Name: Tiffany
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
AIM/MSN/ICQ: calder2monsith/none/none
Other Weyrs/Clubs: none at this time

Name/Nicknames: Reanna Farraday/Ree
Gender: Female
Rank/Position: Dog Breeder/Trainer
Age: 18
Birthplace: First Centauri

Physical Description: Reanna is 5'9" tall and 145 pounds. She's got average curves and well muscled legs, but almost no muscling in her arms. She's got straight black hair and very dark caramel colored eyes. She inherited her complexion from her mother and has a nice golden color to her during the winter, with a dark brown color to her when she's tan. As far as her looks go, her face is her least favorite feature: she's got a pointy chin with a cleft in it, thin lips, a thin nose, and eyes that are too slanted to be considered almond shaped. Her one "saving grace" is her dark, thick eyelashes. She's also got double-jointed elbows, although she is careful to not fully extend her elbows most of the time (in an effort to hide them). She's right handed, has a birthmark on the back of her left knee, and has a scar on the base of her right thumb from where a protective mother dog bit her when she was little. She has a quiet, low, somewhat scratchy voice, which is rather expressive, and wears whatever her hands happen to grab in the morning (which, more often than not, is mismatched but very colorful).

Personality: Reanna is very good at taking care of her sister, her dog, and whatever litter/dogs she is training at the moment. Beyond that, however, she is not very organized or responsible. She is as likely to be late for appointments as she is to be on time, her living quarters are cluttered (although not quite to the point of being considered messy), and she is very childlike in her desires to have a good time. She has lots of friends, a few crushes, but no one she wants to commit to (because what would be the fun in that?). She's not frightened of anything (that she's found yet) beyond loosing her sister and she'll try anything once. She loves eating but stays busy enough that she still has a nice figure, loves to dress up, and probably spoils Sarah more than she should.

Background: Although Reanna was eight years old when they arrived on Pern, she doesn't really remember her life before Pern; she has just a few fuzzy memories and a few stories her mother told her. Her father and mother were both skilled animal handlers and trainers, teaching Reanna how to behave around a variety of animals from the time she was old enough to walk. When they arrived on Pern, the family settled into positions of training horses to the plow and dogs to guard houses and herd livestock. They also did "regular" training such as obedience and training horses to be ridden, as well as "training" humans how to interact with their newly trained animals.

Three years after arrival, Reanna's parents "presented" her with a little sister: Sarah. Reanna was nowhere near as thrilled as her parents. In order to show her parents that there had been no need for this new addition to their family, Reanna began devoting herself to learning all she could of the "family business" when she was not in school. She did well and when she was sixteen, chose to begin "real" work with her family instead of going on with further schooling.

When the colonists split into two factions, Reanna's father wanted to move north. Reanna's mother, however, refused to make such a trip while she was so close to giving birth. Reanna's father left anyway and two months later, Reanna's mother died giving birth to a little brother, who died a few hours later. Reanna has been taking care of Sarah ever since and Sarah has grown to idolize Reanna; Sarah has even begun to work side-by-side with Rianna the past two years.

With the successful arrival of the first two groups of dragons, Reanna has become determined to apply for Candidacy. She believes it is the best way to guarantee the protection of her sister, not to mention the fact that between the little amount of free time the new dragonriders are getting and her sister's help, the raising and training of dogs would not be damaged as far as output goes.

Family/Friends: Sarah Farraday: She's Reanna's little sister, is eight years old, and is primarily a student, although she helps Reanna out with the dogs a great deal. She lives at New Landing with her sister.

Hobbies & Skills: Reanna is passable around most animals, but great with dogs. She's also fairly good/rather comfortable around her friends' firelizards (although she doesn't have one of her own). She also enjoys swimming.

If your persona were a song, the title: Hey Now (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun) by Cyndi Lauper

Pets: Dara: 3 year old female dog used for breeding the herding dogs; she's well trained, very friendly, extremely curious and playful, and is only allowed to be bred once a year. Reanna "shares" Dara and the responsibility of her with Sarah.

"The World of Pern is copyrighted by Anne McCaffrey © l967."
"The Dragonriders of Pern© is a registered trademark, as are Benden Weyr, Ruatha Hold, and many other places on Pern."
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