Name: Emily
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
AIM/MSN/ICQ: MoonnDragn, CMUSailor07, PeppermintDove (not usually used)
Other Weyrs/Clubs: Atlantis Weyr, Amethyst Dawn Weyr, Tnth Weyr

Name/Nicknames: Eden Kimball
Kindergarten Teacher/mother
Earth � Las Vegas, Nevada

Markert Dreyer: Husband � North defacto
Avalon Kimball/6/child
Grace Kimball/Mother/Nathi War victim
Joshuin Kimball/Father/Landing Threadfall Victim

Persona Description: Eden is a simple woman. She has slight curves from having her daughter, 6 year old Avalon, but is overall lithe and supple. She is 5�7�� tall and is over average weight and undeniably strong willed and strong in body. Her hair is a yellow gold, uniform in color and unremarkable except for its luster. Her eyes are a glinting hazel and don�t feel the need to adhere to any real color regularly � which is why they settled for hazel.
Dress: She wears whatever will make her the most comfortable at the time. Her closet is full of skirts, loose pants, flowing shirts and the like �usually In earth tones. She also patches pockets onto clothing on which pockets would be useful � so therefore she is always stashing things in her myriad of pockets.
Weapons: Fairly deft with a pair of scissors but otherwise none.
Other: She has a green jade square with some sort of drawing/markings in it. 1 inch by 1 inch on a black satin string around her neck. It was her father�s.

Background: Eden�s mother�s death during the Nathi Space wars opened the door for her father to move his family to Pern. When the call for colonists went out, it was as though his reason for living turned tack and a technology free new place for his family was his answer. Two years after landing, Eden settled down with Markert � a genuine and kind sled pilot on her force. Eden and Markert settled into the colony as a blissful and hopeful couple � the couple that made people smile at their positivity. Eden structured some sort of schooling for the children. Markert was everything to Eden as she fell in love. She found herself with child a few months after moving in with him and they had a baby girl named Avalon. Eden stepped down from the schooling and she and Markert moved in with her Father. After four more turns, Eden�s father was killed in the first unpredictable threadfall and the colony began to fracture. Her father�s death by the threads prompted Eden to take a proactive stand on fighting thread. His long standing involvement with the exploration teams had put her in contact with the Dragon Project � an idea basket she was willing to put her eggs in. Markert felt differently. He and Eden argued about the future of their family, Eden trying to preserve her ideals and her family all in one. The night that the colony divided, Eden watched her lover leave and he did not look back. She and Avalon lived on in Landing and made the move to New Landing, She thinks of Markert bitterly now, thinking his cowardice kept them from surviving.
At new Landing, a few weeks after arrival, a firelizard clutch was found (as happens in the south) � Avalon impressed two small blues and Eden a brown. The Dragon project has since approached her and she has passed the initial interviews to stand as a candidate for the dragon project.

Personality: Her father was a deeply moral person and that seems to have rubben off on Eden. She is convicted and resolute, a caring mother and her life revolves around Avalon. She is stable, the kind of mother that makes certain that three square meals are served daily � but not just to Avalon � to any child that finds his or her way to her� and not just children either� alright. She�s a bit of a softie. She has little to no interest in romance � her �greatest love� slot is filled by a little blonde girl. She is witty and a good problem solver and an excellent self-preservationist but can carry a mean grudge and despises pessimistic outlooks.

If your persona were a song, the title: Ironic - Alanis

Hobbies & Skills: reading, she also has a thing for sled mechanics (not the people, the study ) and now firelizards and dragons. She is an excellent planner/organizer.

Pets: Brown: Tuber

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"The Dragonriders of Pern© is a registered trademark, as are Benden Weyr, Ruatha Hold, and many other places on Pern."
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