Name/Nicknames: Benjamin/Ben Larsen
Gender: male
Rank/Position: candidate/sled pilot
Age: 22
Birthplace: Orlando, Florida- Old Earth

Physical Description: Benjamin is tall like his mother. His slender build can be deceiving at first glance, but a closer look reveals sharply defined muscles, especially in his legs. Straight dirty-blond hair falls in loose waves, which used to be to his shoulders and worn in a ponytail, but which have been cut to ear-length since his arrival on Pern. Warm hazel eyes shine with laughter and cunning in a thin, narrow face. With his high cheekbones and Roman nose, he is striking rather than handsome, but his unique personality goes a long way toward making up the difference.

He prefers loose clothing in greens and blues, though he has a hard time keeping them neat. What he shows up in in the morning will typically be rumpled and wrinkled by noon, to the endless despair of his mother.

Personality: Ben is one of those people who attract excitement wherever they go. In fact, he usually is the excitement. Friendly and gregarious, there is nothing of the grump about him: he'll associate with just about anyone. Nosey and over-curious, he sticks his nose into everything. Unreflective and impulsive, he simply says things without thinking about them, and gets straight to the point. Though not naturally bossy by nature, give him a chance and he will steal the spotlight and have a grand old time with it. Antisociality isn't a problem for him. Benjamin will talk to anyone about anything, even subjects he isn't entirely sure of. The problem is getting him to shut up.

Background: Benjamin was born on Old Earth and fought the move to Pern tooth and nail. Pried away from his old friends, he sulked until his mother introduced him to one of the sled pilots. The pilots became his heroes and his enthusiasm returned in a rush. Ben quickly made up for the time lost in socializing with kids his own age, but could more often be found tagging along behind one or another of the sled pilots. Deciding that as long as the kid was around, he might as well be useful, one of the mechanics started teaching him sled maintenance. Benjamin learned quickly, but graduated to piloting as soon as he was old enough. The first Threadfall horrified him, and motivated by a desire to do something, anything to help defend his new home, he applied for candidacy.


Hobbies & Skills: Benjamin likes to cook and sketch. One of his greatest skills is the ability to lose every game of poker he plays, no matter how good a hand he starts out with. He's a good dancer and has a fair singing voice when he puts his mind to it. His biggest hobby is flying his sled. He also invests a good amount of time in caring for his firelizards.

If your persona were a song, the title: The Dance- by Garth Brooks

Pets: greens Artemis and Athena

Dragon's Name: Remanth
Age: Infant (hatched 8.1.11)
Color: Green

Physical Description: Remanth is the green of new grass in springtime. Like the other dragons, she's all big head, stubby wings, spindly neck, and gangly limbs. She's one of the smaller greens hatched as yet, but it doesn't bother her any.

Personality: Remanth is a Lady in the strictest sense, a miniature winged Scarlet O'Hara. If there's any mischief to be had, she'll be in on it. She's one of the rare personalities that can look dignified while still having fun, and she's always up for a good romp.

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