Click here to see the complete Adept Level Audio series
In the Adept level you will learn to consciously communicate with cosmic consciousness intimately and personally. You will discover the infinite genius and bliss that is within us all. This has been called Enlightenment, Samadhi, Illumination, Zen, the Knowledge and Conversation of Your Holy Guardian Angel and many other names. Transformed by this experience, you will fearlessly confront the remaining "demons" within you, transforming these fearful beasts into servants. You will once and for all establish yourself in the light of your own genius and personal inspiration, projecting love and harmony out into the world. You will also learn the all-important lesson of balancing humility and pride in your Light.
  Communion with cosmic consciousness
The Bornless One
Evoking your personal demons
Accepting and radiating "Rosicrucian Love"
Balancing strength and mercy
Rosicrucian Healing
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