STH Fanfiction by Dustin Lawson

Sonic the Hedgehog characters are ŠSega/Dic/Archie. "Masters of the Game" and all story elements within are ŠSonic Dust, as if you couldn't figure it out.

"Somewhere Else to Be" by Vast
"Leavin' on a jet plane" from, oh, i forget


"Masters of the Game"
Chapter 4


Bunnie Rabbot's eyes fluttered open. Someone at the door? NOW? She couldn't believe this. She had just got off as soon as Ben had arrived to take over at the front desk. Sleep! To sleep, perchance to... sleep some more. She got so dead tired working the night shift. And for someone to disturb her now, whatever it was...

"My gawd... what time is..."

The clock said 1:35 p.m.. She'd only been asleep for fifteen minutes.


"Hold your horses!" Frustrated, she slid out from under the warmth of the sheets and grabbed for her blue terry-cloth robe. She tied the belt as she staggered toward the door. She rubbed her eyes before twisting the knob.

"Ah don't want any- oh, hi, Sally-girl."

"Hi, Bunnie." The brown-furred squirrel looked kind of anxious. She also looked kind of cheap in that boustier, but Bunnie had seen her wardrobe before. "Sorry to wake you like this..."

"Need me to call the cops to throw out another one o' your 'customers'?"

"No, nothing like that... I'm sorry, it's silly."

Bunnie was intrigued by now. "Well, honey, what is it, then?"

"Well, I... Bunnie, can I sleep with you tonight?"

The rabbot put her hands on her hips. "Look, Ah've told you once, and Ah'll tell ya again, Ah ain't interested in-"

"No, Bunnie, I just mean sleep-sleep."

Bunnie brushed her hair out of her face. "Sally-girl, are y'all okay? You act a bit jittery."

"Well, it's... I don't know, it kind of seems stupid, now."

"Oh, forget that. It obviously can't be that dumb if it's got y'all so worked up over it." She turned on the light. "Come on in and tell me about it."

"Oh... okay." She slipped in the door and shut it behind her as Bunnie plopped down in a chair.

"Shoot, sweetie."

"I guess I'll just start off by telling you it was a bad dream." She bit her lip. "Dumb, huh?"

"No, not really. Ah have those all the time, they're a part o' life." Her brow knitted. "But what was so bad about this one that you couldn't just chalk it up to a rotten taco or somethin'?"

Sally slowly slid into the chair opposite her friend. "Well, it... it was about Sonic."

"Oh, well, then. What happened?"

"Well, he was fighting in that game and he..."

"He got killed?"

Sal shook her head, her mussed hair swaying. "Worse. He killed more people. He killed Knuckles, he killed you, he killed... he..."

Bunnie placed her hand on her friend's reassuringly. "Who?"

"He killed me."

"Oh mah stars, child. Now you know he would never do that."

"I know, but... after he killed me, he... killed himself."

Bunnie's eyebrow raised. "An' how could you see this if you were dead?"

"Oh, I don't know, I told you it was dumb."

"No, no it ain't. Come here." She pulled her in for a tight hug. "Sonic's in a heap o' trouble right now. You're just worried about him, whether you're awake or not. Don't worry, he'll be fine."

"But what if he isn't?" She got up and sat down on her bed, looking down at her feet. "What if somebody gets to him? I've only just found him, and now... now I don't think I could go on if I lost him again."

"Don't talk like that!" Bunnie sighed. She could tell nothing would calm her enough now. "Fine, then. Scoot over, I get this side."

Sally wiped her eyes. "Thanks, Bun. I guess I'm just a scaredy-squirrel."

"No, ya just need a friend." She reached over and clicked off the light. "Just don't be grabbin' my ass like you do with all your other bedmates."

"Would you shut up?" Sally exclaimed, burrowing under the sheets. "I told you I quit that biz! I work at the illustrious Taco Hut now, and have no need for corner-standing!"

"Then who was that guy you had up a couple hours ago?"

"That was the plumber, here to fix YOUR hotel's shower... like you promised to do last week?"

"Oh, really? How'd you pay him, offer to test it out?"

"Now that's hitting below the belt!"

"Your favorite target, shuga."


Sonic wasn't in any danger at the moment. He was leaning against a brick wall in the dimly-lit alley behind Booty Lounge, waiting for Tails to either get done or get thrown out, twirling a cigarette between his fingers, trying to decide whether or not his lungs deserved the abuse. He finally flicked it into a puddle, opting to listen to his Discman instead.

Just then the door swung open.


Tails and an equally young chihuahua came flying out the door, smacking into the wall across the dingy sidestreet. Sonic looked to the door next to him in time to see the bouncer dust his hands off and shut it.

"Dammit, man!" the little guy shouted. "Why you gotta start somethin' in there, man? I paid muy pesos to get in there, man!"

"Hey, you're the one who ran into me, you friggin-"

"That's a lie, man! You better shut your stupid face, loco, before I kick your ass, but good!"

"Bring it on, you sorry piece of-"

"TAILS!" Sonic grabbed his buddy by the collar. "Cool it. We don't need this kinda trouble."

"But he's mouthin' off like he's some kinda-"

"I don't care. We're done here."

Sonic dragged his friend around the alley and back to where his bike was parked, the chihuahua cursing at them until they were out of sight.

"Sonic, you know I coulda taken him."

"That's not the point, bro," he said, hopping on. "We don't need to get arrested right now. We have to try to get through to Knuckles. We can't do that very well from cell block D, now can we?"

"I guess."

"Good. Now all we gotta do is wait for nightfall."



"WHAT?!" Bunnie shouted, sitting up. Her head whipped around a few times before realizing it came from Sally, also bolt upright.

"What's wrong, Sally?"

"Oh... oh, no, he... it must've been another nightmare."

Bunnie was panting, but now she groaned loudly. "Oh, dear sweet lord..." She glanced at the alarm clock: 5:28. "Sally-girl, y'all need to take some kinda pills, 'cuz Ah don't think Ah can stand it. Besides, your feet are like glaciers."

"No... no, I think I know what I have to do."

Sally rolled out of bed and headed for the door.

Bunnie got up and followed her. "Hey, where the heck do you think you're goin', trapesin' off at this time of night?"

"I have to go to him," she said, walking down the hall to her room. "I can't stand being here, knowing he's off trying to bring peace and love to a gunfight."

"But what are you gonna do when you find him?"

She stopped with her hand on the knob. "I don't know. But I have to."


"I said, what's the plan? Helooo?"

"Wha?" Sonic said, looking up. He'd been so enveloped in his music and his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed Tails until he started shaking him.

"What's our plan, dude?"

"Oh, right. Sorry." He stood up. "Okay, here's the deal. I'm just going to stand here at the end of this alley, and wait for him to show. You hide in that dumpster. I'm gonna give you my guns. If he does try to shoot me, it'll be your job to take him down." He put his hand on Tails's shoulder. "And try not to take him out, okay?"

"Got it," he said. The fox glanced at his watch. "It's almost time. Should I go ahead?"

"Yeah." Sonic took off his jacket and removed his guns, handing them to his friend. It felt so weird not having them--they had been a part of his life for so long.

"Alright. See ya when this crap is over."


Tails hopped up into the dumpster, ducking down enough to be out of site to the casual pedestrian that doesn't dig through trash.

An alley in Robotropolis. Was this where it all came to a crashing halt? Sonic stood at the dead end, leaning against the wall, singing along with his CD player, waiting.

"Every time that I cry out, no one ever comes to me, every time that I reach out, no one ever rescues me...."

He thought he heard a noise. Unnerved only a moment, he continued to sing to calm his nerves.

"I wish I could hide from everyone..."

Then he appeared.

A dark sillouhette against the streetlamp on the corner, the fedora and trechcoat, the height... it had to be him. Especially since no one else would be dumb enough to hang around here. Despite the situation, he continued to sing.

"Is there somewhere else to be, is there somewhere else to be, take me in, I want out, that's all I need..."

"Bravo," Knuckles said, clapping. "What do you do for an encore? Bleed profusely?" His gun was already drawn, and he now leveled it directly at Sonic's head.

"If that's what you want," he said. "But wouldn't you rather give this up, go home to Julie-Su?"

The echidna faltered. "W-what?! How did you know-"

"That you were married?" He couldn't help but smile. "I ran into Mrs. Knuckles in your city. We had a cup of coffee together. Nice girl." His smile faded. "She doesn't seem to know about any of this."

"You didn't... tell her, did you?" He raised the gun again. "So help me, if you did..."

"Don't worry, Red. Your secret's safe." He walked toward him slowly. "What I wanna know is why, 'Mayor Echidna'. Why of all people would you want to get in on this?"

"That's none of your business, speed freak. I do as I please."

"Can it, Knux! You're killing people to chase after a prize that may not even be legit! And what do you need with it, anyway? You live in a mansion, for Bob's sake!"

"You don't know the pressures, man," he said. "It's not as easy and rich as it sounds."

"Well, good, 'cuz it sounds pretty damn rich to me!"

"My city's about bankrupt, Sonic!" He sighed. "Our exports are gone, and our tourist population is way down. There's a lot of work to be done on a lot of different things. We're basically surviving. If I don't tax the hell out of everybody, the city will go under. And high taxes may drive everybody away, anyway. My only hope lies in this contest."

"How could you," Sonic said in a low, controlled voice. "How could you leave your wife at home, not even letting her know you might never return. Business trip," he added, scoffing.

"This IS business! If I win, the city will be able to fix all the road and air problems. Ever since Robotnik's terrorists destroyed the Heziah Recreation Center, there's been a general fear among the whole population. The money could rebuild that building, Sonic!"

"This isn't the way," he said, gritting his teeth. "You know that."

"I'm sorry, old friend. There is no other way."

Sonic leapt to the side as a slug came streaking past his ear, barely missing its target in the middle of his forehead. He rolled and came out of it standing. As he looked up, he saw Tails pull the trigger, sending a bullet directly into Knuckles's right shoulder.

"AAAAGHHH!!!" The gun fell to the ground, and Knuckles whirled to face his attacker. "You, kid?! You, of all people? Oh, you picked the wrong moment to show up!" He leapt at Tails, but he jumped up, flying high and leaving the echidna to land in the garbage.

Sonic started walking toward the dumpster to pull him out, but he suddenly heard a clicking sound on the pavement. It was coming around the corner toward them.

"Someone's coming," Tails said from far above.

Sonic didn't have time. He ran to the dumpster, grabbed Knuckles's gun and hid in the shadows.

The clicking got louder, nearing the dumpster. He looked around the corner and received a shock.


Sally looked worried. She acted very nervous, looking around for a moment, then sighed and started to walk away.


She whirled around as he snuck out from behind his hiding place. "Oh, Sonic!" She ran into his arms, trying not to go to pieces. "I thought I heard gun shots, and I came to see, and I just hoped you weren't-"

"Shh," he soothed, stroking her back. "What the hell are you doing here, Sally? It's not safe!"

"I was so scared for you. I couldn't stand it, I had to come, to make sure you were okay!"

"You've go to get out of here," he said. "This city's no place for you--for anyone, for that matter."

"I can't leave you now!" She wiped away the tears forming despite her willpower. "I had such terrible nightmares. If I leave you here alone, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about them!" She looked into his eyes. "Can't we just leave, now?"

"Sorry, but I still have business to attend to."

"And that business has to attend to you!"

Before Sonic knew what was happening, Knuckles sprang from the dumpster, firing a shot at him with his own gun. Tails had forgotten them in there! But something was not as it should be. He felt it, and it was reflected in the horror on Knuckles's face.

Someone was between him and the bullet.

Everything went still, a moment frozen in time. He could see Knuckles, suspended in midair, leaping from the garbage, his gun held straight toward her, his expression a mixture of anger, confusion and terror. He could see Sally, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights, turning ever-so-slowly toward the sound of the gunfire. He could see the paper blowing down the deserted street outside the alley, stopped a few inches above the sidewalk. And he could see...

What was that?

As time resumed again, he saw Knuckles lying on the ground, panting, gaze fixed straight ahead. He looked like he was in shock, disbelief at his attack going so terribly wrong multiplying thousands and thousands of times. He looked down at his feet, afraid of the condition he would find his princess in.

She was fine, but someone else was not.

"Oh, Tails," he said, rolling him over. The hole in his side was pouring blood at an alarming rate. He hoped against hope it wasn't fatal. "Don't die on me, keyed!"

Sally slowly stood up, almost as much in shock as Knuckles. She looked down at herself, finding only a nick from the bullet. Then she turned and saw Tails.

"T-tails?!" She bent over him. "Can it really be him? Oh, God, what happened?!"

"No," the echidna babbled. "Not her, no, no, no..."

"It went right through him! Got to get him out of here," Sonic said, dressing the wound as best he could with what he had. "Oh, no, please, Tails!"

"Is, is he okay?" she asked, tears running down her cheeks.

"I sure hope so," he replied, picking him up. "I only hope we can get to Xander in time!"

"We can take the jet car I rented," she said.

"Oh, thank you," he said, kissing her on the cheek. "Thank God for your car!" They ran around the corner at full speed, Sally hanging onto his neck.

Knuckles sobbed. "It... wasn't meant for her..."



"Would you excuse me, Margot?" Julie-Su said to the image on the wall. "I need to get that."

"Take your time, deary."

Julie pressed a button on the wall and the screen changed to show the "On-Hold" message. As the doorbell rang again, she hurried down the grand staircase to the front door and opened it.

"Oh, my Lord!"

There stood a dishevled Sonic, carrying her love.

"Sonic, what's going on?!"

"He's okay," he said. "His shoulder's a little tender, and he's out from exhaustion. Cried himself to sleep."

"What happened, Sonic? Tell me!"

"You'd better let him tell you himself when he wakes up." If she wasn't mistaken, he almost said that bitterly. The hedgehog walked in and set him on the couch in the living room, then turned to leave.

"Hey, wait a second here, buster! I want an explaination."

"Sorry, I don't have that right. Well, see you around."

With that he raced off, leaving her to wonder what had happened until her battered husband awoke to inform her.



Sonic walked into the hotel room, more worn and weary than he had been in a long time. Sally was sitting on the bed watching the news. She stood up to greet him.

"Well? Did you find him?"

"Yeah, right where we left him." He took off his jacket and flopped down on the bed. "He evidently just cried until he couldn't stay awake any longer, then passed out."

"I can't believe him!" She clenched her fists. "He was going to... to..."

"Sally, he's no worse than I was. I just realized what was happening to me in time to change." He got up and went to the mini-fridge. "Anything to drink in here?"

"Just white soda," she said. "I couldn't stand any caffeine last night."

"Fine." He pulled out the green bottle and took a swig. "So, any word on Tails?"

"Yes," she said, brightening. "They think he's going to make it."

"Oh, thank God," he said, letting out a sigh of relief. "At least no casualties came of yesterday." He looked down. "Especially not him."

"I can't believe how big he's gotten," she said, leaning back against the pillows. "He's not my little surrogate boy anymore."

"That's for sure," he said. Sonic figured he could do without telling her just how grown-up Tails was acting now.

"Sonic, I... I want to thank you for getting a room with two beds."

"No problem, Sal. I knew one wouldn't have been right under the circumstances."

"No, it's not just that. I just... don't want to rush our relationship into that department just yet."

"Hey, I understand that perfectly," he said, sitting next to her. "After all, that was your occupation for a while. You want me to be your friend, not a customer."

She smiled brilliantly, flinging her arms around him. "Oh, I don't deserve you!"




There they were, gathered at the edge of town. Sonic was holding Sally's hand, as were Knuckles and Julie. Tails was talking excitedly to Bunnie, whom they had telephoned after everything was settled to update her on current events. She had flown in immediately.

"Ahem," Sonic said. Tails and Bunnie fell silent. "So, this is it. We're going."

"Yeah," Knuckles said. "I guess we are."

"No reservations here," Sally said, squeezing her soulmate's hand.

"Me neither, shuga-hog."

"It'll be hard to leave the city behind," Julie said, looking back.

"Good thing you're my wife and not Lot's," Knuckles teased. "You'd be a pillar of salt a few times over."

"I can't help it, honey. We had a life there!" She sighed. "It'll be hard letting go."

"I know."

"Well, let's go," Tails said, boarding the plane to take his place in the pilot's chair.

"After you, Julie."

"Thank you, dear."

Bunnie got on next. "Goodbye, land that Ah love," she said. She sang quietly as she climbed though the hatch. "Leavin' on a jet plane..."

Then Sally and Sonic were alone at the bottom of the stairs, the barren landscape kicking up from the strong breeze.

"Well, this is it, Sally." He took her hands in his. "Are you sure you want to leave everything behind to hang out with fugitives?"

"Ah, but you see, you're my favorite fugitives."

Sonic laughed. "Then I guess you'd better."

She looked deeply into his eyes, drawing closer to him. "Sonic, what's going to happen to us?"

"Don't worry," he whispered. "We'll make it."

They were inches from each other's lips when Knuckles shouted from the hatchway.

"Hey, I'm glad you find this romantic, but we're kinda waiting!"

"Hey, shut up, ye of the married!" Sonic stuck his tongue out at the echidna. "After you, Ms. Acorn."

"Why, thank you, kind sir." She boarded the plane, leaving Sonic alone to gaze out toward the horizon. The distant city of Robotropolis was barely visible, mostly because of the disgusting clouds of smoke rising from it. Sonic laughed.

"Well, we're out of here, Robotnik. You tried to pit us against each other, but you lost. You'll always lose." He smiled. "I never thought it could happen, but I was wrong; there can be more than one master of the game."

Then the hedgehog joined his friends inside the plane on its way to freedom.


~the end~


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