Meghan ordered me to fill this out many, many moons ago.  Procrastination is the key to life.  Or mine, anyway.


-Date/Time: Oct 30, 2002 ~ 1:18am

-Full Name: Autumn Meadow Roberts

-Nicknames: Aut, Flame Girl, Pyra

-Sex: Fe~male

-Age: 19

-Birthdate/Birthplace: Sept 23, 1983 ~ aat home in St. Louis, MO

-Your zodiac sign: Libra

-Eye/Hair Color:  Brown, and equallly dark brown

-Marital Status: Ssssssingle

-Religion: Lutheran

-Setting:  The fabulous computer~laab at the exciting New Jersey Singing Co.

-What are you wearing?: A black tank topp, and black leather pants.  No socks, no shoes. (No service.)  A silver ball chain necklace that I've had for, like, ever.  And various undergarments I care not to refer to by name, thank you.

-What are you listening to right now?:&nnbsp; The new Tori Amos CD ~ "Scarlet's Walk"

-What is in your wallet?: Hmm, let's seee.  A bunch of quarters and a few singles, a receipt from the CD store, a movie ticket stub from "Lilo & Stitch", my library card and driver's license, a calling card, A SC business card, a photo I took of the Art room during my senior year of high school, and a post-it note with "emergency" phone numbers that Andrea wrote out for me.

-What is that smell?: Lyla's Strawberry & Cream shampoo (which is mighty strong, if you ask me)

-What are you most grateful for this weeek?: No mental breakdowns yet.

-What are your plans for tomorrow?: p; Get ready for Halloween, probably.

-What's on your desk right now?:  TThe desk here has all the normal computer pieces, and some of my junk is lying around.  My wallet, and contents, from earlier question.  The "Scarlet's Walk" limited edition CD with all the crap inside spread out, my little purple notepad and a #2 pencil, a box of colored pencils, a book of Anne Sexton's complete poems, and my empty red backpack.

-What is on your mousepad?:  A spacceship

-What is your bedroom like?: I share a ((very) small dorm-like room with Lyla, but I'll just describe my side.  Okay.  My bed is a single and it has a black comforter and sheet set (which was amazingly hard to find). We each have a dresser, and I have all my art supplies spread out on top of mine.  Lots of black-and-white photos taped to the wall by my bed.  We have a Buffy calendar hanging on our door.  There's one window, overlooking the parking lot, but I keep the blinds shut all the time because light is Evil.

-What's under your bed?: Lots of cardboaard boxes full of Art supplies, magazines, notebooks, and CDs.

-What was the last dream you remember abbout?:  sitting by a lake, all alone, and leaning over on my knees to drink from it

-What do you remember most about this yeear?: Gaining my independence J.T. (which happened last year, technically, but within this past year, so there.)

-What is a movie you want to see?: Whitee Oleander

-What's the worst movie you have ever seeen?: that Britney Spears movie "Crossroads"

-What is the worst song you've ever hearrd?:  Anything by said individual in my answer from the above question

-What is the most embarrassing CD in youur collection?: The Sound of Music soundtrack

-What was the best gift you ever receiveed?: Freedom from my mother to live here

-What is your most prized possession?: MMy colored pencils

-What is your good luck charm?: I don't believe in that crap

-What is your worst personality trait?: Glib-ness
-What is your biggest accomplishment?: TThat mural in front of the cafeteria back at high school.

-What is your biggest fear?: Assimilatinng.

-What is your proudest moment?: Graduatiion, probably.  But probably not.

-What's your dream job?: Professional arrtist.  Without the criticism.

-What is your family like?: There's a maan and a woman who call themselves "mom" and "dad" that I lived with for 18 years.  One's clueless and the other doesn't talk to me.  

-What is your most humiliating moment?:&  Being caught crying in the girl's locker room by mega-bitch Stef a few years ago

-What is the worst feeling in the world??: Embarassment.  

-What is the best feeling in the world?:: Astonishment.

-What is your favorite thing to do on thhe weekend?: Sloth.
-What are your favorite girls'/boys' nammes: Persephone, Caori/ Telamachus, Cecil ~ and special bonus unisex name: Wade

-What's your favorite number?: 9

-What's your favorite thing to wear?:&nbbsp; My leather jacket

-What's your favorite subject in school??: Studio Art

-What are your favorite animals?: Tigerss, snakes.

-What's your favorite season?: Autumn&nbbsp; ;p

-What's your favorite thing to get cleann?: Fingernails

-What is your favorite color?: Black
-What is your favorite food?: French friies

-What is your favorite drink?: Raspberryy Snapple

-What is your favorite flavor ice cream??: Vanilla

-What is your favorite sound?: The cruncching of crisp leaves beneath my shoes

-What's your favorite smell?: The smell right before a snowfall

-What is your favorite sport? (Any partiicular reason?):  Running.  Because it doesn't involve balls.

-What are your favorite lyrics from a soong?: "Fuck you" ~ Ani DiFranco, Untouchable Face.  Or "I don't have to fight/ to prove I'm right/ It's only teenage wasteland." ~ The Who, Baba O'Reilly

-What is your favorite quote?:  "Whhenever someone asks me to define love, I usually think for a minute, then I spin around and pin the guy's arm behind his back.  Now who's asking the questions?" ~ Jack Handey

-What is your favorite game?: Clue

-What is your favorite book?:  "Staargirl" by Jerry Spinelli

-What are your favorite magazines?: Womeen Who Rock, Artist's Digest

-What are your favorite cartoons?: Gargooyles, Magic Knight Rayearth

-What are your favorite TV shows?: Buffyy the Vampire Slayer, Birds of Prey

-What is your favorite Disney movie?: Slleeping Beauty

-What are your favorite movies?: Dead Pooet's Society, But! I'm a Cheerleader, Lost and Delirious, Coyote Ugly

-What is the last movie you saw?: The Maajestic

-What is the last book you read?: "Letteers to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke

-What is the first thing you thought wheen you woke up this morning?: God-damn sun.

-What's a song that has sentimental valuue to you? Why?:  David Bowie's "Under Pressure."  I put it on a mix tape for J.T. when I was hinting that we should break up.  It's how I learned that boys don't get hints.

-What do you want to do to the person yoou hate/dislike most?  (Who is it?): This is tough because I hate and dislike a lot of people equally.  I'll just pretend they don't exist, like always.

-What is your primary mode of transportaation?: Xander's rusty brown van

-What is your dream car?: A black jeep
-What are your hobbies?: Art-ing, music--ing, doing nothing-ing.

-What do you collect?: Black-and-white pphotos, colored pencils

-What personality traits attract you to someone? (not necessarily sexual--but it can be!): Mysteriousness

-What's the biggest turn off in a personn?: Clingy-ness.

-What do you think about abortion?: I doon't understand it.

-What do you think about pre-marital sexx?: I haven't yet reached a decision.

-What do you think about religion?: Conffusing, but it looks good on paper.

-What do you obsess about?: Not reachingg my full potential.

-What are your plans for a future familyy/marriage?: They seem like nice things, but I just haven't decided.

-What are your plans for tonight?: Startt a drawing to finish up at a later date, then some of that dreamland exercise.

-What are your plans for Meghan and Amy and Lyla?:  I'll let them know.

-Do you believe in God?: Yes

-Do you believe in aliens?: Don't think so.

-Do you believe in horoscopes?: Not at aall.

-Do you believe in ghosts?: Perhaps.
-Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

-Do you believe in Hell?: Sure do.

-Do you believe in yourself?: A good perrcentage of the time.

-Do you like to read?: All the time.
-Do you smoke?: Here and there (and everrywhere.)

-Do you trust yourself?: I've never giveen myself reason not to.

-Do you get along with your parents?: Leet's not go there.

-Do you have a dark secret that no one eelse knows?: I wish.

-Do you think dreams eventually come truue?: Nope, because dreams are for dreaming.

-Do you drink?: Nope

-Do you do drugs?: Just say no.

-Do you have many friends?: I guess.&nbssp; Well, no, not really.

-Do you believe in love at first sight?:: In a manner of speaking.

-Do you ask the girl/guy out or do you wwait for them to ask you out?: I don't do the asking, and I don't do the waiting.

-Do you spit or swallow?:  Neither..

-Do you mind paying for a date?: No, butt I mind dating.

-Do you have any kids?: No, sir.

-Do you have a good sense of humor?: I gguess so

-Do you think Meghan, Amy, or Lyla is HOOTTEST?: Toss up between Amy and Lyla.  I'll let you two duke it out. ;)

-Have you ever had sex?: No, ma'am.

-Have you ever drank alcohol?: Yes.

-Have you ever run away from home?: A feew attempts when I was younger, but no.

-Have you ever broken any bones?: My elbbow in 7th grade.

-Have you ever cheated on a test?: I've never cared that much about passing one, so, no.

-Have you been kicked out of school?&nbssp; How many times?: Zero times.

-Have you ever played strip poker?: No.<

-Have you ever skinny-dipped?:  Onlly in the privacy of my own bathtub.

-Have you ever had an affair?: Nope.
-Have you ever had a fling?: Nope.

-Have you ever stolen anything? (What/whhy?): I stole this pack of pens once from a convenience store, but that's because there was a sign that said "free~take one" but it turned out that wasn't the free thing . . .  Oops.

-Have you ever committed any legal offennses? What were they?: I haven't been convicted for anything, so let's go with no.

-Have you ever done something you regrett? When did you start regretting it?  WHAT WAS IT?: Sure I have.  The biggest thing was dating J.T.  And I regretted it about 2 seconds after I went out with him.

-Have you ever totally lost all respect for someone? (Who?/Why?): I'm still debating on whether or not I've had respect for this someone in the first place.

-Have you ever thought of killing yourseelf?: Yes.

-Have you ever lost anyone you loved?: NNo, because I've never loved anyone enough to lose them.

-Have you ever witnessed a crime?: Not tthat I recall.

-Have you ever been in love?  How mmany times?: None~ Hallelujah.

-When was the last time you took a showeer?: Yesterday.

-When was the last time you got a real ee-mail?: I don't remember when exactly, but it was from Cassandra.

-When was the last time you got a real lletter?: The end of August, from my mom.

-When was the last time you made-out? wiith whom?: Oh God, it was J.T. And it was like . . . a year ago, maybe less.

-When was the last time you had SEX? witth whom?:  I've never had SEX.  So it was with nobody.

-When was the last time you were horny? How did you cope?: This morning (damn hormones), and I didn't cope, not at all.

-When was the last time you cried? (Why??): About two months ago, because I was being more sensitive than what was normal and I'm fine now so let's drop it.

-When was the last time you laughed? (Whhy?): A few hours ago when Lyla and I were having this weird~ass conversation about virginity.

-When do you usually go to bed?: When I''m tired as all hell.

-When you die, do you want to buried or burned into ashes?: Burned.

-When was the first time you ever moved??: When I was a few months old, but just to a different house in the same city.

-Would you kill someone to defend someonne you loved?: If I loved them that much, which is doubtful.
-Would you kill someone for the heck of it?: I might.

-If you died today, what would be the onne thing you regret not doing?:  Just about everything.  Can't seem to get more specific than that.

-If you could be anywhere in the world rright now, where would you be?: Someplace not too warm, and not too cold.

-If you could spend the day with one perrson, living or dead, who would it be?: Kurt Cobain

-If you were to kill someone, which methhod would you choose?: Set them on fire.

-If you could live anywhere, where wouldd you live?: In a treehouse.  

-Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:: Optimistically . . . I don't know.

-Where do you feel safe?: When I'm alonee.

-Where Do You Shop?: The Rag Shop, Hot TTopic, Wal-Mart

-Who is your:  Boyfriend/Girlfriendd/Spouse?:  None/None/None

-Who are your Best Buds?: That I'm not rrelated to?  Lyla, Talula, Cassandra

-Who makes you laugh the most?: Cassandrra, because she's so darn cute.

-Who turns you on?: No one, thankfully.<

-Who is the stupidest person you know?: Stef, from H.S.

-Who do you go to for advice?: Xander (ssadly)

-Who knows the most about you?: Xander ((sadly)

-Who is your favorite person to talk to on-line?: Lyla, especially when she's at the computer next to me. :p

-Who's your hero?: Gloria Steinem. ; Just kidding, I don't have one.

-Who was the last person you talked to oon the phone?: Amarice

-Who was the last person you hugged?: Onne of those little baby triplets, I don't know which one it was.

-Who was your first crush? (TV /movie crrushes count): Willie Aames (Buddy Lembeck!) from "Charles in Charge."  We're so getting married.

-Who is your favorite relative?: Xander and Andrea

-Who's your biggest crush right now?: Noobody, thank goodness.

-Who/what was in bed with you last nightt?: Nobody/ nothing.

-Who is the hottest person you've ever sseen? (Besides Meghan, Amy, and Lyla.): Gee, you three are so hot, I just don't know.

-Who is the person you miss the most?: SSomeone I've never even known.

-Who did you lose your virginity to?&nbssp; Or, for you virgins out there, who do you *hope* to lose your virginity to? (Be specific about which question you're answering!): I don't hope to lose my virginity to anyone.  I might just keep it forever.

-Who do you *wish* you had lost your virrginity to?: Buddy Lembeck

-Who do you think is the HOTTEST person in the Singing Company? (Besides Meghan, Amy, and Lyla, of course.): Wow, this is a really de ja vu type question . . .

-Who or what are most of your songs abouut?: This guy I once dated.

-Who was your best lover? Why?: Oh, babyy, it was . . . nobody!

-Who was your first love? (Not crush! LOOVE!!):  Haven't gone through that phase yet.

-Can a guy and girl just be "best friendds?": Yeah, I think so.

-For $50.00 would you go up randomly andd kiss someone?:  Only if I can slap them immediately afterwards

-How do you artistically express yoursellf (besides music)?: With a pencil

-How many kids do you want?: I have no iidea

-Are you afraid of dying?: No

-Oranges or apples?: Apples

-Deaf or blind?: Deaf

-Pools or hot tub?: Neither.  How aabout, lake or pond?

-TV or radio?: radio

-Showers or baths?: shower

-Best Advice: Wherever you go, there youu are.

-Recommend a book: The Complete Journalss of Sylvia Plath

-Words and Phrases You Over Use. No way..

-List current and/or desired piercings aand/or tattoos:  my current piercings be, one hole in right ear, and two holes in my left (nothing's in them now, because I'm not in an earring mood) and I have a tattoo of ivy around my left ankle.  No definite desired piercings or tattoos at the moment, but one of these days I'm not going to be able to resist a belly button ring.  Or a Celtic design tattoo on my shoulder.

-What are you going to do when you are ddone with this?:  Send it. Turn off computer.  Push chair in.  Go back to room.  Plop down on bed.  The end.

If you don't fill this out, we'll ask you these questions personally and not leave you alone until you answer.  It's your decision.  Have a nice day.
MeghandAmy and Lyla

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