Sirius Khanbalic
(MBISS & MBIS Ch POSH Echovesna's Islaev X Ch Sirhan Ninotchka)

AKA Kubi

17 Jan 1985- Mar 1996

Breeder: Lavonne Novakofski

10 yrs old

"Kubi" was the first borzoi to live with us permanently. We had to pry him from the breeder! What a great dog he was! He helped raise the kids, and the preceding borzoi. He rode in planes, trains, and cars... one didn't dare walk him next to an open car door because he would jump right in and expect to go for a ride! Maybe he thought it too undignified to walk? His less notable accomplishments were to win High Scoring Sighthound from the novice class, caught a 50# groundhog and carried it for more than 2 miles before letting loose of it, and leaping into the air and catching a crow. OH!, but not on the same day! Kubi was the expert at playing the game of "run to the window, act like something/someone is there, and the other dogs will let go of the toy or get off the best place on the sofa" so he could enjoy it. He was a pure joy, and I want him back!!!!

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