Mutation, Metabolism &.

the 'Molecular Clock'?

| New Odyssey Magazine | Paleoanthropology | Aquatic Theory of Human Evolution | Paleozoology | Sci-Tech News |

  1. Mutation Rates in Humans & other Primates
  2. Body Size, Metabolism, & the Rate of Mutation in Mammals & other Vertebrates
  3. Mutation & Oxygen Free Radicals
  4. Molecular Clock Message Board
  5. MtDNA Message Board

Mutation Rate in Humans & other Primates

  1. Higher rates of amino acid substitution in rodents than in humans.
  2. Evidence for higher rates of nucleotide substitution in rodents than in man.
  3. Molecular evolution of the psi eta-globin gene locus: gibbon phylogeny and the hominoid slowdown.
  4. The molecular clock runs more slowly in man than in apes and monkeys.
  5. Sequences of primate insulin genes support the hypothesis of a slower rate of molecular evolution in humans and apes than in monkeys.
  6. Insulin-like growth factor II intron sequences support the hominoid rate-slowdown hypothesis.
  7. DNA's Evolutionary Dilemma
  8. Archaic African and Asian lineages in the genetic ancestry of modern humans.
  9. Man's place in Hominoidea as inferred from molecular clocks of DNA.
  10. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of primate mitochondrial DNA.
  11. Molecular timing of primate divergences as estimated by two nonprimate calibration points.
  12. Higher rate of evolution of X chromosome alpha-repeat DNA in human than in the great apes.
  13. All about Eve...
  14. The problem of our common mitochondrial mother.
  15. Evolution of human mitochondrial DNA: evidence for departure from a pure neutral model of populations at equilibrium.
  17. Out of the African past Modern DNA provides clues to a division in the ancestral tree of human forebears
  18. Out of Africa? What do genes tell us?
  19. Molecular phylogeny of Old World monkeys (Cercopithecidae) as inferred from gamma-globin DNA sequences.

Body Size, Metabolism, & the Rate of Mutation in Mammals & other Vertebrates

  1. Body size, metabolic rate, generation time, and the molecular clock.
  2. So, what about the molecular clock hypothesis?
  3. An evaluation of the molecular clock hypothesis using mammalian DNA sequences.
  4. The power of relative rates tests depends on the data.
  5. Heterogeneity of tempo and mode of mitochondrial DNA evolution among mammalian orders.
  6. Rates of DNA sequence evolution differ between taxonomic groups.
  7. Molecular phylogeny of Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Primates, Artiodactyla, and Carnivora and molecular clocks.
  8. Different rates of substitution may produce different phylogenies of the eutherian mammals.
  9. An analysis of the dynamics of mammalian mitochondrial DNA sequence evolution.
  10. DNA-DNA hybridization evidence of the rapid rate of muroid rodent DNA evolution.
  11. Rates of nucleotide substitution in primates and rodents and the generation-time effect hypothesis.
  12. Phylogenetics of Perissodactyla and tests of the molecular clock.
  13. Mitochondrial DNA variation, phylogeography and population structure of the asian elephant.
  14. Body size effects and rates of cytochrome b evolution in tube-nosed seabirds.
  15. Slow rate of molecular evolution in high-elevation hummingbirds.
  16. Metabolic rate, generation time, and the rate of molecular evolution in birds.
  1. Different rates of mitochondrial DNA sequence evolution in Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkii) populations.
  2. A different tempo of mitochondrial DNA evolution in birds and their parasitic lice.
  3. Extreme rates and heterogeneity in insect DNA evolution.
  4. Rates of mitochondrial DNA evolution in sharks are slow compared with mammals.
  5. Mitochondrial DNA sequence evolution in sharks: rates, patterns, and phylogenetic inferences.
  6. Molecular phylogeny of grey mullets based on mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis: evidence of a differential rate of evolution at the intrafamily level.
  7. Evolutionary analysis of cytochrome b sequences in some Perciformes: evidence for a slower rate of evolution than in mammals.
  8. Mitochondrial DNA evolution at a turtle's pace: evidence for low genetic variability and reduced microevolutionary rate in the Testudines.
  9. Tangled strands of time
  10. The complete mitochondrial genome of Alligator mississippiensis and the separation between recent archosauria (birds and crocodiles).
  11. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA comparisons reveal extreme rate variation in the molecular clock.
  12. Molecular clock calibrations and metazoan divergence dates.

Mutation & Oxygen Free Radicals

  1. Metabolic rate and directional nucleotide substitution in animal mitochondrial DNA.
  2. The Dark Side of Oxygen
  3. Oxidative damage and mutation to mitochondrial DNA and age-dependent decline of mitochondrial respiratory function.
  4. Effects of dietary restriction and antioxidants on presbyacusis.
  5. Oxidative DNA base modifications as factors in carcinogenesis.
  6. Free Radicals may be the Missing Link
  7. Faulty protein repair spurs mouse seizures
  8. Radical Prostates
  9. Enhanced oxygen radical production in a transgenic mouse model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  10. The role of mitochondrial glutathione in DNA base oxidation.
  11. The evolution of aging: a new approach to an old problem of biology.
  12. Disorders of the mitochondria.
  13. Induction of microsatellite instability by oxidative DNA damage.
  14. Role of mitochondria in oxidative stress and ageing.
  15. Mitochondrial DNA Shows Promise As Cancer Detector

New Odyssey Magazine | Aquatic Theory of Human Evolution | Paleozoology | Sci-Tech News |

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