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Name/Nicknames: Guy Gordon
Gender: Male
Rank/Position: Dentist/Candidate
Age: 30
Birthplace: First Centauri

Physical Description: Guy is a strongly built man who stands at 5�9�. He has pale skin, a round face, and dark brown eyes that show some of his Chinese ancestry. He has straight, black hair that he wears short. He has a cute, boyish appearance that makes him look younger than he really is.

Personality: Guy is a goofy jokester. He believes laughter is the best medicine. It helps him deal with the fact that most people *hate* going to see the dentist! He is the nice guy who is easy going and never gets mad, but that also means he often won�t stand up for himself. He is confident about his work but insecure when it comes to dating.

Background: Guy was born on First Centauri. His mother was killed in the war when he was very young and he was raised by his father, also a dentist. After the war ended, Guy�s father signed onto the Pern expedition. Guy had just started college on First, but found he didn�t like the competitive nature of college. On Pern, he was able to train under his father to become a dentist. He was briefly married to a family friend, Wendy Miles, more out of pressure to reproduce rather than love. Wendy got pregnant, but the contract didn�t even last long enough to see through the pregnancy. Wendy moved north, and Guy never learned what became of her or their child. Guy applied for candidacy but was left standing at the first hatching.

Lamar Gorgon, 59, Dentist, Kahrain Hold
Ex-wife Wendy Miles, 28, North

Hobbies & Skills: Dentistry, reading, jogging

If your persona were a song, the title:

Pets: Green fire-lizard, Babs

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