Seated on porch in background:  Jim  and Charley Newland
Standing at back: Maggie Newland holding child, Maxine Lafferty, Bernice Newland, unknown possibly Opal Schmidt, Sis Jenkins, Mable Anthony, Leonard Anthony.
Men in next row: Burle Newland, Byron Newland, Jess Jenkins, Mortic Newland, and John schmidt
Men in foreground: Merle Newland and Ed collyar

The Grandkids at family reunion ca. 1945/46 on South 13th St. in Blackwell, OK.  (grandad's homeplace)
Back: Nellie Dutton holding Judy Collyar, Maxine Lafferty holding Jimmy Melroth, Harold Newland, Chancey Dutton
Middle: Nancy Newland, Shirley Newland, Charley Dutton, Twins Maxine and Pauline Newland.
Front: Billy dean Newland, Richard Newland holding George Newland, Ernest Newland and Barbara Jean Newland.

Background: Edith Newland, Mary Newland, Sis Jenkins, Vaughn Dutton
Children in back row:  Billy Newland, Barbara Newland, Shirley Newland
Standing: Nancy Newland
Front:  Douglas Jenkins, Linda Simmons, Judy Collyar, Jimmy Dale Melroth

When Silas and Rachel's son, Roy passed away, nearly all his possessions were in an old trunk that he left with my cousin.  Inside, we found a beautiful old valentine that he had sent to his mother, Rachel, from somewhere in Europe during WW1.  They do not make valentines of this caliber any more!
Also, in the trunk, among the clutter of old worthless papers, we found a tax receipt signed by Rachel in a beautiful flourishing handwriting.  A little glimpse of her character emerged with an added comment below her signature, also in her handwriting...."paid under protest!"

Silas died 10 years before I was born and Rachel died the year of my birth so, of course, I have no memories of either of them.  But my dad and my aunts have told me that Rachel was a spirited, outspoken women; and silas was a quiet, patient man who like to find humor in everything possible.  The family seemed to think that they were proof of "opposite attractions."

I am proud of these pioneer spirits of our family.  It must have taken courage to go into a strange land and stake a claim, then to make the necessary required improvements before the deed could be finalized and you could truly call this land your own.

I recall one story that my grandfather Charles Arthur Newland related to us about the land run.  He was only nine years old at the time, but he accompanied his dad Silas on that historical day.  When Silas staked his claim, he gave grandad his trusty old rifle instructing him to stand guard against claim jumpers while he went to record the claim.

We once asked  Grandad what he would have done if he had actually been approached by men with intentions of jumping the claim.

Grandpa must have been a lot like his dad, Silas, because in his usual quiet manner, he replied,
"I reckon I would have had to shoot them.  That's what my dad told me to do, and I always did what my daddy told me."  He said this with just enough of a smile to make us wonder!!!

Charles Arthur and Lola Nellie Robertson Newland

If you look closely at the wedding picture of Charley and Nellie in 1907, you will see a mended tear in my grandmother's dress.  As grandad helped her into the wagon which would carry her to her wedding, her dress, which she had just made, caught on the side of the wagon, ripping an "L" shape into it.  She hurried back into the house, made the necessary repairs, and went on to the wedding.

Grandma Newland had a twin sister, Lula Nelvie, and they both had long, dark hair.  I remember Grandma would braid hers and wrap the braid around her head like a halo.  Her hair was so long that she could sit on it.

Nellie and Nelvie like to sing and they had beautiful voices.  They often sang at civic affairs and at the local county fair.

They were very competitive with each other and often fought, but were quick to come to one another's defense when the need arose.

Grandma Newland died when I was nine years old, but I have vivid memories of her. 

Lola Nellie and Lula Nelvie, the Robertson twins
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