Being agoraphobic, there weren't too many places I went alone. Come to think of it, I never went anywhere alone. I knew that I would have to make a move sooner or later. Maybe I could make it to the corner store!

Just the thought of this filled me with fear. Let's face it! Twelve years is a long time between trips! The idea was planted but I wouldn't commit myself to any certain day or time...the anticipation would kill me! I would go on the spur of the moment.

Three weeks later I was still waiting for that spur of the moment. The urge to go was strong but the fear was stronger. My children tried to encourage me but I would not listen. They would shake their heads and walk away muttering between themselves.

One day as I was listening to a tape by a world-famous doctor and author, I knew that this was the day. I shouted out loud "I'm walking to the store by myself!" "Sure, Mom, Sure," said my son. Well, if he wanted action, action he was going to get!

I pulled on my jacket, put a dollar bill in my pocket (proof that I had been there) and walked out the door. The closing door sounded like a death knell. I began to walk up the driveway saying, "The longest journey begins with a single footstep," or something like that. My confused mind couldn't handle anything that heavy! The distance between the store and my house is it a yard or a mile...I was going alone!

I knew I had seven houses to pass then a small open space. One foot was placed before the other. Traffic whizzed by which threatened to throw me off balance. So good! My legs are like jelly and things are blurred...but I'm doing great!

I'm entering the store! Not too many people there. I reach for a bag of potato chips, pay for them...then on my way again. I feel so proud! I look at the trees, the sky, feel the wind in my face. I want to jump up and down. "Where's the brass band? Where's all the cheering people?" I turn down the driveway and I see my son waiting in the doorway. I run towards him waving the chip bag. "You did it, Mom," he says. Yes, his mother had gone alone to the store for the first time in twelve years!

I say I'll never eat the chips...keep them as a momento of my accomplishment but walking to the store can sure give one an appetite.

What the hell! I'll save the empty bag!!

By Eileen Power
� 1987

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