Personal Presentation


Author: Heydi Cordero



I would like to introduce myself by saying that I’m a hard working person. I’ve got my major degree in Modern Languages at Universidad Metropolitana 2 years ago along with a minor degree in Business Administration. After I graduated I started my Specialization in Human Resources, at the same University. At the same time, I began working as a Teacher’s Assistant at a bilingual school. I stayed at that post for 2 years then I decided to renounce because my mother got sick.


Since then I’ve been taking courses about accounting and computers so as to keep myself active. Besides, I’ve been teaching English as a private teacher to kids of 9 and 11 years old. Moreover, I’ve been doing this major in accounting in an attempt to be able to work in a job where I can be part of a company in which the benefits are better than a school.


I decided to study Accounting in this University for the reason that it was an excellent opportunity to get a major degree without going to a specific place. Meaning that, you don’t have to lose your time commuting everyday to a University and get stuck in traffic. Also, you are able to study at home and from different places because you may be on vacations and you can have classes. So it is a very good technique of learning and an interesting way of meeting people.

I must say, all these five trimesters that I’ve been studying Accounting, have been very enlightening because I’ve been able to experience a new form of communication and knowledge acquisition. This technique, for me, comes out to be a new step into development. Due to that, it seems incredible that in Venezuela is happening this kind of progress in education, which has been a country in where this area has been disregarded for many years.

Finally, I may say that these five trimesters have been full of acknowledgement and a innovative way of developing new skills in the area of transmitting information and learning.







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