
There's a minute each morning as I awake
Where trouble can't find me; and I'm free for those seconds from the memories and pain
And the thought that I'll never be happy again
But the flood gates aren't strong and despair rushes in
Finding the place in my mind where the troubles begin
It feeds and expands on the hate in my head
Until my hopes die and I wish I was dead
Or at least let this happen to someone else instead...

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My name is Tina, I'm 26 yrs old, in relations to your experiences, I would like to share mine.

I too have suffered from panic attacks and is an agoraphobic. At first I did not know what it was until my sister told me that she had experienced it. I can't recall when my first panic attack was, but when I was a child about 10-11yrs old I remember trying to wake my self up from a dream and I was awake.

It wasn't until I was 19 that I had a really major panic attack that had sent me to the emergency room, but that was my only severe episode. I didn't eat, my sleep was inturupted, I had lost almost 50 pounds because I thought that eating was what set off my panic attacks.

After being to the doctors from that major panic attack and to find that there was nothing medically wrong with me , my fear and panic disappeared. Prior to that episode I had dropped out of school when I was 15yrs old because I was afraid to stay in the classroom, but after the visit to the doctor at the age of 21 years I went back to highschool and received my Grade 12 diploma and also received two awards for my academics and continued my education from there. I am now in my third year of University pursuing a degree in social work.

This has been a great accomplishment for me and still 2 years short of receiving my degree, for some reason, the panic attacks have returned and now are holding me back from going forward. I know that I can get through this again, its a matter of time and effort.

I'm not afraid of shopping malls or shopping for that matter. Thats what helps me feel better. I am afraid now to hang out with friends and go let off some steam. I'm too afraid of my heart palpatations which is the only thing i'm afraid of.

It is such a frightening experience and it is sooo sad this has to happen to some people, but it does and it is up to us the person who suffers to become a survivior of panic attacks and not a victim. But anyways I could go on forever telling you about my life and my fears. I do practice breathing techniques and use calming thoughts to ease my mind away from negative ones.

Oh if you were wondering I don't take any sort of medication, because I know I can do this on my own and also I'm afraid of any medication, but anyways I just wanted you to be aware that I also have panic attacks! Oh,EXCELLENT WEB SITE. It really brought me comfort and weight off my shoulders. Your a saint!

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