

Very clean animals

Need alot of excercise

They are nocturnal

Hedgehogs are basically nocturnal; they may wake up a couple of times during the day to wander around their enclosures, get a snack                                            or a drink of water, and so on, but they really get active late at night (ours wake up between 10 PM and midnight, but that may be because                                       that's when we turn the lights off).

They do explore with their mouths, so if you smell interesting, you may get licked or nipped; they have fairly sharp teeth                                                                   (a row of short pegs with points, but nothing drastic)

They have VERY busy noses; they smell everything they can!

Hedgehogs do not have scent glands

hedgehogs can be trained to use a litter box

If you are finding your hedgehog pen tends to smell, try changing the blend of food he is getting

male hedgehogs, the sex organ, or penal sheath, is located about 2/3 of the way from the nose to the tail (along the tummy),                                                            and looks like a large belly-button

the female, the sex organ is located all the way down the tummy, directly adjacent to the anus

The female will also have a row of nipples along each side, below the quill line, within the soft tummy fur. These are often hard to see,                                            but do show as small pink spots, if you have the chance to look carefully.

Cage, bedding, and a den. The enclosure is up to you, but beware of number (1) above. It should also be big enough -- 2'x3'  is pretty much a minimum for a hedgehog. If yours is smaller -- it's VERY temporary, at most.

keep the lights low, and not be too loud -- both of which will increase the nervousness of a new hedgehog.

Expectations. Your hedgie is going to be nervous and upset over the change to a new home. Hedgies don't like change, andrely  mostly on sense of smell to know their way around. Don't be surprised if your hedgie gets a bit withdrawn for a while. It takes time  for a hedgie to adjust to a new home.
hedgehogs do best with (possibly short amounts of) regular attention, rather than large periods of infrequent attention. A few minutes each day is far better than
hours once a week.

Most hedgehogs, at least, at first, do not like to be patted on their quills. Just try gently holding your hedgie, and letting it uncurl in your hands. Let it explore around your hands and arms, and it will eventually start to become comfortable around you as it realizes that you are safe. Eventually, you can get to the point of petting most hedgehogs along the back, and some even like to be scratched in amongst their spines, but, this level of trust can take a while to develop.
Another way to acquaint them with your scent is to wear an old T-shirt for two days, then put it in their cage. They will nest under it, and your scent will become ``homey'' to them, not threatening.

never wear gloves when picking him up

Never grasp a hedgehog in a way that could allow any of your fingers to be caught in the middle should he decide to roll into a ball. Being  in the middle of a hedgehog ball is an extremely painful experience

Remember that, to a hedgehog, you are very large, and cast a huge shadow. Think of yourself being picked up by something the size of a small skyscraper! Move slowly, and do your best not to suggest you might be a threat.

Things You Will Need!!

a large cage/pen/aquarium
Something to hide in
bedding (aspen shavings, clean straw, etc., but NOT cedar
An exercise wheel
Don't use anything fabric for them to hide in
20 gallon Tank
What do hedgies eat? Lots of things!
Commercial hedgehog food (available at many pet stores. If yours doesn't carry it, ask them to start)
Cat food- Kitten size bites might be easier for them to eat.(Not Iams or other high priced foods. The protiens are not                                                                      easily digested by hedgies & can cause life-threatening blockages!)
Mealworms, crickets & other insects (If you catch your own, please make sure you catch them in an area that hasn't been doused in pesticide.)
Boiled eggs (Chopped up)
Cooked meat (Chopped up)

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