Lavicka says: jellies are made of a translucent, soft, rubber type material that looks like it has air bubbles in it.

Lavicka says: this type of material can be easily cleaned with more soap and water or on the top rack of your dishwasher.

Lavicka says: again, check carefully for nicks and scratches.

xaveria asks: ?

Lavicka says: it has been my experience that this material, although nice to play with, can damage rather easily.

Lavicka asks: yes xav?

xaveria asks: what about vibrators? even with the batteries out, i don't think that the dishwasher would be good for the battery area

xaveria asks: and also - what about the heat?

Lavicka says: nope... with something like that, you would want to hand wash with a cloth and soap and water

Lavicka says: which heat?

Lavicka says: from boiling?

Lavicka says: we assume that boiling is what? 212?

xaveria says: the drying part of my dishwasher is VERY hot

Lavicka nods, 'yes... you may want to skip the drying cycle of the dishwasher'

Lavicka says: and i will cover drying and storing later on, also

Beethoven smiles

Lavicka says: good point... and one i didnt run across in my research

Lavicka says: ok... back to silicone :)

Lavicka says: if you use any type of brush to scrub nooks and crannies, you'll want to make sure the bristles are soft and you don't use too much force.

Lavicka says: this is another good way to cause nicks and tears... and that's what we're trying to avoid

Lavicka says: vinyl is another non-porous material. again, soap and water, or top rack of the dishwasher will work.

Lavicka says: there is less worry of nicks and scratches to vinyl than jellies or silicone, but care should still be taken as to not damage the surface of your toys with vigorous scrubbing or hard bristled brushes.

Lavicka says: rubber, a favorite of toy makers and buyers alike, is a strong, flexible, porous toy option.

Lavicka says: it may take a bit more to clean this type of toy, but again, the concept is the same. soap and water or the dishwasher will do the trick with rubber.

Lavicka says: with any of these materials, you can cut down your cleaning time by using a condom (or a latex glove for larger toys) over your toys.

Lavicka says: you will still want to wash them well with soap and water after the condom or glove is tossed, but it will cut down your time investment, as a quick once over will do the trick.

Lavicka says: when using rubber insertables with more than one partner, it is suggested you always use a condom or latex glove. its porous material makes it easy for body fluids to seep into the 'pores' of the rubber and 'live'.

Beethoven nods

Lavicka says: latex is another non-porous material that can easily be cleaned with soap and water or in the dishwasher.

Lavicka says: a special note about latex:

Lavicka exclaims: oil based substances will break down your latex toys!

Beethoven says: hmm

Ice Fire
Toy Care Discussion Page 2
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