Name: Sarah (Voodoo Weasel)
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected] AIM: OhSoKorny17.
Other Weyrs/Clubs: FsoP, Hogwarts

Name/Nicknames: Sebastian Wallingford
Gender: Male
Rank/Position: Apprentice Geneticist
Age: 26
Birthplace: New York, United States

Physical Description: Sebastian is a man that just always stands out from the crowd. May it be because of the sure confident way he carries himself, because of because of the small fortune in rare Pernish plants, animals and goods he has collected in the past years, or because he is completely bald.

He is a relatively good looking young man. Fit, but not built. Tallish, at 5�11, but not incredibly imposing. His skin is a light olive color, a mix between being out in the sun all the time, and his various parental backgrounds.

Light, very thin brown eyebrows are suited above two extremely intelligent brownish-hazel eyes. His jaw has a very round look to it, and his whole head and face can be described as nothing but oval.

Personality: Sebastian is the type of man who lives chess. Not that he enjoys the game, in fact, he hates it. But he sees his whole life as a game of strategy, and everyone around him as mere pawns. He lives on his wit and his ability to remember what lies and half truths he has told� and so far his incredibly sharp mind has never let him down.

He will not cheat or steal to get what he wants because he doesn�t have too. The way he has people, and their business� wrapped around his little finger insures him that he can get whatever idea he has, done.

Outside of business relationships, he doesn�t bother making other social connections. Sebastian knows he could have all the women, all the �friends� that he would ever need if he chose, and that is good enough for him.

His life is work. It is getting that rare thing that everyone will want to buy from him, it is developing that special creature that everyone will be willing to pay for. It is selling fire lizard eggs to families with whiney children willing to pay almost _anything_ to get the brats to shut up.

He gets a high from it, really. From having other people come to him for what they need.

More emotionally, Sebastian is a �me first� type of guy. He _will_ take care of himself first, and other people secondly. If it doesn�t benefit him, he�s out. It�s that simple.

His ambition knows no ends.


Sebastian was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, as they say. Raised in New York by his mother and his various nannies, he was an extremely bright, happy child. His intelligence was easy to spot, and he was encouraged to learn constantly.

His father, Jonathan, whom most of Sebastian�s present personality is derived from, was not really a figure in his life. The man ignored his only son, and his son found all the love he could ever want from his mother, anyway.

Sebastian was growing up to be a empathetic boy when, of course, tragedy struck. His mother was killed in an attack brought on by the Nathi War. As Sebastian was only nine years old at the time, his care fell into the hands of his emotionally distant father.

As his Jonathan would not permit his son into a boarding school because of his own troubles there as a youth, he took Sebastian everywhere he went on his long business trips, teaching the tricks of the trade as he went along.

It became very apparent that the only way Sebastian could ever gain any respect or acknowledgement from his father was when he excelled at something business related. As he was still grieving badly for his mother, any attention at all, was good attention.

His father was a cutthroat businessman, and Sebastian learned by example. He was young, but he was extremely bright. Eventually the wish to please his father gave way to near hatred of the man for continuing to ignore him, and the fact his father had more power than he did.

So at the age of sixteen, Sebastian started up his own company to compete directly with his father�s (of course, all of the forms were illegally signed, and none of his constituents knew his true age.)

His father tolerated this for some time, but when his own son�s business became a threat to his own, he destroyed it in one fell swoop, by simply exposing the boy�s true age and identity. Unfortunately for him, his own plan backfired.

Because Sebastian was a minor at the time, his father, Jonathan, was legally responsible for some of the illegal activities the boy did. An investigation was launched, and it was only a matter of time before Jonathan�s own shady business practices were found out.

Both father and son were penniless by their own actions.

After that came six months of living off their good name. Needless to say, they couldn�t ask many favors of too many people. It was Sebastian who heard of the colonist ship to Pern, and it was Jonathan who was able to pull off getting two spaces aboard. For the first time in their lives, father and son worked together to gain admission and by some stroke of luck, they got it.

This was almost the perfect solution. Neither one had any ties to where he was now, and on this new planet they could start anew.

Jonathan was given his own Charter with a small piece of promised land. And when they arrived, that is just what he got. A piece of land all to himself.

By then, it was every man for himself. Sebastian had expected this, and while he enjoyed the momentary truce between himself and his father, he wasn�t a fool to think it would last. As soon as he could, he moved to one of the far side of his father�s holdings with the intention of waiting out the next two years until he could legally have land of his own.

It was luck more than skill that he moved practically on top of a prime fire lizard nesting beach. When fire lizards were discovered, Sebastian searched his beach up and down for the eggs, and then went to work.

He could recognize basic human greed when he saw it, and soon he was selling the eggs for just about whatever he asked for. It was hard to do this without his father�s knowing, but people were more than willing to keep a secret for a good price for an egg.

But it wasn�t enough. Not for him.

When he turned eighteen, he struck a deal with father to claim some of the land he had made for himself in exchange for some land that he had gained with his own charter. It was a good trade, because some of Sebastian�s land could be farmed, and both men walked away thinking he had the better deal.

Soon Sebastian had enough to employ kids to search out for anything unusual or unique in the forests and jungles. He would pay them commission for what they brought back, and he would turn around and sell the goods to emerging crafters or homesteads.

Sebastian also recognized the importance of genetic engineering, and saw how it could benefit him in the long run. So, by employing managers to head up his buy and sell business, he freed himself up to apprentice.

When Thread fell, Sebastian was angry more on a business level than a personal one. People had died who he had known, but he hardly cared. What he _did_ care about was that no one would go into the forests anymore to bring him back goods. Since _he_ wasn�t about to risk his skin to go get that stuff, that part of his business died a swift death.

Selling fire lizard eggs to wanting owners still brought in enough business to satisfy him, however, and he expanded on that as much as he could.

For himself, he never kept one egg. He always saw that there was much more to gain in selling the little annoying creatures rather than keeping even one for himself.

But the Fire Lizard egg trade was only a secondary thing. Even though Sebastian was incredibly intelligent, it was taking nearly everything he had to learn the skills and mathematics and sciences behind his chosen career.

When the colony split he stayed in the south. It made good business sense, and he doubted that his skills would even be needed up north. Besides, he didn�t care to hide in a frozen hole and wait thread out. He wanted to figure out how to destroy the stuff, and get on with his business.

When the Dragon Project was announced, he was less than enthused. If a person could only impress one, then it would be harder to sell to people. Eventually, as the details came out about the project, he grew more interested. He figured that a dragon would function much like a guard dog, destroying Thread over it's family home. Maybe if he could get one, he could train it to kill thread over his homestead, bringing back the business.

Better yet, if he was able to impress one, maybe he could sell any eggs it laid, if it was a female. Or stud it out, if it was a male.

But before Sebastian could let it be known that he was at least interested in being a candidate, a letter arrived for him. Because of his close involvement with fire lizards over the years, people thought he might be a good choice.

The first hatching had left him standing, but he was hardly put off. With plans to stand again, he went on with his life.

He had been living alone in his own room (something almost unheard of in the cramped community) when he was found out, and forced to bunk up with another candidate named Dawson. Their personalities clashed from the start, and Sebastian only took shelter in his apartment when it was necessary.

The second hatching proved to be much more fruitful. Sebastian came away with bronze Ophioth.

Lillian Wallingford/34/Mother/ (deceased)
Jonathan Wallingord/60/Father/Southern Continent

Hobbies & Skills: His Fire Lizard trade is Sebastian�s only real hobby. It�s what he gets enjoyment from. His skills would be his work as an Apprentice Geneticist.

If your persona were a song, the title: Master of Puppets - Metallica

Pets: None

Dragon's Name: Ophioth
Age: Infant (hatched 12.3.11)
Color: Bronze
Physical Description: Ophioth is a pretty golden bronze color uniformly spread throughout his body. It's a little too early to tell what he's going to grow into, but he is a well proportioned dragon.

Personality: Ophioth loves life. He will make a game out of everything, and strives to have a good time (whenever he is awake). Extremely stubborn, he feels that his way is only the right way. For some reason, a he has an extremely strong sense of justice.

"The World of Pern is copyrighted by Anne McCaffrey © l967."
"The Dragonriders of Pern© is a registered trademark, as are Benden Weyr, Ruatha Hold, and many other places on Pern."
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