4
(2742) Nym: 18 total
(2742) Nym: 18 total
(2687) DM: Darius realizes that the Air elemental should have had a bonus to its will save and the charm suddenly wears off
(2687) DM: Narg launches another fireball
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+22] => [9,22] = (31) reflex
(2687) Nargatuon: [8d6] => [6,6,3,1,1,4,6,4] = (31)
(2687) Nargatuon: 15 damage to btoh
(2687) Nargatuon: one of the elementals dies
(2687) Air Elemental: the other hits Othrek
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [19,23] = (42) slam1
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [1,4,5] = (10) dmg
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [10,23] = (33) slam2
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [7,2,5] = (14) dmg
(2687) Air Elemental: 22 total dmg after DR
(2687) DM: Othrek's turn
(2687) DM: .
(2723) Zus: O?
(2742) Nym: Yo Oth!
(2723) Zus: hey what happened?
(2742) Nym: he did say he couldn't stay up late
(2687) DM: he looks stuck
(2722) Othrek: sorry sorry
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+25] -> [18,25] = (43) atk 1
(2722) Othrek: [1d10+19] -> [9,19] = (28) dmg
(2687) DM: 18 dmg
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+20] -> [6,20] = (26) atk 2
(2722) Othrek: is that a hit?
(2687) DM: yes
(2742) Nym: should be
(2722) Othrek: [1d10+19] -> [9,19] = (28) dmg
(2687) DM: as long as you are subtracting 1 for being airborne
(2722) Othrek: done
(2687) DM: Zus's turn
(2723) Zus: flies over 5 and casts another cure serious
(2723) Zus: on o
(2723) Zus: on defenseive
(2687) DM: concentration check please
(2723) Zus: conc [1d20+13] => [14,13] = (27)
(2687) DM: cast away
(2687) DM: Nym's turn
(2723) Zus: cure [3d8+10] => [1,7,2,10] = (20)
(2742) Nym: nym fires four more arrows
(2742) Nym: arrow attack [1d20+22] -> [12,22] = (34) damage [1d8+8] -> [7,8] = (15) fire damage [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(2687) DM: 11dmg
(2742) Nym: arrow attack [1d20+17] -> [7,17] = (24) damage [1d8+8] -> [2,8] = (10) fire damage [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(2687) DM: 6dmg
(2742) Nym: arrow attack [1d20+12] -> [8,12] = (20) damage [1d8+8] -> [6,8] = (14) fire damage [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(2687) DM: 5
(2742) Nym: did the last two hit?
(2742) Nym: arrow attack [1d20+22] -> [14,22] = (36) damage [1d8+8] -> [5,8] = (13) fire damage [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(2687) DM: oops no
(2687) DM: 9 dmg
(2742) Nym: 20 total damage
** (2687) Nargatuon switches wands and launches 5 magic missiles **
(2687) Nargatuon: [5d4+5] => [2,3,2,3,2,5] = (17) dmg
** (2687) Air Elemental begins to spin in a circle iuntil it becomes an enormous vortex filling the whole room **
(2723) Zus: What!
(2687) Air Elemental: It flies over Othrek and Zus. Mae reflex saves
(2723) Zus: ref [1d20+8] => [2,8] = (10) We attempt to cast control winds.
(2723) Zus: on our turn
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8] => [3,2] = (5) damage
(2687) Air Elemental: make another reflex save Zus
(2723) Zus: ref [1d20+8] => [20,8] = (28)
(2687) Air Elemental: it does not pick you up
(2723) Zus: nice
(2723) Zus: but that first roll was dmg
(2687) Air Elemental: it did 5 damage to you
(2723) Zus: for me - 5?
(2723) Zus: got it.
(2723) Zus: 43/48
(2723) Zus: still nword on O?
(2722) Othrek: sorry
(2687) Air Elemental: After othrek rolls, it will go over to Nym
(2722) Othrek: I m back
(2687) Air Elemental: Make a reflex save Nym
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+25] -> [6,25] = (31) atk. 1
(2687) Air Elemental: reflex save othrek
(2722) Othrek: [1d10+19] -> [4,19] = (23) dmg
(2722) Othrek: pokay
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+7] -> [16,7] = (23) reflex
(2742) Nym: [1d20+7] -> [16,7] = (23) reflex
(2722) Othrek: ah
(2723) Zus: creepy
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8] => [2,6] = (8) dmg to Othrek
(2742) Nym: best out of two?
(2687) Air Elemental: make another reflex save othrek
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+7] -> [8,7] = (15) reflex
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8] => [4,8] = (12) dmg to Nym
(2687) Air Elemental: make another reflex save nym
(2723) Zus: pick up on aisle 12
(2742) Nym: [1d20+7] -> [15,7] = (22) reflex
(2687) Air Elemental: othrek is lifted up in thevortex and carried across the room
(2687) Air Elemental: as is Nym
(2687) Nargatuon: [1d20+6] => [8,6] = (14) reflex
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8] => [6,8] = (14) dmg
(2687) Nargatuon: [1d20+6] => [9,6] = (15) reflex
(2687) Nargatuon: nargatuon is lifted up
(2687) Nargatuon: othrek's turn
(2687) Nargatuon: you can make a reflex save to escape
(2687) Nargatuon: or you can attack with a -2 penalty
(2687) Nargatuon: or cast a spell after a conc check
(2722) Othrek: attack w/ penalty
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+23] -> [14,23] = (37) atk
(2722) Othrek: [1d10+19] -> [2,19] = (21)
(2722) Othrek: many apologies for my flakiness
(2687) Nargatuon: 11 dmg
(2723) Zus: what was deal?
(2742) Nym: a girl
(2722) Othrek: bingo
(2687) Nargatuon: a girl who wants to be the fourth player?
(2722) Othrek: ha
(2687) DM: another attack othrek?
(2722) Othrek: oh
(2722) Othrek: I thouhht I would only get one
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+20] -> [5,20] = (25)
(2687) DM: full attack
(2687) DM: miss
(2722) Othrek: [1d10+19] -> [9,19] = (28) dmg
(2687) DM: Zus's turn
(2722) Othrek: okay
(2742) Nym: zus got free from the elemental didn't he?
(2723) Zus: cast on defensive control winds. and try and get this wirlwind under control.
(2723) Zus: yes
(2723) Zus: going for the eye of calm as in descriptor on d20 hypertext
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+11] => [15,11] = (26) fort
(2687) Air Elemental: it resists
(2723) Zus: the whole spell is wasted?
(2687) DM: Nym's turn
(2742) Nym: are both attack rolls -2
(2687) DM: yes
(2742) Nym: i attack anyway
(2742) Nym: arrow attack [1d20+20] -> [2,20] = (22) damage [1d8+6] -> [2,6] = (8) fire damage [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(2722) Othrek: sorry i moved that thing by accident
(2687) DM: miss
(2742) Nym: arrow attack [1d20+15] -> [13,15] = (28) damage [1d8+6] -> [3,6] = (9) fire damage [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(2687) DM: hit
(2687) DM: 4 dmg
(2742) Nym: arrow attack [1d20+10] -> [19,10] = (29) damage [1d8+6] -> [1,6] = (7) fire damage [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(2687) DM: hit
(2687) DM: 6 dmg
(2742) Nym: arrow attack [1d20+20] -> [18,20] = (38) damage [1d8+6] -> [4,6] = (10) fire damage [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(2687) DM: 1 dmg
(2742) Nym: 11 total dam
(2742) Nym: damage
(2742) Nym: done
(2687) Nargatuon: fires magic missiles
(2687) Nargatuon: [5d4=5] => 5d4=5
(2687) Nargatuon: [5d4+5] => [1,3,1,4,4,5] = (18)
(2687) Air Elemental: the wind hurts Narg, Nym, and Othrek [2d8] => [1,5] = (6)
(2687) Air Elemental: it drops them and then transforms back into its former self
(2722) Othrek: how many rounds has this battle lasted?
(2723) Zus: over 10.
(2723) Zus: surely.
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [8,23] = (31)
(2687) Air Elemental: [2d8+5] => [4,3,5] = (12)
(2687) Air Elemental: damage to Othrek
(2687) Air Elemental: [1d20+23] => [4,23] = (27) slam2
(2687) Air Elemental: Othrek's turn
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+25] -> [3,25] = (28) atk 1
(2687) Air Elemental: hit
(2722) Othrek: [1d10+19] -> [6,19] = (25) dmg
(2687) Air Elemental: you kill it
(2722) Othrek: [1d20+20] -> [2,20] = (22)
(2722) Othrek: ha HA
(2723) Zus: yes! we have prevailed!
(2722) Othrek: Othrek does seven flips in midair in quick succession.
(2723) Zus: and he flies back to the ledge.
(2722) Othrek: He goes over and grabs Darius and Sue and flies back
(2722) Othrek: actually no he doesnt
(2723) Zus: zus tells swish to fly iover and he'll mend him.
(2742) Nym: nym casts cure serious wounds on othrek with his healing bead [3d8+1] -> [2,4,4,1] = (11)
(2722) Othrek: thanx
(2742) Nym: how does the bear's endurance spell affect HP when it wears off?
(2687) DM: you lose them all
(2722) Othrek: Othrek also casts cure light on himself [1d8+2] -> [8,2] = (10)
(2742) Nym: so I would lose 24 HP?
(2723) Zus: cure serious on othrek -- should we do it?
(2742) Nym: sure
(2687) DM: 825xp to the 11th lvl players and 600 to the 12th lvl players
(2687) DM: that's right Nym
(2722) Othrek: and promptly loses everything b/c his bear's endurance and rage wore ooff
(2722) Othrek: do the doors open now?
(2687) DM: they do not open
(2722) Othrek: Othrek samcks himself on the head.
(2722) Othrek: "Fuckwads!"
(2723) Zus: alrighty is that all for this session?
(2723) Zus: back to rpol?
(2687) DM: if you want. i don't mind hanging out and trying different things for a little
(2723) Zus: I saw xp awarded.
(2722) Othrek: how the hell do we open these doors?
(2722) Othrek: I can stay longer now.
(2723) Zus: oh -- i gfigured you'd have to both go.
(2722) Othrek: I'm good.
(2723) Zus: what say you nym stay or go?
(2687) DM: i'm fine. Nom ore battles though :)
(2687) DM: no more
(2723) Zus: sure?
(2722) Othrek: is tht why the doors aren't opening?
(2742) Nym: im cool stay
(2723) Zus: it's 1230 there.
(2722) Othrek: do YOU want to stop, Zus?
(2723) Zus: okay we stay. moving on.
(2742) Nym: Wasn't there a lever in the floor above?
(2742) Nym: this door is not magical
(2722) Othrek: hmm
(2742) Nym: there must be a lock
(2722) Othrek: did we pull the lever?
(2723) Zus: We have no idea. What rare these runes yoou speak of?
(2742) Nym: I don't remember. It could have been when I was 12
(2722) Othrek: there must be something.
(2722) Othrek: We already did what the runes told us.
(2742) Nym: something physical, not magical
(2722) Othrek: the lack of magic seems to indicate that there is something mechanical controlling the doors.
(2722) Othrek: or another way in.
(2723) Zus: we scould spider climb down and look for doors again.
(2722) Othrek: How long will the fly spells last?
(2723) Zus: If we could find a way to rid ourselves of the fog that would be useful.
(2687) DM: 11 min
(2722) Othrek: could we go up and pull the lever and fly back down again in that time?
(2742) Nym: it is possible that the doors are fake, but why such an elablorate scheme to jump across and be so protected
(2742) Nym: I think so.
(2742) Nym: DM?
(2722) Othrek: yes. and this is the only place left where the scepter might be.
(2687) DM: which lever are you referring to?
(2742) Nym: I thought there was one in one of the rooms above, but then again I could be rememering a campain when I was 12
(2723) Zus: This scepter is a sacred relic. It belongs in a museum. Indiana.
(2722) Othrek: ha
(2722) Othrek: I think there was one in the same area as the ice charisma bath
(2722) Othrek: maybe?
(2742) Nym: Maybe I made up the lever
(2723) Zus: nice
(2687) DM: yeah you could fly there and back
(2687) DM: there was a lever there
(2742) Nym: we should split up then.
(2722) Othrek: okay just zus and I can go
(2723) Zus: my fly only last 5 minutes.
(2722) Othrek: okay Nym and I then
(2687) DM: the lever lowers the portcullis in the ice room. It does not affect those doors\
(2742) Nym: Ok. You guys check out the pit some more and we'll check the lever
(2722) Othrek: ugh.
(2723) Zus: I'm gonna fly back over with Narg and wait by Swish and Darius
(2722) Othrek: dont do that you will have to make those saves again
(2742) Nym: I jump in the ice bath before returning if I have tiem
(2723) Zus: okay I won't
(2742) Nym: time
(2687) DM: ok
(2687) DM: you gain the +4 cha bonus
(2723) Zus: staying put and telling swish to come to me.
(2722) Othrek: try the disk now Nym
(2723) Zus: swishy
(2687) DM: it foes nothing
(2723) Zus: swishy
(2687) DM: does
(2742) Nym: hmm
(2742) Nym: I knock on the doors
(2687) DM: nothing happens
(2723) Zus: good answer though
(2742) Nym: how rude
(2723) Zus: I bet 45% of repondents would've done that one
(2723) Zus: in family feud
(2722) Othrek: ha
(2722) Othrek: well, I am stumped.
(2722) Othrek: unless we have to put ice on it or something, but that would be imply magic.
(2742) Nym: yeah othrek try the water trick
(2722) Othrek: remember how the slalmander mentioned how you could lock a door by putting fire on it? amybe ice has the opposite effect.
(2722) Othrek: oh yeah it was water.
(2687) DM: it was water
(2722) Othrek: othrek sprinkles water from his canteen on the door
(2742) Nym: ha
(2687) DM: nothing happpens
(2742) Nym: ha
(2722) Othrek: if that had been it I would have shat myself
(2742) Nym: now you locked it
(2722) Othrek: does anyone have a fire or ice spell?
(2722) Othrek: or maybe a gust of wind?
(2687) Nargatuon: wall of ice
(2723) Zus: I have ice storm
(2722) Othrek: those seem like a little much.
(2687) Nargatuon: burning hands, fireball
(2723) Zus: I didn't prepare gust of wind today.
(2742) Nym: i can make ice when it is really cold outside
(2722) Othrek: try burning hands.
(2722) Othrek: haha
** (2687) Nargatuon casts burning hands. Nothing happens **
(2723) Zus: I think wind is the trick. or lightning.
(2722) Othrek: Othrek pulls out all teh artifacts from Zosiels tomb
(2722) Othrek: and trys to open the doors while holding them up
(2687) Nargatuon: nothing happens
(2723) Zus: What do the dooor look like?
(2687) DM: large and made of admanatine
(2722) Othrek: can anyone cast dispel magic?
(2722) Othrek: we could try that on the blue fog.
(2687) DM: Nargatuan casts it. Nothing happens
(2723) Zus: I can but we'd have to wait until tomo
(2722) Othrek: arg
(2722) Othrek: Othrek licks the door.
(2687) DM: nada
(2723) Zus: Zus blows on the door, like in fifth element
(2687) DM: nada
(2723) Zus: Has anyone steppped on that other pillar?
(2687) DM: no
(2722) Othrek: hmm
(2722) Othrek: someone with good balance.
(2723) Zus: the one to our right if we face the doors we can't open?
(2722) Othrek: wait
(2722) Othrek: I will try . I can just fly if I fall, right
(2722) Othrek: ?
(2723) Zus: I could transform into a snow leopard. I saw one in the wild once.
(2723) Zus: They have excellent balance
(2687) DM: The column crumbles once Othrek puts weight on it
(2687) DM: He falls and then flies back up
(2722) Othrek: Okay, let me try that on all the columns.
(2723) Zus: and...
(2687) DM: all the other columns are stable. The tar column is bouncy
(2687) DM: the spinnign column is spinny
(2723) Zus: hmmmm
(2722) Othrek: hmm
(2687) DM: Othrek still believes the illusion
(2722) Othrek: I fly down and look at the remains of the crumbled column.
(2687) DM: of the column that rises to the ceiling
(2687) DM: it looks like normal rubble
(2722) Othrek: so I didn't stand on that one?
(2723) Zus: try that coulmn iover there othrek!
(2723) Zus: It doen;t really go all the way to the ceiling.
(2687) DM: you stood on it
(2687) DM: its stable
(2722) Othrek: yes it does! just llok at it!
(2722) Othrek: flub. flub flubbity flub.
(2723) Zus: we're confused now.
(2722) Othrek: maybe someone has to be standing on each column?
(2723) Zus: I think the secret lies in the fog.
(2723) Zus: or rather we think the secret lie in the fog
(2723) Zus: lies
(2722) Othrek: but how do we see down there?
(2723) Zus: We can't type
(2722) Othrek: let's try the someone stands on each column trick.
(2722) Othrek: go ahead and turn into a snow leopard.
(2687) DM: nothing happens
(2687) DM: nothing happens
(2722) Othrek: swish stands on the big column
(2722) Othrek: damn it!!!!
(2723) Zus: zus does the snow leopard thing on the lbalncaingcolumn
(2687) DM: he bounces and maintains his balance
(2722) Othrek: can Nargofon cast detect magic on the blue fog?
(2722) Othrek: I mean sdispel magic
(2687) DM: its faintly magic
(2723) Zus: Nice. He goes back to the adamantine door once he sees it doen't work.
(2687) DM: he tries to dispel it but its beyond his powers
(2723) Zus: I'll try tomorrow.
(2723) Zus: we'll try tomrorw
(2722) Othrek: it won't work.
(2723) Zus: pessimist.
(2687) DM: it won't
(2722) Othrek: I really don't think there's anything in the fog.
(2723) Zus: WThen wwhat ais missing?
(2722) Othrek: what is adamantine's hardness?
(2723) Zus: Very hard.
(2687) DM: 20
(2687) DM: the door has 980 hp
(2722) Othrek: so, conceivably, if I just kept bashing on it for like seven hours it would eventually break?
(2687) DM: it would take a long time but yeah
(2723) Zus: forget rtrying to break it down. Please that was the most boring part of the temple of elemental evil.
(2722) Othrek: It seems to be our only option!
(2723) Zus: Don;'t you remember?
(2722) Othrek: yes
(2687) DM: many hours later the door breaks down
(2722) Othrek: hahahaaha
(2687) DM: it is a false door
(2722) Othrek: I knew it!
(2722) Othrek: fuckers!
(2722) Othrek: oh my god.
(2723) Zus: harumph.
(2723) Zus: So there is just rock beihind it?
(2687) DM: yeah
(2722) Othrek: "Screw the Scepter of Calim. Let's go find Allustan's old master."
(2723) Zus: jezus
(2742) Nym: hurumph
(2723) Zus: We agree -- this worm investation is more of a threat to the natural world.
(2723) Zus: And Djinnn royall secpteres should not be dug up by any party, even one with an air genasi.
(2723) Zus: We think it is time to get out of this tdank darkness and explore the world above.
(2722) Othrek: at least stuff is happening. whatever this black crap is.
(2723) Zus: The natural world.
(2687) DM: i'm doodling
(2742) Nym: it must be in the mist below
(2742) Nym: i am tried
(2722) Othrek: oh. I thought maybe it was some solution
(2723) Zus: me three
(2722) Othrek: yeah, we need to stop.
(2722) Othrek: how anti-climactic though
(2723) Zus: to ropol!
(2687) DM: do you want a hint?
(2742) Nym: yep
(2723) Zus: rpol
(2742) Nym: yep
(2722) Othrek: Normally a hint would go against all my role playing rules.
(2722) Othrek: but I am trult stumped.
(2722) Othrek: truly
(2687) DM: it would take a long time to search through all the fog. but the whole room is not in fog
(2742) Nym: we havre to sacrfice Zus?
(2722) Othrek: ha
(2742) Nym: nym looks up
(2687) DM: its a ceiling
(2722) Othrek: Othrek flies around, searcing for a gap in the fog.
(2742) Nym: i know. Nym flies at the ceiling as fast as he can
(2722) Othrek: "Some voice inside my head told me to do this."
(2687) DM: there are easier places to search
(2687) DM: he bumps into it
(2723) Zus: Zus casts spider clib and prowls about the side walls.
(2687) DM: he crawls along the walls
(2722) Othrek: othrek searches the columns
(2723) Zus: searching.
(2687) DM: On the large column, othrek finds an indenatation, the size of a disc
(2722) Othrek: Othrek places his penis there
(2722) Othrek: then the crystal disc
(2687) DM: lol
(2723) Zus: haha
(2742) Nym: we die
(2687) DM: with the disc in place, the column begins to slowly rise
(2722) Othrek: Quick, everone to me!
(2742) Nym: ohhhhhhh
(2742) Nym: Im there
(2722) Othrek: everyone that was flying, that is.
(2723) Zus: what does it look like above the column oon the ceiling?
(2723) Zus: I jump.
(2687) DM: it stops ten feet under the ceiling. The group floats up and through the ceiling
(2687) DM: To rpol
(2742) Nym: shit
(2723) Zus: nice
(2742) Nym: to rpol
(2723) Zus: I had another couple of flies fwith my shoes
(2742) Nym: how do we sign out
(2722) Othrek: That was like hide and seek where someone finds such a good spot that the parents call teh police

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