Name: Ariel Wetzel
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
AIM: Aricaiu
Other Weyrs/Clubs: Odyssey

Name/Nicknames: Lori-Anne McGraw
Gender: Female
Rank/Position: Currently a bar-tender, but Lori has done a little bit of everything
Age: 27
Birthplace: Southern Former United States, Earth
Physical Description: Lori's stringy, naturally light brown hair falls down to her mid-chest. It is bleached blonde, often with an inch or two of brown roots showing where it parts in the middle. She is 5'3" and has a small frame and b-cup breasts, although she carries a bit of extra weight on her flabby stomach and hips after having so many children. Her skin is on the paler side, and she freckles and burns rather than tanning. She has a bony face with small features and a chipped front tooth. Her eyes are a pale blue, always surrounded by plenty of makeup when she can afford it. When she was younger, she was very attractive, although lately she has a tired, worn-out look. Lori usually dresses in skimpy, revealing clothing to flaunt what she ain't got. She likes to wear whatever is popular with the hold's teenagers, often borrowing clothes from her daughter.

Personality: Lori is the type of woman you see screaming at her children in the supermarket or who will yell at you for cutting in line. She is a phony. She is the friend who is nice to your face but talks about you behind your back. She is not particularly intelligent and uses cuss words as her adjective of choice (verb, too!). Lori can run hot and cold with people. She can be super sweet, especially when she wants something, but has a temper and makes it known when she doesn't approve. She brags about her children (when she isn't screaming at them), except her oldest, who she considers the black sheep. Lori acts like she is an expert on parenting. She is a very controlling mom when it comes to Amber, her oldest and personal baby sitter. Lori is convinced the girl drinks and is sexually active although she never lets Amber, who is only 12, out of her sight.

Background: Lori's father was killed in the Nathi Space war when she was young. Her mother, Talula, struggled to raise her two daughters alone. Lori got pregnant when she was fourteen at a church retreat. Talula was a religious fanatic and abortion was out of the question. Lori gave birth to Amber nine months later. Talula, freaking out at being such a young grandma, wondered where she went wrong as a parent. She rashly decided to sign on to the Pern expedition, despite the agreements religion wouldn't be brought to Pern. She decided it was best to get her girls away from the bad influences of modern society. Lori was not happy about this, but being a teenager she didn't have many other options.

Lori settled onto Pern the best way she could: lots of partying with older boys. Talula remarried but almost kicked Lori out for having a relationship with her step brother. As soon as Lori turned 18, she married Brian Kim, who raised cattle. They never got along very well and often would split up and see other people. For a short time, Lori would mooch of her sister or mother. Then she'd make up with Brian long enough for Lori to get pregnant again (she's very fertile) and repeat a make up and break up cycle. After nine years, she's finally sick of him and has decided to call it quits. Kids and all, she left Brian and showed up on her sister's doorstep, fully expecting to be taken in and pampered. Now she's rather smitten with the dragons. If only she could convince the team she'd be a good candidate...

Mother Talula McGraw, 49, Nurse, Kahrain Hold
Sister Carol-Lynn Hower, 28, Nurse, New Landing Hold
Husband Brian Kim, 34, New Landing Plateau
Daughter Amber, 12, New Landing Hold
Son Marcus, 7, New Landing Hold
Son Jesse, 6, New Landing Hold
Son Ryan, 4, New Landing Hold
Son Christopher, 2, New Landing Hold

Hobbies & Skills: Screaming and yelling, sex, drinking, playing cards

If your persona were a song, the title: Picture by Kid Rock

Dragon's Name: Glorith, nicknames Glory/Gloria and Princess
Age: Hatchling (d12.m5.y11)
Color: Green
Physical Description:
Personality: Glorith is a bit of a lackluster. She's neither brave nor particularily bright.

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"The Dragonriders of Pern© is a registered trademark, as are Benden Weyr, Ruatha Hold, and many other places on Pern."
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