NEW HAVEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Hwy 294 located between Broom City and Slocum Texas 903-764-1046 903-764-5870 Pastor: William (Butch) Grant |
Do you or someone you know need special prayer or Salvation? If you are lost, Let us help you find Jesus! Become a child of God before it is too late!. John. 3:16 For God so loved the world That he gave his only begotten son That whosoever believed in him Shall not perish, but have everlasting life! He loves us today, tomorrow, and forever! He never promised it would be easy, but he did promise that we would never ever have to go it alone. Let Jesus be the backbone of your family, your leaning post, and the foundation on which you build your life! I promise you that there is nothing you can't overcome withJesus. There is only one way to Heaven! Through, Christ Jesus! |
Sunday school 10:am Sunday morning worship 11:am Sunday evening worship 6:pm Wednesday night service 7:pm Every last Sunday of every month we have a "theme" dinner after moring worship. Everyone is invited to come share conversation and eat a good home cooked meal! |
We are proud to introduce the SINNERS SAVED BY GRACE CHOIR! When they sing "Our God is an Awesome God" People come out of thier seats praising the Lord! We would like to invite you and your family to come on out and listen to them praise through song! Everyone is invited to sing a devotional. If you play an instrument, please bring it along with you and join in! |
Through us, Our Children Learn Through us, our children learn They learn that: Through the Blood of Jesus, we are saved and guaranteed eternal life. Through Love, He heals what is believed to be the impossible. Through Truth, our children learn honesty. Through our determination, our children learn to succeed. Through our prayer, they learn trust. Trusting in Jesus for all matters of life. Through our standing up for the word of Jesus, They learn about commitment, family, and sacrifice. Through our obedience, they learn to obey. Trough our sharing, they learn to give. Through our tears, they learn compassion. Through our mistakes, they learn to cope. Through our weakness, they learn about God's strength. Through our unity, they learn to be loyal. Through our failures, they learn that they are only human. Through our helping hands, they learn to lift up the weak. Through our song, they learn to praise. Through the mountains we climb, they learn perseverance. Through discipline, they learn restraint. Through our humility, they learn to be humble. Through homes built on God's foundation; They learn that foundations built through the Love of Christ, shall never falter, never splinter, never waver, never fading or cracking. But, always standing strong. Through Parents, Prophets, Pastors, Preachers, Sinners, Saints, Friends, Family, The Community, The World and us; They are guided and showed the way. I pray that we never lead them astray. copyright 2001 Billie Gail Stanley Lackey Turknett |
Please email prayer request to: [email protected] (please put or [email protected] snail mail to: New Haven Missionary Baptist Church Rt 3 box 3032 Elkhart,Texas 75839 or call us any time (never too early - never too late 903-764-5870 or 903-764-1046 Join OPERATION SALVATION! Do you know someone that is not saved? Send their name to us and we will pray for them. First name will do! |
We are just a small independant country church and are in a desperate need of a sunday school bus. We are proud of the fact that we have more children coming to sunday school than most of the large churches in any city, but we are having a difficult time getting them and the older people from our community and surrounding communities to and from churchn and quarterly singings. If God is laying it on your heart to contribute to his teachings; Please send any donation to: New Haven Missionary Baptist C/O Billie Lackey (Fundraising Dept) Pob 546 540 ACR 181 Elkhart, Texas 75839 903-478-3093 I also offer the Give 'N' Take scratch card fundraiser It is very simple, any age group can do it. If you are interested in more information please feel free to contact me. A percentage of everything I sell goes to my sunday school class. Thank you and may God Bless You and Yours Billie Lackey [email protected] |