ATV Offroad Fury 2
Master code:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
IGIVEUP as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.
All ATVs:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
SHOWROOM as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.
All games:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
GAMEON as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.
All tracks:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
TRLBLAZR as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.
All equipment:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
THREADS as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.
All championship events:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
GOLDCUPS as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Disable wrecks:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
FLYPAPER as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Repeat this code to disable its effect.
1,000 profile points:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
GIMMEPTS as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.
San Jacinto Isles:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
GABRIEL as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.
Aggressive CPU ATVs:
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter
EATDIRT as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Repeat this code to disable its effect.
Bonus ATVs:
Successfully complete the training course to unlock the blue, green, red, and yellow Ravage Talon ATVs.
Play ATV Offroad Fury and save the game. Use the same memory card with ATV Offroad Fury 2 and create a new profile. A message will confirm that the G-Ride ATV, G-Ride Jersey, G-Ride Goggles, G-Ride Helmet, G-Ride Gloves, and the G-Ride Boots have been unlocked.
Information in this section was contributed by
Hint: Launch into preload:
Before you hit a ramp, press the
Analog-stick Down then Analog-stick Up at the tip of the ramp to launch your ATV into a preload. This is very useful when attempting tricks.
Information in this section was contributed by
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