Rachel Newhouse was out with some friends at a local pub on November 12, 1998 when she got into an argument with her friend. She was ready to go back to her dorm. It was nearly 2 a.m. and it was late. The friend decided to stay behind at the night club to continue visiting with friends. Rachel began to walk the two plus miles back to her dorm. Rachel began to head towards the Jennifer Street Bridge to go on home, when something went awry.

As Rachel began to cross the bridge, she saw a figure standing up from her in the clearing. She didn�t think anything of it, she continued to walk forward. As she got closer, she noticed that it was a man standing in a Halloween mask. The man brutally attacked Rachel knocking her to the ground. A simple punch to the face was not enough to knock Rachel out, he then body slammed her.
With Rachel unconscious from the man in the mask proceeded to put her into his vehicle and drive away. Rachel was now the subject of a massive ground and air search in San Luis Obispo. She was the 2nd coed to become missing in the last two years.
Despite massive searches, the only sign was the blood found by a passer by on the Jennifer Street Bridge. This blood would prove to be that of Rachel Newhouse. Family and friends feared for the worst. It appeared a brutal attack had taken place at this location.

Some five months later after yet another disappearance, parole officers paid a visit to Rex Allan Krebs who had just been released from serving 10 years for two brutal rapes. Krebs would confess that he had abducted and raped Rachel Newhouse. He claimed that she accidentally killed herself trying to free herself from the ropes that he had tied around her in the hog tie position. He led authorities to the shallow grave where had buried Rachel. Her body was badly decomposed but the bright glimmer of her bracelet made a positive identification until other tests could be performed.
Rex Allan Krebs was sentenced to death by lethal injection. He awaits execution on California's San Quentin's Death Row.

Rachel's family has grieved the loss of Rachel privately. They are not often in front of cameras. This type of brutal crime is one that is very hard to accept and very hard to deal with.
The Photos to the right and top are from the Jennifer Street Bridge that I took while in San Luis Obispo CA in May of 2005. Members of the community keep fresh flowers on the bridge where Rachel's blood was found. There is also a permanent memorial on the bridge that remembers both girls murdered by Rex Alan Krebs.
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