Nym's private adventures by DM Bill (GM)
Nym sets out from the home of the Batters.

Re: Nym's private adventures by Nym Talisker
Nym heads out the door in search of a horse to rent intending to head across the River Dessart for Ardeep Forest, which is about 50 miles to the east in hopees of a glade to meditate in.

On his way he stops by Nobblywonk's home and informs Zonkel and Nobblywonk that he will be back in a few days and asks for instructions on how to catch up with them to be left if they have moved on from there.

Re: Nym's private adventures by DM Bill (GM)
After renting a horse for 2gp, Nym rides out of Waterdeep.  As the shades of night stretch across the land, he reaches the edges of the Ardeep Forest.  He enters the woods and immediately feels safe, as though he had returned home.  The woods are thick, but he sees a glade a short distance away.

Re: Nym's private adventures by Nym Talisker
nym moves into the glade feeling refreshed and protected.  he ties up his horse to a nearby flowering tree which is quite out of season and finds a spot of smooth stone in the glade among the grasses to meditate upon with his bag of holding neatly bundled in front of him.  nym chants and offers ohms to Angharradh and to the remnants of the ancient forrest.

Re: Nym's private adventures by Nym Talisker
Nym continues chanting and meditating through the day.

Re: Nym's private adventures by Nym Talisker
Will we finish this before Monday night, or will I be separated from the rest of the group for the session?

Re: Nym's private adventures by DM Bill (GM)
I'm mostly sure you'll be back with the group.

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