Name: Manda
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
AIM/MSN/ICQ: AIM - theatergirlz
Other Weyrs/Clubs: Cibryen, Azov, Odyssey, Daybreak

Name/Nicknames: Koushiro "Koushy" Izuko-Gregor
Gender: Male
Rank/Position: Teacher/ Candidate
Age: 28
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan - Earth

Physical Description: Koushy is Japanese and looks it - black hair, slanted eyes, and a tanned skintone. There are reddish highlights in his hair, but they�re barely noticable unless he�s standing in direct sunlight at high noon. He�s of an average height at 5' 6", and is vaguely slim in build. His teeth are very white, but as he doesn�t often grin (he smiles a lot, though), people usually can�t tell. He was very fond of a virtual reality game series called Dimension Flight back on Earth, and has many t-shirts with characters from the games (he�s become well known for it among the kids he teaches - it�s a bit of a joke with the other adults). So, he mostly wears DF t-shirts and jeans. Not an extremely handsome man, but he could be considered good-looking.

Personality: Koushy is tolerant and kind, and knows just what to say to make you happy or make you feel better. He�s a very reassuring presence, and often lightens a dark mood with his mild humor and fanboyish tendencies. He adores children and is very good with them (which explains his current job), and lavishes love on his own children. Koushy always knows exactly what to say to relieve tension and pass out reassurance. However, he bottles up his own emotions, putting on the face he shows everyone constantly, to help them as much as himself. Inside, he is still grieving for his lost wife and family, and will occasionally display his depression in public, when his grief is particularly strong. He isn�t sure what he wants anymore; all he knows he�s good for is teaching and caring for his kids. He pines for the past so strongly that he often zones out; he lives in the past rather than the present, and he thinks of the past rather than the future. The facade he shows everyone else is just that - a facade, a farse, not his true face. Koushy joined the dragon project because he thought that maybe he could rediscover his true self, his true purpose, if he joined. (Plus, added the fourteen-year-old, buried part of his past, the dragons in DF are so cool!) He used to be a somewhat hyper, cheerful fanboyish person, but neither is he hyper nor cheerful now, and he isn�t that fanboyish anymore. (Except when he reads his DF comic books. He likes his DF comic books.)

Background: Koushy was born in Kyoto, Japan. His parents and older sibs were all huge fans of the Dimension Flight virtual reality game, so he got very involved in it, too. It was played with a special headset and game controller that gave the impression of "uploading" your mind onto a virtual reality plane, and then one used the controller to move your chosen character around. Very similar to the video games of old. Koushy spent almost all his time playing it growing up (though in some vague part of his mind, he knew he wanted to be a teacher when he grew up). When he was sixteen, word of the Pern expedition reached his family, and his parents (his father a survivor of the Nathi war, his mother a biologist, and his elder sibs with helpful jobs) decided that this was a great opportunity for them. So it was off to Pern they went! (Koushy, personally, was ecstatic. This was so much like DF! And he could bring his DF comic books, so he wasn�t totally cut off from the game he adored. Besides, why pass such an exciting opportunity because of a game?)

The first few years on Pern went well for him and his family. The discovery of the fire-lizards especially lit a light in his life - he was very into everything mythical, and to find miniature dragon-like creatures on another world was awesome! He bonded with two of the wild fire-lizards, a brown and a blue whom he named Suzaku and Seiryuu. Later, he also got two of the menta fire-lizards, a second blue and a green whom he named Byakko and Genbu.

When he was eighteen, he met a young woman named Ashley Gregor and fell in love. They got a marriage contract that year, and over the span of four years, had two children, a boy and a girl, Takashi and Ryoko Izuko-Gregor. They led a very happy life on Pern - Koushy as a teacher, Ashley in childcare, and both raising their children lovingly.

Thread brought devestation upon his family. His brothers both died, and his sister was badly injured, and later died of a disease that had infected her wounds. Koushy�s parents and Ashley all died in a later fall, in which they were ground crew. So much grief in such a short span of time was too much for him to handle; he stopped going to work and could barely provide adequate care for his children. This went on for about two weeks, before he created his facade and returned to his daily life as if nothing had happened. Others were worried, but smooth reassurances stemmed their questions. Only his children had any idea that their daddy was still very, very sad, but Koushy made sure to keep them happy and care well for them, so they didn�t often say anything.

Life continued on like this for a while, and Koushy found his depression harder and harder to ignore. It was getting so that occasionally, from time to time, one of his older students would catch his sad face and inquire as to what was wrong. Finally, Koushy couldn�t take feeling as if his life had little purpose - knowing the vague comfort he got from his fire-lizards, and having heard all the wonderful things about having a dragon, as well as the fact that he thought he could find a true purpose in his life if he had a dragon, he applied as a candidate just in time for the second artificial clutch�s hatching. Even though he didn�t become a dragon partner then, it didn�t disappoint him; there were only so many dragon eggs, after all. Maybe in the third artificial clutch would be a dragon that would find him...

Family/Friends: Parents - Mizashi and Rumiko Izuko, 54 and 56 respectively when died, sled technician (Mizashi) and biologist (Rumiko), deceased
Siblings - Hideki (m), Akane (f), and Yamato (m), 30, 26, and 25 when died, deceased
Wife - Ashley Izuko-Gregor, 24 when died, childcare, deceased
Children - Takashi Izuko-Gregor, 9, child, NewLanding
Ryoko Izuko-Gregor, 5, child, NewLanding

Hobbies & Skills: Likes to read the DF comic books he brought with him from Japan. He�s a good teacher, and very good in handling his students.

If your persona were a song, the title: Dangerous Game (3 Doors Down)

Pets: wild fire-lizards brown Suzaku and blue Seiryuu, menta fire-lizards blue Genbu and green Byakko

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