Cut My Losses - 1.20.02

I watched VH1 like all weekend.
I'm not saying that that has anything
to do with this song, though.

Is there anything
outside of these four walls?
How should I know,
haven't left my room in
weeks. I don't know.

Is there anything
worth seeing aside from you?
How should I know,
I'm still staring at your
picture. I don't know.

If there's one thing
that I have learned from you,
it's not enough to cut my losses;
Gotta cut those losses into pieces.
I, I don't know.
No, no!

You left me all
alone, up to my ankles in snow.
Why, why, why?
I'll never understand you.

Never stand beside you,
my thoughts are trailing behind you.
I tell myself that it's better this way
but it's hard with your photos surrounding me.
And I know that you don't feel
remotely like I do right now.
The touch of your hands, the smell of your hair,
this is the cross I bear.
And so for now,
I'll take solace.
And so forever,
I'll take solace in my solitude.

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