Ice Fire
Member Commands
F - P
The most important thing to remember is all commands start with a . <period>. You are encouraged to print this page out and use it as a guide for your visits.
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Command Syntax Explanation
Follow .follow [user name] Follows a user to their location. You do not need to know what room they are in to follow them. If the user is in a private room, you cannot enter that private room without an invitation.
Go .go [room name] Moves you to the specified room.
Help .help [command] Displays information on [command]. Typing .help alone displays the commands you are authorized to use.
Invite .invite [user name] Invites the user to your private room. Example: .invite bambi
Key .key [toUser] [keyforUser] Gives the key you're holding to someone, so that they may unlock the victim. To give the key to Bambi so that she may unlock Altan it would be: .key bambi altan
Kneel .kneel [user name] Causes you to kneel on the floor, or next to the specified user. Examples: .kneel or .kneel gryphon
Knock .knock [room] Knocks on the door to a private room. Example: .knock alcove
Lair .lair Works the same as .go dragons_lair
Last .last [user name] Shows when the user was last online. .last alone will show when you were last online.
Leash .leash [user name] Places a leash on the user. NOTE: There is a known leash bug. If you attempt toleash someone who has lagged out, or you have lagged out and come back, the leash attaches to the "socket" versus the "person" and voila! You've got the wrong person on your leash! Since lagging out isn't something we can duplicate in a controlled environment, we've been unable to resolve this bug. Please show some grace and charm when it happens and don't have a hissy. To reset it, everyone involved: the leasher, the target leashee, and the unsuspecting victim leashee, should log out with .q and come back. To remove: .release leash [user name]. See also: .help set leash
ListItems .listitem [*/user name] Displays the items you can use, are wearing, or someone else is wearing. Typing .listitems alone shows what you are currently wearing. Typing .listitems [user name] shows what the specified user is wearing. Typing .listitems * shows all global objects. Examples: .listitems bambi or .listitems *
Lock .lock [item] [user name] Locks a lockable item (designated with an asterisk) onto the specified user.
Look .look Shows the room description and a list of who is in the room.
Macros .nn [macro] Sets or executes a macro. You may have up to 20 macros. To set a macro: .nn [macro] Example: .01 ;waves. To execute a macro: .nn Example: .01 will display: [your name] waves. See also: .clearmacros
Mail .mail Enters you into mail mode. If you type .help while in mail mode, a brief summary of mail commands is displayed.
Open .open [room code] Allows the room owner to make the room usable again. After 4 attempts to enter a closed room, the room becomes locked down. Only a DM or the room owner may enter a room once it is locked down. This command will return the room back to public access.
Pay .pay [user name] [amount] Pays the specified user the number of credits specified in amount. Note: You cannot lower your balance below 500 credits with this command.
Pemote .pemote [info] Sends an action to everyone in your phone list who is currently online. Example: .pemote waves
Phone .phone [text] Sends a phone tell to everyone listed in your phone list who is currently online.
Private .private Sets the room to private so no one else can enter without an invitation. Some rooms cannot be made private.
Public .public returns a private room to public.
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