Myra Ellen Hawley
(no, nothing's wrong - she just always looks forlorn)
Myra Ellen

Myra Ellen's favorite color is red, like her hair, because she's always angry and mean all the time. She's rather disturbed and know one really knows why . . . But me and Meghan and Amy all know that deep down inside (*really*really* deep, that is) she isn't all that bad.
    She used to date Chris , of the New York Singing Company, back in high school.  She was one of the core members of the New Jersey Singing Company, and came here with her best friend, Beene, who has since left us for other things.  
    In June of 2002, Myra Ellen lost her virginity to Matt Thew of the Minnesota Singing Company.  Then, in February 2003, she gave birth to one of the cutest babies the world has ever seen -- Madonna Elenora .

Read Myra Ellen's journal

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