Two Weeks After Christmas

It's two weeks after Christmas and all through the house
There's a big empty feeling, a void,
Decorations are down, the tree is undressed,
And I sit at my table, annoyed!

For it seems to me that in the blink of an eye,
The time I had waited for had quickly slipped by,
And so I sit here, not sure what to do,
To rid myself of these feelings, so blue.

I think of the days just two weeks ago
When I shopped at the malls with my face all aglow!
The hustle and bustle, the symptoms galore
As I fought for the right to enter each store.

Of the turkey whose stuffing just wouldn't stay put
And the tree, uniform, but too tall by a foot,
The cookies that vanished right down to the crumbs
And no one commenting on the ones shaped like drums.

The big Christmas dinner where I widened my girth
"til I felt like a pig about to give birth
The company coming and me, dressed up going,
The offers of goodies, the spirits a-flowing.

Now the gifts are assigned to their proper station,
And I'd write 'thank-you' notes if I had inclination,
Yet I sit here perplexed thinking "Is it just me?"
Or are others experiencing this weird apathy?

Yet life must go on 'tho considerably less hectic,
Each day must be faced 'tho not so electric,
And when all thoughts of Christmas have started to wane,
You'll find that the holidays are with us again.

Happy New Year

Eileen Power


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